Nasm - 按值和地址访问结构元素


我最近开始在 NASM 程序集中编码,我的问题是我不知道如何以正确的方式访问结构元素。我已经在这个网站和谷歌上搜索了解决方案,但我看到的每个地方人们都有不同的说法。我的程序崩溃了,我感觉问题出在访问结构上。


    .normalValue RESD 1
    .address RESD 1

    istruc Test
        at Test.normalValue dd ffff0000h
        at Test.address dd 01234567h

mov eax, TestStruct ; moves pointer to first element to eax

mov eax, [TestStruct] ; moves content of the dereferenced pointer to eax (same as mov eax, ffff0000h)

mov eax, TestStruct
add eax, 4
mov ebx, eax ; moves pointer to the second element (4 because RESD 1)

mov eax, [TestStruct+4] ; moves content of the dereferenced pointer to eax (same as mov eax, 01234567h)

mov ebx, [eax] ; moves content at the address 01234567h to ebx



我不知道你是否明白了,但这是我们的代码,经过一些小的修改后就可以工作了。除最后一条外,所有说明均正确mov ebx, [eax]这是预期的,因为您正在尝试访问地址处的内容0x1234567导致SIGSEGV

section .bss
  struc Test
    normalValue RESD 1
    address RESD 1

section .data
    istruc Test
      at normalValue, dd 0xffff0000
      at address, dd 0x01234567

section .text
  global _start


  mov eax, TestStruct ; moves pointer to first element to eax
  mov eax, [TestStruct] ; moves content of the dereferenced pointer to eax same as mov eax, ffff0000h
  mov eax, TestStruct
  add eax, 4
  mov ebx, eax ; moves pointer to the second element 4 because RESD 1
  mov eax, [TestStruct+4] ; moves content of the dereferenced pointer to eax same as mov eax, 01234567h
  mov ebx, [eax] ; moves content at the address 01234567h to ebx

逐步编译、链接和运行nasm -f elf64 main.nasm -o main.o; ld main.o -o main; gdb main


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