基于一个属性的不区分大小写的 equals 方法




def ==(another_country)
   (code.nil? ? nil : code.downcase) == (another_country.code.nil? ? nil : another_country.code.downcase) unless another_country.nil?

您能否为我指出正确的方向,如何编写这个更优雅的代码而不依赖于丑陋的 if else 结构?


# Country model
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :code

  def ==(another_country)
    code.to_s.downcase == another_country.code.to_s.downcase rescue false


# RSpec
describe Country do
   describe 'equality based solely on Country.code' do
      before do
        @country_code_de = FactoryGirl.build(:country, :code => 'de')

      it 'should be equal if Country.code is equal' do
        other_country_code_de = FactoryGirl.build(:country, :code => 'de')
        @country_code_de.should == other_country_code_de

      it 'should be not equal if Country.code is not equal' do
        country_code_usa = FactoryGirl.build(:country, :code => 'usa')
        @country_code_de.should_not == country_code_usa

      it 'should be case insensitive' do
        country_code_de_uppercase = FactoryGirl.build(:country, :code => 'DE')
        @country_code_de.should == country_code_de_uppercase

      it 'should not rely on id for equality' do
        @country_code_de.id = 0
        country_code_usa = FactoryGirl.build(:country, :code => 'usa', :id => 0)
        @country_code_de.should_not == country_code_usa

      it 'should be not equal if Country.code of one Country is nil' do
        country_code_nil = FactoryGirl.build(:country, :code => nil)
        @country_code_de.should_not == country_code_nil

      it 'should be equal if Country.code for both countries is nil' do
        country_code_nil = FactoryGirl.build(:country, :code => nil)
        other_country_code_nil = FactoryGirl.build(:country, :code => nil)
        country_code_nil.should == other_country_code_nil

      it 'should be not equal if other Country is nil' do
        @country_code_de.should_not == nil

      it 'should be not equal if other object is not a Country' do
        @country_code_de.should_not == 'test'

      it 'should be equal for descendants of Country with same Country.code' do
        class CountryChild < Country
        country_child = CountryChild.new(:code => 'de')
        @country_code_de.should == country_child


def ==(another_country)
   return false if code.blank? # Remove this line if you want to return true if code and antoher_country.code are nil
   code.to_s.downcase == another_country.to_s.code.downcase rescue false

这里如果有的话code, another_country or another_country.code为零,它将通过一个异常并且rescue false语句将返回false value.

如果一切顺利,就会进行比较true or false将根据输入返回。


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