




设矢量一在坐标位置(X0,Y0,Z0) .目标矢量二在坐标位置(X,Y,Z)。





(X0,Y0,Z0) = Ty (Tz *(X,Y, Z))

即(X0,Y0,Z0) = Ty Tz (X,Y, Z)

因为任意矢量先要绕Z轴旋转,再绕Y轴旋转 所以为TyTz

那么,现在要将在Z轴正向的矢量移动到空间任意位置 只需要将上式求逆即可


(X,Y, Z) =  (Ty Tz)^-1 (X0,Y0,Z0)

设空间任意向量法失归一化后表示为u v w


</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">    a1 = u/sqrt(u*u + v*v);
    a2 = v/sqrt(u*u + v*v);
    a3 = w/sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w);
    a4 = sqrt(u*u + v*v) / sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w);

    Tz = [ a1  a2  0
            -a2 a1  0
            0   0   1];
    Ty = [ a3   0   -a4
           0    1   0 
           a4   0   a3];

TyTz = [    a1*a3   a2*a3   -a4
                -a2     a1      0
                a1*a4   a2*a4   a3

所以Tz^-1*Ty^-1 = (TyTz)^-1 = (TyTz)^T(这里因为是单位正交矩阵,所以求逆等于求转置)

= [a1*a3   -a2   a1*a4
                a2*a3   a1   a2*a4
                -a4    0    a3]; 


(X,Y, Z) =  (Ty Tz)^-1 (X0,Y0,Z0)



center = [3 4 5]';
normVec0 = [3 -5 -1];

radius = 1;
numPts0 = 100;


center0 = [0 0 1]‘;

normVec = [0 0 1];


clear;close all;
center = [3 4 5]';
normVec0 = [3 -5 -1];
normVec0 = - normVec0 / sqrt(sum(normVec0.^2));
radius = 1;
numPts0 = 100;
normalVec = normVec0;
d = sqrt( sum(normalVec.^2) );
u = normalVec(1) / d;
v = normalVec(2) / d;
w = normalVec(3) / d;

a1 = u/sqrt(u*u + v*v);
a2 = v/sqrt(u*u + v*v);
a3 = w/sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w);
a4 = sqrt(u*u + v*v) / sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w);

Tz = [ a1  a2  0
    -a2 a1  0
    0   0   1];

Ty = [ a3   0   -a4
    0    1   0
    a4   0   a3];
invTransMat = Ty*Tz;
transMat = inv(invTransMat);

pi = 3.141592653;
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, numPts0);

X = radius * cos(theta);
Y = radius * sin(theta);
Z = zeros(1, length(X));
%circlePts0 = bsxfun(@plus, [X; Y; Z], center);
circlePts0 = [X; Y; Z];
circlePts = bsxfun(@plus, transMat * [X; Y; Z], center);
plot3(circlePts0(1, :), circlePts0(2, :), circlePts0(3, :));grid on;
hold on;
plot3(circlePts(1, :), circlePts(2, :), circlePts(3, :));grid on;
hold on;


function h = mArrow3(p1,p2,varargin)
%mArrow3 - plot a 3D arrow as patch object (cylinder+cone)
% syntax:   h = mArrow3(p1,p2)
%           h = mArrow3(p1,p2,'propertyName',propertyValue,...)
% with:     p1:         starting point
%           p2:         end point
%           properties: 'color':      color according to MATLAB specification
%                                     (see MATLAB help item 'ColorSpec')
%                       'stemWidth':  width of the line
%                       'tipWidth':   width of the cone                       
%           Additionally, you can specify any patch object properties. (For
%           example, you can make the arrow semitransparent by using
%           'facealpha'.)
% example1: h = mArrow3([0 0 0],[1 1 1])
%           (Draws an arrow from [0 0 0] to [1 1 1] with default properties.)
% example2: h = mArrow3([0 0 0],[1 1 1],'color','red','stemWidth',0.02,'facealpha',0.5)
%           (Draws a red semitransparent arrow with a stem width of 0.02 units.)
% hint:     use light to achieve 3D impression

propertyNames = {'edgeColor'};
propertyValues = {'none'};    

%% evaluate property specifications
for argno = 1:2:nargin-2
    switch varargin{argno}
        case 'color'
            propertyNames = {propertyNames{:},'facecolor'};
            propertyValues = {propertyValues{:},varargin{argno+1}};
        case 'stemWidth'
            if isreal(varargin{argno+1})
                stemWidth = varargin{argno+1};
                warning('mArrow3:stemWidth','stemWidth must be a real number');
        case 'tipWidth'
            if isreal(varargin{argno+1})
                tipWidth = varargin{argno+1};
                warning('mArrow3:tipWidth','tipWidth must be a real number');
            propertyNames = {propertyNames{:},varargin{argno}};
            propertyValues = {propertyValues{:},varargin{argno+1}};

%% default parameters
if ~exist('stemWidth','var')
    ax = axis;
    if numel(ax)==4
        stemWidth = norm(ax([2 4])-ax([1 3]))/300;
    elseif numel(ax)==6
        stemWidth = norm(ax([2 4 6])-ax([1 3 5]))/300;
if ~exist('tipWidth','var')
    tipWidth = 3*stemWidth;
tipAngle = 22.5/180*pi;
tipLength = tipWidth/tan(tipAngle/2);
ppsc = 50;  % (points per small circle)
ppbc = 250; % (points per big circle)

%% ensure column vectors
p1 = p1(:);
p2 = p2(:);

%% basic lengths and vectors
x = (p2-p1)/norm(p2-p1); % (unit vector in arrow direction)
y = cross(x,[0;0;1]);    % (y and z are unit vectors orthogonal to arrow)
if norm(y)<0.1
    y = cross(x,[0;1;0]);
y = y/norm(y);
z = cross(x,y);
z = z/norm(z);

%% basic angles
theta = 0:2*pi/ppsc:2*pi; % (list of angles from 0 to 2*pi for small circle)
sintheta = sin(theta);
costheta = cos(theta);
upsilon = 0:2*pi/ppbc:2*pi; % (list of angles from 0 to 2*pi for big circle)
sinupsilon = sin(upsilon);
cosupsilon = cos(upsilon);

%% initialize face matrix
f = NaN([ppsc+ppbc+2 ppbc+1]);

%% normal arrow
if norm(p2-p1)>tipLength
    % vertices of the first stem circle
    for idx = 1:ppsc+1
        v(idx,:) = p1 + stemWidth*(sintheta(idx)*y + costheta(idx)*z);
    % vertices of the second stem circle
    p3 = p2-tipLength*x;
    for idx = 1:ppsc+1
        v(ppsc+1+idx,:) = p3 + stemWidth*(sintheta(idx)*y + costheta(idx)*z);
    % vertices of the tip circle
    for idx = 1:ppbc+1
        v(2*ppsc+2+idx,:) = p3 + tipWidth*(sinupsilon(idx)*y + cosupsilon(idx)*z);
    % vertex of the tiptip
    v(2*ppsc+ppbc+4,:) = p2;

    % face of the stem circle
    f(1,1:ppsc+1) = 1:ppsc+1;
    % faces of the stem cylinder
    for idx = 1:ppsc
        f(1+idx,1:4) = [idx idx+1 ppsc+1+idx+1 ppsc+1+idx];
    % face of the tip circle
    f(ppsc+2,:) = 2*ppsc+3:(2*ppsc+3)+ppbc;
    % faces of the tip cone
    for idx = 1:ppbc
        f(ppsc+2+idx,1:3) = [2*ppsc+2+idx 2*ppsc+2+idx+1 2*ppsc+ppbc+4];

%% only cone v
    tipWidth = 2*sin(tipAngle/2)*norm(p2-p1);
    % vertices of the tip circle
    for idx = 1:ppbc+1
        v(idx,:) = p1 + tipWidth*(sinupsilon(idx)*y + cosupsilon(idx)*z);
    % vertex of the tiptip
    v(ppbc+2,:) = p2;
    % face of the tip circle
    f(1,:) = 1:ppbc+1;
    % faces of the tip cone
    for idx = 1:ppbc
        f(1+idx,1:3) = [idx idx+1 ppbc+2];

%% draw
fv.faces = f;
fv.vertices = v;
h = patch(fv);
for propno = 1:numel(propertyNames)


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