通过电子邮件或手机在 Laravel 中重置密码


默认情况下,Laravel 5.5 的密码重置系统适用于电子邮件,但我需要添加对手机号码的支持(通过 OTP 验证并生成令牌并重定向到密码重置页面)。我正在做所有这部分,并且我在password_resets表上创建了一个移动列。

但问题是\Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\DatabaseTokenRepository&&\Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\TokenRepositoryInterface ON exist方法,它似乎不可配置。

public function exists(CanResetPasswordContract $user, $token)
    $record = (array) $this->getTable()->where(
        'email', $user->getEmailForPasswordReset()

    return $record &&
           ! $this->tokenExpired($record['created_at']) &&
             $this->hasher->check($token, $record['token']);

我需要重写该方法。有太多的遗产正在发生。 我需要扩展哪些类以及如何重写该方法。



use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

return new class extends Migration
    public function up(): void
        $tname = config("auth.passwords.users.table");
        Schema::table($tname, fn (Blueprint $t) => $t->string("mobile", 16));

    public function down(): void
        $tname = config("auth.passwords.users.table");
        Schema::table($tname, fn (Blueprint $t) => $t->dropColumn("mobile"));




namespace App\Auth;

use Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\DatabaseTokenRepository as DatabaseTokenRepositoryBase;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\CanResetPassword as CanResetPasswordContract;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;

class DatabaseTokenRepository extends DatabaseTokenRepositoryBase;
    // Override these methods to use mobile as well as email
    public function create(CanResetPasswordContract $user)
        $email = $user->getEmailForPasswordReset();
        $mobile = $user->getMobileForPasswordReset();
        $token = $this->createNewToken();
        $this->getTable()->insert($this->getPayload($email, $mobile, $token));
        return $token;

    protected function deleteExisting(CanResetPasswordContract $user)
        return $this->getTable()
            ->where("email", $user->getEmailForPasswordReset())
            ->orWhere("mobile", $user->getMobileForPasswordReset())

    protected function getPayload($email, $mobile, $token): array
        return [
            "email" => $email,
            "mobile" => $mobile,
            "token" => $this->hasher->make($token),
            "created_at" => new Carbon(),

    public function exists(CanResetPasswordContract $user, $token)
        $record = (array) $this->getTable()
            ->where("email", $user->getEmailForPasswordReset())
            ->orWhere("mobile", $user->getMobileForPasswordReset())
        return $record &&
               ! $this->tokenExpired($record["created_at"]) &&
                 $this->hasher->check($token, $record["token"]);

    public function recentlyCreatedToken(CanResetPasswordContract $user)
        $record = (array) $this->getTable()
            ->where("email", $user->getEmailForPasswordReset())
            ->orWhere("mobile", $user->getMobileForPasswordReset())

        return $record && $this->tokenRecentlyCreated($record['created_at']);



namespace App\Auth;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordBrokerManager as PasswordBrokerManagerBase;

class PasswordBrokerManager extends PasswordBrokerManagerBase
    protected function createTokenRepository(array $config)
        $key = $this->app['config']['app.key'];
        if (Str::startsWith($key, 'base64:')) {
            $key = base64_decode(substr($key, 7));
        $connection = $config['connection'] ?? null;
        // return an instance of your new repository
        // it's in the same namespace, no need to alias it
        return new DatabaseTokenRepository(



namespace App\Providers;

use App\Auth\PasswordBrokerManager;
use Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider as PasswordResetServiceProviderBase;

class PasswordResetServiceProvider extends PasswordResetServiceProviderBase
    protected function registerPasswordBroker()
        $this->app->singleton('auth.password', function ($app) {
            // reference your new broker
            // the rest of the method code is unchanged
            return new PasswordBrokerManager($app);
        $this->app->bind('auth.password.broker', function ($app) {
            return $app->make('auth.password')->broker();



return [
    "providers" => [
        // Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider::class,



namespace App;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    public method getMobileForPasswordReset()
        return $this->mobile;

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