Bootstrap 响应式网格布局(3 列),每个网格元素下方具有折叠/隐藏的 col-12


我试图使 100% 列出现在引导网格列内的元素下方。因为用图片更容易理解,所以我想要实现的目标是:

选择其中一张图像(1 到 x)时,隐藏的 div(具有不同的内容)应以完整的 12 列大小显示在图像下方:

我设法做到了这一点,但是,当使用较小的分辨率时,这个隐藏的 div 显示在第三个元素下方,而不是元素 1 下方。它应该是这样的:



// hide all
	$('.descriptions .panel').hide();

	 // handle img click
	$('#grid img').click(function() {

	  // get index of the img that was clicked
	  var idx = $(this).parent().parent().parent().index();

	  var row = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().next('.row');

	  // remove special style from all others
	  $('#grid img').removeClass('highlight');

	  // add a special style to the clicked image

	  // hide all others
	  $('.descriptions .panel').hide();

	  // show desc for clicked img
	  row.find('.descriptions .panel').eq(idx).show();

<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
	margin: 0 auto;
<!-- row 1 -->
<div class="row" id="grid">
	<div class="col-sm-4 portfolio-item">
		<figure class="gallery-item">
			<div class="img-title-text">
				<img class="img-responsive" src="" style="opacity:0.1;" alt="">
				<span style="position: absolute; top: 25%; text-align: center;width: 95%; font-size: 20px;">text</span>
	<div class="col-sm-4 portfolio-item">
		<figure class="gallery-item">
			<div class="img-title-text">
				<img class="img-responsive" src="" style="opacity:0.1;" alt="">
				<span style="position: absolute; top: 25%; text-align: center;width: 95%; font-size: 20px;">text</span>
	<div class="col-sm-4 portfolio-item">
		<figure class="gallery-item">
			<div class="img-title-text">
				<img class="img-responsive" src="" style="opacity:0.1;" alt="">
				<span style="position: absolute; top: 25%; text-align: center;width: 95%; font-size: 20px;">text</span>

<!-- hidden row for images -->
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-12 descriptions">
	<div class="panel panel-default">
	 <div class="panel-body flex-grow">Content here for image 1.. Blah blah blah, blah blah. That is very interesting stuff. Aenean sit amet felis 
	  dolor, in sagittis nisi. Sed ac orci quis tortor imperdiet venenatis. </div>
	<div class="panel panel-default">
	 <div class="panel-body flex-grow">Content here for image 2.. Blah blah blah, blah blah. That is very interesting stuff. Aenean sit amet felis 
	  dolor, in sagittis nisi. Sed ac orci quis tortor imperdiet venenatis. </div>
	<div class="panel panel-default">
	 <div class="panel-body flex-grow">Content here for image 3.. Blah blah blah, blah blah. That is very interesting stuff. Aenean sit amet felis 
	  dolor, in sagittis nisi. Sed ac orci quis tortor imperdiet venenatis. </div>

<!-- row 2 -->
<div class="row" id="grid">
	<div class="col-sm-4 portfolio-item">
		<figure class="gallery-item">
			<div class="img-title-text">
				<img class="img-responsive" src="" style="opacity:0.1;" alt="">
				<span style="position: absolute; top: 25%; text-align: center;width: 95%; font-size: 20px;">text</span>
	<div class="col-sm-4 portfolio-item">
		<figure class="gallery-item">
			<div class="img-title-text">
				<img class="img-responsive" src="" style="opacity:0.1;" alt="">
				<span style="position: absolute; top: 25%; text-align: center;width: 95%; font-size: 20px;">text</span>
	<div class="col-sm-4 portfolio-item">
		<figure class="gallery-item">
			<div class="img-title-text">
				<img class="img-responsive" src="" style="opacity:0.1;" alt="">
				<span style="position: absolute; top: 25%; text-align: center;width: 95%; font-size: 20px;">text</span>

<!-- hidden row for images of row 2 -->
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-12 descriptions">
	<div class="panel panel-default">
	 <div class="panel-body flex-grow">Content here for image 1.. Blah blah blah, blah blah. That is very interesting stuff. Aenean sit amet felis 
	  dolor, in sagittis nisi. Sed ac orci quis tortor imperdiet venenatis. </div>
	<div class="panel panel-default">
	 <div class="panel-body flex-grow">Content here for image 2.. Blah blah blah, blah blah. That is very interesting stuff. Aenean sit amet felis 
	  dolor, in sagittis nisi. Sed ac orci quis tortor imperdiet venenatis. </div>
	<div class="panel panel-default">
	 <div class="panel-body flex-grow">Content here for image 3.. Blah blah blah, blah blah. That is very interesting stuff. Aenean sit amet felis 
	  dolor, in sagittis nisi. Sed ac orci quis tortor imperdiet venenatis. </div>


然后,您可以使用 @media 查询在较大的屏幕上相应地调整隐藏行,使其具有全宽并覆盖父行。例如,为隐藏行指定overlay class.

@media (min-width:992px) {
    .row {
        padding: 30px;
    .overlay {
      position: absolute;
      width: 100%;
      bottom: 0;

您可以使用 Bootstrap 的折叠组件来显示/隐藏隐藏内容。



Bootstrap 响应式网格布局(3 列),每个网格元素下方具有折叠/隐藏的 col-12 的相关文章