使用 wc_price 过滤器挂钩向产品价格添加其他货币


根据我原来帖子的答案使用时遇到格式不正确的数值wc_priceWooCommerce 挂钩 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66084833/a-non-well-formed-numeric-value-encountered-while-using-wc-price-woocommerce-hoo,我现在尝试向该函数添加其他货币,最后将它们全部输出。

我决定使用四列的 DIV 部分,其中 CSS 使其具有响应能力。

float: left;
width: 25%;
padding: 15px;

content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;

@media screen and (max-width: 900px){
width: 50%;

@media screen and (max-width: 600px){
width: 100%;



Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN)


add_filter( 'wc_price', 'filter_wc_price', 10, 5 );
function filter_wc_price( $return, $price, $args, $unformatted_price, $original_price = null ) {

    // EUR
    $conversion_rate_eur = (float) 1.25;
    $symbol_eur = 'EUR';
    $currency_symbol_eur = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol( $symbol_eur );
    $euro_price = (float) $price * $conversion_rate_eur;
    // return number_format( $euro_price, 2, '.', '' );

    // US dollar
    $conversion_rate_us = (float) 0.85;
    $symbol_us = 'US';
    $currency_symbol_us = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol( $symbol_us );
    $us_price = (float) $price * $conversion_rate_us;
    // return number_format( $us_price, 2, '.', '' );

    // GP brittish pound
    $conversion_rate_gbp = (float) 1.35;
    $symbol_gbp = 'GBP';
    $currency_symbol_gbp = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol( $symbol_gbp );
    $us_price = (float) $price * $conversion_rate_us;
    // return number_format( $us_price, 2, '.', '' );

    $exchange_rate_section = '
    <div class="exchange-rate-wrapper">
        <div class="exchanged-price">
        <h2>' return number_format( $euro_price, 2, '.', '' ); '</h2>

        <div class="exchanged-price">
        <h2>'return number_format( $us_price, 2, '.', '' ); '</h2>

        <div class="exchanged-price">
        <h2>'return number_format( $gbp_price, 2, '.', '' ); '</h2>

        <div class="exchanged-price">


    return $return . '<br>' . $exchange_rate_section;


  • 您正在将 PHP 代码与其他字符串一起编写,而不使用字符串连接符号. (PHP:字符串运算符 https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.string.php).

  • The $gbp_price变量尚未初始化和/或赋值。

  • 获取美元货币的符号是USD并不是US.


add_filter( 'wc_price', 'filter_wc_price', 10, 5 );
function filter_wc_price( $return, $price, $args, $unformatted_price, $original_price = null ) {

    // EUR
    $conversion_rate_eur = (float) 1.25;
    $symbol_eur = 'EUR';
    $currency_symbol_eur = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol( $symbol_eur );
    $euro_price = (float) $price * $conversion_rate_eur;
    // return number_format( $euro_price, 2, '.', '' );

    // US dollar
    $conversion_rate_us = (float) 0.85;
    $symbol_us = 'USD';
    $currency_symbol_us = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol( $symbol_us );
    $us_price = (float) $price * $conversion_rate_us;
    // return number_format( $us_price, 2, '.', '' );

    // GP brittish pound
    $conversion_rate_gbp = (float) 1.35;
    $symbol_gbp = 'GBP';
    $currency_symbol_gbp = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol( $symbol_gbp );
    $gbp_price = (float) $price * $conversion_rate_us;
    // return number_format( $gbp_price, 2, '.', '' );

    $exchange_rate_section = '
    <div class="exchange-rate-wrapper">
        <div class="exchanged-price">
        <h2>' . number_format( $euro_price, 2, '.', '' ) . ' ' . $currency_symbol_eur . '</h2>

        <div class="exchanged-price">
        <h2>'. number_format( $us_price, 2, '.', '' ) . ' ' . $currency_symbol_us . '</h2>

        <div class="exchanged-price">
        <h2>' . number_format( $gbp_price, 2, '.', '' ) . ' ' . $currency_symbol_gbp . '</h2>

        <div class="exchanged-price">


    return $return . '<br>' . $exchange_rate_section;



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