VINS-Mono源码分析7— pose_graph2(四自由度位姿图优化)


VINS-Mono源码分析7— pose_graph2

在上一篇博文中,大概分析了一下VINS-Mono回环检测和重定位的代码实现,这里主要分析 四自由度的位姿图优化。关于这部分的原理可以参考VINS-Mono论文第8部分的A、B和C以及崔神的文章《VINS论文推导及代码解析》中的7.4节。接下来开始进行代码分析,

	t_optimization = std::thread(&PoseGraph::optimize4DoF, this);


void PoseGraph::optimize4DoF()
        int cur_index = -1;
        int first_looped_index = -1;
            //得到 和回环帧匹配成功的 当前关键帧的索引,
            cur_index = optimize_buf.front();
            first_looped_index = earliest_loop_index;
        if (cur_index != -1)
            printf("optimize pose graph \n");
            TicToc tmp_t;
            KeyFrame* cur_kf = getKeyFrame(cur_index);
            int max_length = cur_index + 1;

            // 定义ceres库优化时会用到的变量
            double t_array[max_length][3];
            Quaterniond q_array[max_length];
            double euler_array[max_length][3];
            double sequence_array[max_length];
            ceres::Problem problem;
            ceres::Solver::Options options;
            options.linear_solver_type = ceres::SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY;
            //options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
            //options.max_solver_time_in_seconds = SOLVER_TIME * 3;
            options.max_num_iterations = 5;
            ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
            ceres::LossFunction *loss_function;
            loss_function = new ceres::HuberLoss(0.1);
            //loss_function = new ceres::CauchyLoss(1.0);
            ceres::LocalParameterization* angle_local_parameterization =

            list<KeyFrame*>::iterator it;

            int i = 0;
            for (it = keyframelist.begin(); it != keyframelist.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->index < first_looped_index)
                (*it)->local_index = i;
                Quaterniond tmp_q;
                Matrix3d tmp_r;
                Vector3d tmp_t;
                (*it)->getVioPose(tmp_t, tmp_r);
                tmp_q = tmp_r;
                t_array[i][0] = tmp_t(0);
                t_array[i][1] = tmp_t(1);
                t_array[i][2] = tmp_t(2);
                q_array[i] = tmp_q;

                Vector3d euler_angle = Utility::R2ypr(tmp_q.toRotationMatrix());
                euler_array[i][0] = euler_angle.x();
                euler_array[i][1] = euler_angle.y();
                euler_array[i][2] = euler_angle.z();

                sequence_array[i] = (*it)->sequence;
                problem.AddParameterBlock(euler_array[i], 1, angle_local_parameterization);
                problem.AddParameterBlock(t_array[i], 3);

                if ((*it)->index == first_looped_index || (*it)->sequence == 0)
                {   //固定回环帧的欧拉角和位置

                //add edge
                for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++)
                  if (i - j >= 0 && sequence_array[i] == sequence_array[i-j])
                    Vector3d euler_conncected = Utility::R2ypr(q_array[i-j].toRotationMatrix());
                    Vector3d relative_t(t_array[i][0] - t_array[i-j][0], t_array[i][1] - t_array[i-j][1], t_array[i][2] - t_array[i-j][2]);
                    relative_t = q_array[i-j].inverse() * relative_t;
                    double relative_yaw = euler_array[i][0] - euler_array[i-j][0];
                    ceres::CostFunction* cost_function = FourDOFError::Create( relative_t.x(), relative_t.y(), relative_t.z(),
                                                   relative_yaw, euler_conncected.y(), euler_conncected.z());
                    problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, NULL, euler_array[i-j], 

                //add loop edge
                    assert((*it)->loop_index >= first_looped_index);
                    int connected_index = getKeyFrame((*it)->loop_index)->local_index;
                    Vector3d euler_conncected = Utility::R2ypr(q_array[connected_index].toRotationMatrix());
                    Vector3d relative_t;
                    relative_t = (*it)->getLoopRelativeT();
                    double relative_yaw = (*it)->getLoopRelativeYaw();
                    ceres::CostFunction* cost_function = FourDOFWeightError::Create( relative_t.x(), relative_t.y(), relative_t.z(),
                                                                               relative_yaw, euler_conncected.y(), euler_conncected.z());
                    problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, loss_function, euler_array[connected_index], 
                if ((*it)->index == cur_index)
            ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary);
            i = 0;
            for (it = keyframelist.begin(); it != keyframelist.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->index < first_looped_index)
                Quaterniond tmp_q;
                tmp_q = Utility::ypr2R(Vector3d(euler_array[i][0], euler_array[i][1], euler_array[i][2]));
                Vector3d tmp_t = Vector3d(t_array[i][0], t_array[i][1], t_array[i][2]);
                Matrix3d tmp_r = tmp_q.toRotationMatrix();
                (*it)-> updatePose(tmp_t, tmp_r);
                if ((*it)->index == cur_index)
            Vector3d cur_t, vio_t;
            Matrix3d cur_r, vio_r;
            cur_kf->getPose(cur_t, cur_r);
            cur_kf->getVioPose(vio_t, vio_r);
            yaw_drift = Utility::R2ypr(cur_r).x() - Utility::R2ypr(vio_r).x();
            r_drift = Utility::ypr2R(Vector3d(yaw_drift, 0, 0));
            t_drift = cur_t - r_drift * vio_t;
            //当前关键帧后边的关键帧也调整一下位姿, 这是一个保险的操作,
            //防止关键帧链表中有比当前关键帧 更超前的关键帧存在。     
            for (; it != keyframelist.end(); it++)
                Vector3d P;
                Matrix3d R;
                (*it)->getVioPose(P, R);
                P = r_drift * P + t_drift;
                R = r_drift * R;
                (*it)->updatePose(P, R);

        std::chrono::milliseconds dura(2000);


struct FourDOFError
	FourDOFError(double t_x, double t_y, double t_z, double relative_yaw, double pitch_i, double roll_i)
				  :t_x(t_x), t_y(t_y), t_z(t_z), relative_yaw(relative_yaw), pitch_i(pitch_i), roll_i(roll_i){}

	template <typename T>
	bool operator()(const T* const yaw_i, const T* ti, const T* yaw_j, const T* tj, T* residuals) const
		T t_w_ij[3];
		t_w_ij[0] = tj[0] - ti[0];
		t_w_ij[1] = tj[1] - ti[1];
		t_w_ij[2] = tj[2] - ti[2];

		// euler to rotation
		T w_R_i[9];
		YawPitchRollToRotationMatrix(yaw_i[0], T(pitch_i), T(roll_i), w_R_i);
		// rotation transpose
		T i_R_w[9];
		RotationMatrixTranspose(w_R_i, i_R_w);
		// rotation matrix rotate point
		T t_i_ij[3];
		RotationMatrixRotatePoint(i_R_w, t_w_ij, t_i_ij);

		residuals[0] = (t_i_ij[0] - T(t_x));
		residuals[1] = (t_i_ij[1] - T(t_y));
		residuals[2] = (t_i_ij[2] - T(t_z));
		residuals[3] = NormalizeAngle(yaw_j[0] - yaw_i[0] - T(relative_yaw));

		return true;

	static ceres::CostFunction* Create(const double t_x, const double t_y, const double t_z,
									   const double relative_yaw, const double pitch_i, const double roll_i) 
	  return (new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<
	          FourDOFError, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3>(
	          	new FourDOFError(t_x, t_y, t_z, relative_yaw, pitch_i, roll_i)));

	double t_x, t_y, t_z;
	double relative_yaw, pitch_i, roll_i;



struct FourDOFWeightError
	FourDOFWeightError(double t_x, double t_y, double t_z, double relative_yaw, double pitch_i, double roll_i)
				  :t_x(t_x), t_y(t_y), t_z(t_z), relative_yaw(relative_yaw), pitch_i(pitch_i), roll_i(roll_i){
				  	weight = 1;

	template <typename T>
	bool operator()(const T* const yaw_i, const T* ti, const T* yaw_j, const T* tj, T* residuals) const
		T t_w_ij[3];
		t_w_ij[0] = tj[0] - ti[0];
		t_w_ij[1] = tj[1] - ti[1];
		t_w_ij[2] = tj[2] - ti[2];

		// euler to rotation
		T w_R_i[9];
		YawPitchRollToRotationMatrix(yaw_i[0], T(pitch_i), T(roll_i), w_R_i);
		// rotation transpose
		T i_R_w[9];
		RotationMatrixTranspose(w_R_i, i_R_w);
		// rotation matrix rotate point
		T t_i_ij[3];
		RotationMatrixRotatePoint(i_R_w, t_w_ij, t_i_ij);

		residuals[0] = (t_i_ij[0] - T(t_x)) * T(weight);
		residuals[1] = (t_i_ij[1] - T(t_y)) * T(weight);
		residuals[2] = (t_i_ij[2] - T(t_z)) * T(weight);
		residuals[3] = NormalizeAngle((yaw_j[0] - yaw_i[0] - T(relative_yaw))) * T(weight) / T(10.0);
		return true;

	static ceres::CostFunction* Create(const double t_x, const double t_y, const double t_z,
									   const double relative_yaw, const double pitch_i, const double roll_i) 
	  return (new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<
	          FourDOFWeightError, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3>(
	          	new FourDOFWeightError(t_x, t_y, t_z, relative_yaw, pitch_i, roll_i)));

	double t_x, t_y, t_z;
	double relative_yaw, pitch_i, roll_i;
	double weight;

void PoseGraph::updatePath()
    list<KeyFrame*>::iterator it;
    for (int i = 1; i <= sequence_cnt; i++)
        ofstream loop_path_file_tmp(VINS_RESULT_PATH, ios::out);

    for (it = keyframelist.begin(); it != keyframelist.end(); it++)
        Vector3d P;
        Matrix3d R;
        (*it)->getPose(P, R);
        Quaterniond Q;
        Q = R;
        geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose_stamped;
        pose_stamped.header.stamp = ros::Time((*it)->time_stamp);
        pose_stamped.header.frame_id = "world";
        pose_stamped.pose.position.x = P.x() + VISUALIZATION_SHIFT_X;
        pose_stamped.pose.position.y = P.y() + VISUALIZATION_SHIFT_Y;
        pose_stamped.pose.position.z = P.z();
        pose_stamped.pose.orientation.x = Q.x();
        pose_stamped.pose.orientation.y = Q.y();
        pose_stamped.pose.orientation.z = Q.z();
        pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = Q.w();
        if((*it)->sequence == 0)
            base_path.header = pose_stamped.header;
            path[(*it)->sequence].header = pose_stamped.header;
        if (SAVE_LOOP_PATH)
            ofstream loop_path_file(VINS_RESULT_PATH, ios::app);
            loop_path_file.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
            loop_path_file << (*it)->time_stamp * 1e9 << ",";
            loop_path_file  << P.x() << ","
                  << P.y() << ","
                  << P.z() << ","
                  << Q.w() << ","
                  << Q.x() << ","
                  << Q.y() << ","
                  << Q.z() << ","
                  << endl;
        if (SHOW_S_EDGE)
         //画回环边,回环帧和 与它匹配的关键帧的连接
        if (SHOW_L_EDGE)
            if ((*it)->has_loop && (*it)->sequence == sequence_cnt)
                KeyFrame* connected_KF = getKeyFrame((*it)->loop_index);
                Vector3d connected_P;
                Matrix3d connected_R;
                connected_KF->getPose(connected_P, connected_R);
                //(*it)->getVioPose(P, R);
                (*it)->getPose(P, R);
                if((*it)->sequence > 0)
                    posegraph_visualization->add_loopedge(P, connected_P + Vector3d(VISUALIZATION_SHIFT_X, VISUALIZATION_SHIFT_Y, 0));

void PoseGraph::publish()
    for (int i = 1; i <= sequence_cnt; i++)
        if (1 || i == base_sequence)
            posegraph_visualization->publish_by(pub_pose_graph, path[sequence_cnt].header);
    base_path.header.frame_id = "world";

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    系列2的主要内容是探讨如何自己构建一个模型并且导入Unity 1 简介 3D仿真与其他类型仿真的一大区别是三维场景和三维模型 为了实现对某个对象的仿真 xff0c 模型是必须的 当然 xff0c 针对不同的仿真任务 xff0c 需要描述对象
  • 模式识别实现之人脸识别(matlab)

    描述 用有监督学习机制设计并实现模式识别方法 xff0c 用于进行人脸面部特征识别 xff0c 如性别 xff08 男性 女性 xff09 年龄 xff08 儿童 青少年 成年 老年 xff09 佩戴眼镜 xff08 是 否 xff09 戴
  • 无人机自动驾驶GAAS学习一

    building GAAS environment 基本依赖项 pip install pandas jinja2 pyserial cerberus pyulog numpy toml pyquaternion Q1 程序 pip 尚未安
  • 无人机学习之launch文件的学习

    官网教程 xff1a http wiki ros org roslaunch XML xff08 1 xff09 ros系统launch文件出现的原因 xff1a 一个功能的实现包括比较多的节点的运行 xff0c 并且每个节点的启动是有顺序
  • 配置最基础的linux系统——Centos6.x版本

    自然是用到虚拟机了 xff0c Vmware是我常用的 xff0c 这里建立一个虚拟的裸机很简单 xff0c 有两点是要说明的 1 最大磁盘大小 xff0c 这个默认的是最小大小 xff0c 不能设的别它还小了 xff0c 否则启动不了Ce
  • matlab实现画散点图(一个x对应多个y)

    1 具体实现是 xff0c 首选导入数据 aray 61 importdata 位置 xff1b m n 61 size array 2 x轴间距设置 x 61 1 1 m 3 处理数组数据 figure 1 for i 61 1 1 n
  • VINS-Mono源码分析7— pose_graph2(四自由度位姿图优化)

    VINS Mono源码分析7 pose graph2 在上一篇博文中 xff0c 大概分析了一下VINS Mono回环检测和重定位的代码实现 xff0c 这里主要分析 四自由度的位姿图优化 关于这部分的原理可以参考VINS Mono论文第8