


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace trees_by_firas
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BinarySearchTree t = new BinarySearchTree();

            t.insert(ref t.root, 10);
            t.insert(ref t.root, 5);
            t.insert(ref t.root, 6);
            t.insert(ref t.root, 17);
            t.insert(ref t.root, 2);
            t.insert(ref t.root, 3);



        public class TreeNode
            public int n;
            public TreeNode _left;
            public TreeNode _right;

            public TreeNode(int n, TreeNode _left, TreeNode _right)
                this.n = n;
                this._left = _left;
                this._right = _right;

            public void DisplayNode()


        public class BinarySearchTree
            public TreeNode root;

            public BinarySearchTree()
                root = null;

            public void insert(ref TreeNode root, int x)
                if (root == null)
                    root = new TreeNode(x, null, null);
                    if (x < root.n)
                        insert(ref root._left, x);
                        insert(ref root._right, x);

            public int FindMin()
                TreeNode current = root;

                while (current._left != null)
                    current = current._left;

                return current.n;

            public int FindMax()
                TreeNode current = root;

                while (current._right != null)
                    current = current._right;

                return current.n;

            public TreeNode Find(int key)
                TreeNode current = root;

                while (current.n != key)
                    if (key < current.n)
                        current = current._left;
                        current = current._right;
                    if (current == null)
                        return null;
                return current;

            public void InOrder(ref TreeNode root)
                if (root != null)
                    InOrder(ref root._left);
                    InOrder(ref root._right);

            public int CountNodes()
                int count = 1; // me!        
                if (root._left != null)
                    count += _left.CountNodes();
                if (root._right != null)
                    count += _right.CountNodes();
                return count;

            public int CountLeaves()
                int count = (root._left == null && root._right == null) ? 1 : 0;
                if (root._left != null)
                    count += _left.CountLeaves();
                if (root._right != null)
                    count += _right.CountLeaves();
                return count;

            public static void print(TreeNode root)
                if (root != null)





Error 1 The name '_left' does not exist in the current context 

// on the countnodes & countleaves

Error 2 The name '_right' does not exist in the current context 
// on the countnodes & countleaves


_left 和 _right 是 TreeNode 中的字段。您尝试使用它们,就好像它们是 BinarySearchTree 的一部分一样。我相信你可以在它们前面加上前缀root.:

public int CountNodes()
    int count = 1; // me!        
    if (root._left != null)
        count += root._left.CountNodes();
    if (root._right != null)
        count += root._right.CountNodes();
    return count;

public int CountLeaves()
    int count = (root._left == null && root._right == null) ? 1 : 0;
    if (root._left != null)
        count += root._left.CountLeaves();
    if (root._right != null)
        count += root._right.CountLeaves();
    return count;

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