为什么 React/redux 状态会在刷新时重置?



另外,为什么我必须在mapstatetoprops中使用.get?如果没有,我会得到一个 Map 对象。是因为IMMUTABLE.JS吗?

这是我的 app.js 文件

 * app.js
 * This is the entry file for the application, only setup and boilerplate
 * code.

// Needed for redux-saga es6 generator support
import '@babel/polyfill';

// Import all the third party stuff
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-react-router/immutable';
import jwt_decode from 'jwt-decode';
import FontFaceObserver from 'fontfaceobserver';
import history from 'utils/history';
import 'sanitize.css/sanitize.css';

// Import root app
import App from 'containers/App';

import './styles/layout/base.scss';

// Import Language Provider
import LanguageProvider from 'containers/LanguageProvider';

import { setCurrentUser, logoutUser } from './redux/actions/authActions';
import setAuthToken from './utils/setAuthToken';

// Load the favicon and the .htaccess file
import '!file-loader?name=[name].[ext]!../public/favicons/favicon.ico'; // eslint-disable-line
import 'file-loader?name=.htaccess!./.htaccess'; // eslint-disable-line

import configureStore from './redux/configureStore';

// Import i18n messages
import { translationMessages } from './i18n';

// Check for token to keep user logged in
if (localStorage.jwtToken) {
  // Set auth token header auth
  const token = JSON.parse(localStorage.jwtToken);

  // Decode token and get user info and exp
  const decoded = jwt_decode(token);

  // Set user and isAuthenticated
  // Check for expired token
  const currentTime = Date.now() / 1000; // to get in milliseconds
  if (decoded.exp < currentTime) {
    // Logout user

    // Redirect to login
    window.location.href = './';

// Observe loading of Open Sans (to remove open sans, remove the <link> tag in
// the index.html file and this observer)
const openSansObserver = new FontFaceObserver('Open Sans', {});

// When Open Sans is loaded, add a font-family using Open Sans to the body
openSansObserver.load().then(() => {

// Create redux store with history
const initialState = {};
const store = configureStore(initialState, history);
const MOUNT_NODE = document.getElementById('app');

const render = messages => {
    <Provider store={store}>
      <LanguageProvider messages={messages}>
        <ConnectedRouter history={history}>
          <App />

if (module.hot) {
  // Hot reloadable React components and translation json files
  // modules.hot.accept does not accept dynamic dependencies,
  // have to be constants at compile-time
  module.hot.accept(['./i18n', 'containers/App'], () => {

// Chunked polyfill for browsers without Intl support
if (!window.Intl) {
  new Promise(resolve => {
    .then(() =>
      Promise.all([import('intl/locale-data/jsonp/en.js'), import('intl/locale-data/jsonp/de.js')]),
    ) // eslint-disable-line prettier/prettier
    .then(() => render(translationMessages))
    .catch(err => {
      throw err;
} else {
// Install ServiceWorker and AppCache in the end since
// it's not most important operation and if main code fails,
// we do not want it installed
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  require('offline-plugin/runtime').install(); // eslint-disable-line global-require


import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import NotFound from 'containers/Pages/Standalone/NotFoundDedicated';
import Auth from './Auth';
import Application from './Application';
import ThemeWrapper, { AppContext } from './ThemeWrapper';
import { Login } from '../pageListAsync';
import PrivateRoute from './PrivateRoute';

const isLoggedIn = localStorage.getItem('jwtToken') !== null ? true : false;

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          {changeMode => (
              <Route path="/" exact component={Login} />
              <PrivateRoute isLoggedIn={isLoggedIn} exact path="/app" component={Application} />
                render={props => <Application {...props} changeMode={changeMode} />}
              <Route component={Auth} />
              <Route component={NotFound} />

export default App;

authactions.js 将设置当前用户,但它只会发生一次,而不会在我重新加载后再次发生。

import axios from 'axios';
import jwt_decode from 'jwt-decode';
import setAuthToken from '../../utils/setAuthToken';

import { GET_ERRORS, SET_CURRENT_USER, USER_LOADING } from '../constants/authConstants';

// Login - get user token
export const loginUser = userData => dispatch => {
    .post('/api/total/users/login', userData)
    .then(res => {
      // Save to localStorage

      // Set token to localStorage
      const { token } = res.data;
      localStorage.setItem('jwtToken', JSON.stringify(token));
      // Set token to Auth header
      // Decode token to get user data
      const decoded = jwt_decode(token);
      // Set current user
    .catch(err =>
        type: GET_ERRORS,
        payload: err.response.data,

// Set logged in user
export const setCurrentUser = decoded => {
  return {
    payload: decoded,

// User loading
export const setUserLoading = () => {
  return {
    type: USER_LOADING,

// Log user out
export const logoutUser = history => dispatch => {
  // Remove token from local storage
  // Remove auth header for future requests
  // Set current user to empty object {} which will set isAuthenticated to false

  // history.push('/app');

编辑:当我查看 redux devtools 时,我发现 IF 块每次刷新时都会运行,但正确的状态似乎没有传递给其他组件。其他组件第一次获得正确的状态(isAuthenticated:true),但一旦我刷新,它们就会返回到 false。在 redux devtools 中,我每次刷新时都会看到这一点。


 * Combine all reducers in this file and export the combined reducers.

import { reducer as form } from 'redux-form/immutable';
import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';
import { connectRouter } from 'connected-react-router/immutable';
import history from 'utils/history';

import languageProviderReducer from 'containers/LanguageProvider/reducer';
import uiReducer from './modules/ui';
import initval from './modules/initForm';
import login from './modules/login';
import treeTable from '../containers/Tables/reducers/treeTbReducer';
import crudTable from '../containers/Tables/reducers/crudTbReducer';
import crudTableForm from '../containers/Tables/reducers/crudTbFrmReducer';
import ecommerce from '../containers/SampleApps/Ecommerce/reducers/ecommerceReducer';
import contact from '../containers/SampleApps/Contact/reducers/contactReducer';
import chat from '../containers/SampleApps/Chat/reducers/chatReducer';
import email from '../containers/SampleApps/Email/reducers/emailReducer';
import calendar from '../containers/SampleApps/Calendar/reducers/calendarReducer';
import socmed from '../containers/SampleApps/Timeline/reducers/timelineReducer';
import taskboard from '../containers/SampleApps/TaskBoard/reducers/taskboardReducer';

 * Branching reducers to use one reducer for many components

function branchReducer(reducerFunction, reducerName) {
  return (state, action) => {
    const { branch } = action;
    const isInitializationCall = state === undefined;
    if (branch !== reducerName && !isInitializationCall) {
      return state;
    return reducerFunction(state, action);

 * Merges the main reducer with the router state and dynamically injected reducers
export default function createReducer(injectedReducers = {}) {
  const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    ui: uiReducer,
    treeTableArrow: branchReducer(treeTable, 'treeTableArrow'),
    treeTablePM: branchReducer(treeTable, 'treeTablePM'),
    crudTableDemo: branchReducer(crudTable, 'crudTableDemo'),
    crudTbFrmDemo: branchReducer(crudTableForm, 'crudTbFrmDemo'),
    language: languageProviderReducer,
    router: connectRouter(history),

  // Wrap the root reducer and return a new root reducer with router state
  const mergeWithRouterState = connectRouter(history);
  return mergeWithRouterState(rootReducer);


 * Create the store with dynamic reducers

import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux';
import { routerMiddleware } from 'connected-react-router';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';

import createReducer from './reducers';

export default function configureStore(initialState = {}, history) {
  let composeEnhancers = compose;
  const reduxSagaMonitorOptions = {};

  // If Redux Dev Tools and Saga Dev Tools Extensions are installed, enable them
  /* istanbul ignore next */
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && typeof window === 'object') {
    /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
      composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__({ trace: true });

    // NOTE: Uncomment the code below to restore support for Redux Saga
    // Dev Tools once it supports redux-saga version 1.x.x
    if (window.__SAGA_MONITOR_EXTENSION__)
      reduxSagaMonitorOptions = {
        sagaMonitor: window.__SAGA_MONITOR_EXTENSION__,
    /* eslint-enable */

  const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware(reduxSagaMonitorOptions);

  // Create the store with two middlewares
  // 1. sagaMiddleware: Makes redux-sagas work
  // 2. routerMiddleware: Syncs the location/URL path to the state
  const middleware = [thunk];
  const middlewares = [...middleware, sagaMiddleware, routerMiddleware(history)];

  const enhancers = [applyMiddleware(...middlewares)];

  const store = createStore(createReducer(), fromJS(initialState), composeEnhancers(...enhancers));

  // Extensions
  store.runSaga = sagaMiddleware.run;
  store.injectedReducers = {}; // Reducer registry
  store.injectedSagas = {}; // Saga registry

  // Make reducers hot reloadable, see http://mxs.is/googmo
  /* istanbul ignore next */
  if (module.hot) {
    module.hot.accept('./reducers', () => {

  return store;


import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import NotFound from 'containers/Pages/Standalone/NotFoundDedicated';
import jwtDecode from 'jwt-decode';
import configureStore from '../../redux/configureStore';
import { setCurrentUser, logoutUser } from '../../redux/actions/authActions';
import setAuthToken from '../../utils/setAuthToken';
import Auth from './Auth';
import Application from './Application';
import ThemeWrapper, { AppContext } from './ThemeWrapper';
import { PrivateRoute } from './PrivateRoute';

const initialState = {};

const store = configureStore(initialState);
const auth = localStorage.jwtToken ? true : false;
// Check for token to keep user logged in
if (localStorage.jwtToken) {
  // Set auth token header auth
  const token = JSON.parse(localStorage.jwtToken);

  // Decode token and get user info and exp
  const decoded = jwtDecode(token);

  // Set user and isAuthenticated
  // Check for expired token
  const currentTime = Date.now() / 1000; // to get in milliseconds
  if (decoded.exp < currentTime) {
    // Logout user

    // Redirect to login
    window.location.href = './';

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      email: '',
      password: '',
      errors: {},

  render() {
    return (
          {changeMode => (
              {/* <Route path="/" exact component={Login} /> */}
                component={props => <Application {...props} changeMode={changeMode} />}
              <Route component={Auth} />
              <Route component={NotFound} />

export default App;


import React from 'react';
import hoistNonReactStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics';
import { ReactReduxContext } from 'react-redux';

import getInjectors from './reducerInjectors';

 * Dynamically injects a reducer
 * @param {string} key A key of the reducer
 * @param {function} reducer A reducer that will be injected
export default ({ key, reducer }) => WrappedComponent => {
  class ReducerInjector extends React.Component {
    static WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent;

    static contextType = ReactReduxContext;

    static displayName = `withReducer(${WrappedComponent.displayName ||
      WrappedComponent.name ||

    constructor(props, context) {
      super(props, context);

      getInjectors(context.store).injectReducer(key, reducer);

    render() {
      return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;

  return hoistNonReactStatics(ReducerInjector, WrappedComponent);

const useInjectReducer = ({ key, reducer }) => {
  const context = React.useContext(ReactReduxContext);
  React.useEffect(() => {
    getInjectors(context.store).injectReducer(key, reducer);
  }, []);

export { useInjectReducer };


import invariant from 'invariant';
import { isEmpty, isFunction, isString } from 'lodash';

import checkStore from './checkStore';
import createReducer from '../redux/reducers';

export function injectReducerFactory(store, isValid) {
  return function injectReducer(key, reducer) {
    if (!isValid) checkStore(store);

      isString(key) && !isEmpty(key) && isFunction(reducer),
      '(app/utils...) injectReducer: Expected `reducer` to be a reducer function',

    // Check `store.injectedReducers[key] === reducer` for hot reloading when a key is the same but a reducer is different
    if (
      Reflect.has(store.injectedReducers, key)
      && store.injectedReducers[key] === reducer
    ) return;

    store.injectedReducers[key] = reducer; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign

export default function getInjectors(store) {

  return {
    injectReducer: injectReducerFactory(store, true),

使用持久状态。这是index.js 文件示例

function saveToLocalStorage(state) {
  try {
    const serializedState = JSON.stringify(state)
    localStorage.setItem('state', serializedState)
  } catch (err) {

function loadFromLocalStorage() {
  try {
    const serializedState = localStorage.getItem('state');
    if (serializedState === null) return undefined;
    return JSON.parse(serializedState)
  } catch (err) {
    return undefined;

const persistedState = loadFromLocalStorage();

const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const store = createStore(
  applyMiddleware(logger, sagaMiddleware))

store.subscribe(() => saveToLocalStorage(store.getState()))

    <Provider store={store}>
      <App />

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