PartialFunction orElse 的类型界限是否比应有的更宽松?


让我们定义一个PartialFunction[String, String] and a PartialFunction[Any, String]


def orElse[A1 <: A, B1 >: B](that: PartialFunction[A1, B1]): PartialFunction[A1, B1] 



因此有界A1 <: A (i.e. Any <: String)不成立。

没想到我竟然能把它们组合起来并获得PartialFunction[String, String]总体上定义String领域。这是一个例子:

val a: PartialFunction[String, String] = { case "someString" => "some other string" }
// a: PartialFunction[String,String] = <function1>

val b: PartialFunction[Any, String] = { case _ => "default" }
// b: PartialFunction[Any,String] = <function1>

val c = a orElse b
// c: PartialFunction[String,String] = <function1>

// res4: String = some other string

// res5: String = default

// error: type mismatch;
//   found   : Int(42)
//   required: String


a orElse[Any, String] b
// error: type arguments [Any,String] do not conform to method orElse's type parameter bounds [A1 <: String,B1 >: String]



如果编译器推断A1 from b那么它一定是Any,那么导致的推理链还会在哪里呢?String start?


使用 REPL 后我注意到orElse返回交集类型A with A1当类型不匹配时。例子:

val a: PartialFunction[String, String] = { case "someString" => "some other string" }
// a: PartialFunction[String,String] = <function1>

val b: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case 42 => 32 }
// b: PartialFunction[Int,Int] = <function1>

a orElse b
// res0: PartialFunction[String with Int, Any] = <function1>

Since (String with Int) <:< String即使生成的函数实际上无法使用,这也是可行的。我也怀疑String with Any统一为Any, 鉴于

import reflect.runtime.universe._
// import reflect.runtime.universe._   

typeOf[String] <:< typeOf[String with Any]
// res1: Boolean = true

typeOf[String with Any] <:< typeOf[String]
// res2: Boolean = true

这就是为什么混合String and Any结果变成String.


Update 2


class Foo[-A] {
  def foo[B <: A](f: Foo[B]): Foo[B] = f

val a = new Foo[Any]
val b = new Foo[String] // Foo[String] Ok, String <:< Any // Foo[String] Shouldn't compile! Any <:!< String[Any](a) // error: type arguments [Any] do not conform to method foo's type parameter bounds [A <: String]


您始终可以传递给需要类型参数的方法A任何类型的参数B <: A,即任何子类型A。也就是说,如果你有

def foo(a: Animal)

你可以通过Dog to foo, 因为Dog <: Animal.


def foo(l: List[Animal])

你可以通过List[Dog]对它来说,因为List与其类型参数协变,因为Dog <: Animal, then List[Dog] <: List[Animal]


def foo(pf: PartialFunction[String, String])

你可以通过PartialFunction[Any, String], 因为PartialFunction与第一个类型参数逆变,与第二个类型参数协变。自从Any >: String, then PartialFuncion[Any, String] <: PartialFunction[String, String].

现在,对于类型界限,编译器将尝试推断A1 and B1,使得

  • A1是的子类型A
  • B2是的子类型B


  • 最常见的亚型Any and String, since A and A1处于逆变位置
  • 最不常见的超类型String and String, since B and B1是协变位置


  • A1String
  • B1String

您编写的情况PartialFunction[String, String] 与一个PartialFunction[Int, Int]是上一个示例的一个奇怪的情况,其中:

  • 最常见的亚型String and Int is String with Int,即两种类型的交集,它是两者的子类型(在这种情况下几乎等于说Nothing: being both a String and an Int似乎不太可能)
  • 最不常见的超类型String and Int is Any


val a: PartialFunction[String, String] = ...
val b: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = ...
a orElse b // PartialFunction[String with Int, Any] // as expected, although not very useful...

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