我可以在 C# 中找到 BigInteger 的位数吗?


我正在解决这个问题 https://projecteuler.net/problem=25,其中他们要求第一个 1000 位斐波那契数的索引,我的第一个想法类似于:

BigInteger x = 1;
BigInteger y = 1;
BigInteger tmp = 0;

int currentIndex = 2;
while (x.NoOfDigits < 1000)
    tmp = x + y;
    y = x;
    x = tmp;
return currentIndex;

但是,据我所知,没有方法可以计算 BigInteger 的位数。这是真的?规避它的一种方法是使用 BigInteger 的 .ToString().Length 方法,但我被告知字符串处理速度很慢。

BigInteger 还有一个 .ToByteArray(),我想将 BigInteger 转换为字节数组并检查该数组的长度 - 但我不认为这唯一地确定 BigInteger 中的位数。

值得一提的是,我实现了另一种解决方法,即手动将斐波那契数存储在数组中,一旦数组满就停止,我将其与基于 .ToString 的方法进行了比较,后者约为 2.5慢了 1 倍,但是第一种方法需要 0.1 秒,看起来也很长。

编辑:我已经测试了下面答案中的两个建议(一个使用 BigInteger.Log,另一个使用 MaxLimitMethod)。我得到以下运行时间:

  • 原始方法:00:00:00.0961957
  • 字符串方法:00:00:00.1535350
  • BigIntegerLog方法:00:00:00.0387479
  • 最大限制方法:00:00:00.0019509


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Diagnostics;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Stopwatch clock = new Stopwatch();
        int index1 = Algorithms.IndexOfNDigits(1000);
        var elapsedTime1 = clock.Elapsed;
        Console.WriteLine("Original method: {0}",elapsedTime1);

        int index2 = Algorithms.StringMethod(1000);
        var elapsedTime2 = clock.Elapsed;
        Console.WriteLine("StringMethod: {0}", elapsedTime2);

        int index3 = Algorithms.BigIntegerLogMethod(1000);
        var elapsedTime3 = clock.Elapsed;
        Console.WriteLine("BigIntegerLogMethod: {0}", elapsedTime3);

        int index4 = Algorithms.MaxLimitMethod(1000);
        var elapsedTime4 = clock.Elapsed;
        Console.WriteLine("MaxLimitMethod: {0}", elapsedTime4);


static class Algorithms
    //Find the index of the first Fibonacci number of n digits
    public static int IndexOfNDigits(int n)
        if (n == 1) return 1;
        int[] firstNumber = new int[n];
        int[] secondNumber = new int[n];

        firstNumber[0] = 1;
        secondNumber[0] = 1;
        int currentIndex = 2;

        while (firstNumber[n-1] == 0)
            int carry = 0, singleSum = 0;
            int[] tmp = new int[n]; //Placeholder for the sum
            for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
                singleSum = firstNumber[i] + secondNumber[i];
                if (singleSum >= 10) carry = 1;
                else carry = 0;

                tmp[i] += singleSum % 10;
                if (tmp[i] >= 10)
                    tmp[i] = 0;
                    carry = 1;
                int countCarries = 0;
                while (carry == 1)
                    if (tmp[i + countCarries] == 9)
                        tmp[i + countCarries] = 0;
                        tmp[i + countCarries + 1] += 1;
                        carry = 1;
                        tmp[i + countCarries] += 1;
                        carry = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
                secondNumber[i] = firstNumber[i];
                firstNumber[i] = tmp[i];
        return currentIndex;

    public static int StringMethod(int n)
        BigInteger x = 1;
        BigInteger y = 1;
        BigInteger tmp = 0;
        int currentIndex = 2;

        while (x.ToString().Length < n)
            tmp = x + y;
            y = x;
            x = tmp;
        return currentIndex;

    public static int BigIntegerLogMethod(int n)
        BigInteger x = 1;
        BigInteger y = 1;
        BigInteger tmp = 0;
        int currentIndex = 2;

        while (Math.Floor(BigInteger.Log10(x) + 1) < n)
            tmp = x + y;
            y = x;
            x = tmp;
        return currentIndex;

    public static int MaxLimitMethod(int n)
        BigInteger maxLimit = BigInteger.Pow(10, n - 1);
        BigInteger x = 1;
        BigInteger y = 1;
        BigInteger tmp = 0;
        int currentIndex = 2;

        while (x.CompareTo(maxLimit) < 0)
            tmp = x + y;
            y = x;
            x = tmp;
        return currentIndex;

假设 x > 0

int digits = (int)Math.Floor(BigInteger.Log10(x) + 1);



int digits = x.ToString().Length; 

方法。对于 100 000 000 次迭代,它比 Log10 解决方案慢 3 倍。


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