安装 pydev 时出错[重复]


我安装了 eclipse 3.7,并且想从 help>install new software 从 pydev.org/updates 安装 pydev,但我不断收到错误:

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=PlatformProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile6253600369144568995.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile6253600369144568995.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.analysis,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile571100381995937794.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile571100381995937794.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.codecompletion,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile7939549393376543178.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile7939549393376543178.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.debug,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile7919082619115038876.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile7919082619115038876.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.fastparser,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile5333565376705188952.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile5333565376705188952.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,com.python.pydev.refactoring,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile5676238210588307882.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile5676238210588307882.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile4716582641827617890.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile4716582641827617890.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.ast,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile853205344535319189.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile853205344535319189.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.core,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile6242038948772764722.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile6242038948772764722.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.customizations,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile6200571740568092132.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile6200571740568092132.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.debug,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile7348469738343374780.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile7348469738343374780.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.django,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile3577420456810055714.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile3577420456810055714.jar
Problems downloading artifact: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.python.pydev.feature,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile3341085924253320715.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile3341085924253320715.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.help,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile3845056374345623111.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile3845056374345623111.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.jython,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile6508149376440133601.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile6508149376440133601.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.parser,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile2272439666869250515.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile2272439666869250515.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.refactoring,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile3096660355605659228.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile3096660355605659228.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.shared_core,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile5752308523522565836.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile5752308523522565836.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.shared_interactive_console,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile7961459825015698127.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile7961459825015698127.jar
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.python.pydev.shared_ui,
Error reading signed content:/tmp/signatureFile448758150516384194.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: /tmp/signatureFile448758150516384194.jar


不确定这是否可以解决问题,但一种解决方案可能是在选择要安装的 PyDev 版本的安装对话框中取消选中“仅显示可用软件的最新版本”。

或者,您可以通过下载 zip 文件并将其解压到 eclipse/dropins 文件夹来手动安装 PyDev。

您可以在这里找到最新版本的 PyDev:http://sourceforge.net/projects/pydev/files/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/pydev/files/

第二种解决方案如 PyDev 手册中所述:http://pydev.org/manual_101_install.html http://pydev.org/manual_101_install.html

希望其中一种方法可以解决该问题。 :)


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