更改状态时延迟加载 Angular 组件脚本



我一直在尝试让我的 AngularJS 应用程序延迟加载每个状态组件的脚本文件。我正在 Angular 中从事一个大型项目,并且index.html文件已经变成了100多个<script>标签,包括各种控制器、服务和库的 JS。它们中的大多数都很小,所以加载时间并不是一个巨大的问题(尽管可能是),但对我来说它从来没有看起来干净过。

也许是因为我已经习惯了 PHP 的自动加载器,或者只是被所有可以在编译时加载自己的依赖项的语言宠坏了。它只是不是模块化的,必须在应用程序的根文档中加载一些次要的、边缘状态的指令的脚本,或者对于该指令实际所属的模块,如果它被移动到另一个应用程序而没有加载脚本本身,则不加载脚本本身。<script>荣耀名单。

不管怎样,我正在开始一个新项目并希望保持它的简洁,但是以这种方式将组件加载到 Angular 中会带来许多挑战。其中许多问题已在文档或某些博客文章、SO 问题或其他问题中一次或多次得到解决,但我还没有看到一种与其他 Angular 组件干净集成的端到端解决方案。

  1. Angular 仅引导ng-app如果渲染页面时 Angular 和模块已经加载,则使用该指令。即使使用延迟加载启动应用程序也需要解决方法。
  2. 模块 API 的方法仅在应用程序引导之前起作用。在应用程序引导之后,但在定义它们的脚本实际加载之后(以及实际需要它们时),注册新的控制器、指令、过滤器或服务需要一种解决方法。
  3. 延迟加载脚本和调用基于 AJAX 的服务都需要调用回调,并且将服务调用的结果注入到状态控制器中需要这些服务实际存在,以便在状态转换开始时被调用。实际上INVOKING延迟加载的服务并在状态更改之前解决它......需要一种解决方法。
  4. 所有这些都需要以一种看起来不笨拙的方式组合在一起,并且可以轻松地在多个应用程序中重用,而无需每次都重新发明轮子。

我已经看到了#1 和#2 的答案。明显地,angular.bootstrap http://docs.angularjs.org/api/angular.bootstrap可用于在整个页面加载后启动模块,无需ng-app指示。引导后添加组件不太明显,但是保存对各种的引用$provider配置块中的服务可以解决问题 http://ify.io/lazy-loading-in-angularjs/, 覆盖moduleAPI更加无缝所以 http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2553-Loading-AngularJS-Components-After-Your-Application-Has-Been-Bootstrapped.htm。解决#3 并以满足#4 的方式完成这一切有点难以捉摸。

上面解决 #2 的示例适用于控制器和指令。添加服务变得有点复杂,异步的,延迟加载的,并且意味着将它们的数据提供给延迟加载的控制器,尤其如此。对于 Isitor 先生来说,他的代码确实适用于注册控制器作为概念证明,但代码的编写方式并不能轻松扩展到延迟加载脚本有意义的应用程序类型,即具有数十到数百个包含、依赖项和异步服务的更大的应用程序。


这是 Angular 模块的代码lazy,取决于ui.router模块。当它包含在模块的依赖项中时,将启用状态脚本的延迟加载功能。我提供了主要应用程序模块、一些惰性组件和我的示例index.html,出于演示目的进行了消毒。我正在使用Script.js https://github.com/ded/script.js库来实际处理脚本加载。


 * Defines an AngularJS module 'lazy' which depends on and extends the ui-router
 * module to lazy-load scripts specified in the 'scripts' attribute of a state
 * definition object.  This is accomplished by registering a $stateChangeStart
 * event listener with the $rootScope, interrupting the associated state change
 * to invoke the included $scriptService which returns a promise that restarts the
 * previous state transition upon resolution.  The promise resolves when the
 * extended Script.js script loader finishes loading and inserting a new <script>
 * tag into the DOM.
 * Modules using 'lazy' to lazy-load controllers and services should call lazy.makeLazy
 * on themselves to update the module API to inject references for the various $providers 
 * as the original methods are only useful before bootstrapping, during configuration,
 * when references to the $providers are in scope.  lazy.makeLazy will overwrite the
 * module.config functions to save these references so they are available at runtime,
 * after module bootstrapping.
 * See http://ify.io/lazy-loading-in-angularjs/ for additional details on this concept
 * Calls to $stateProvider.state should include a 'scripts' property in the object
 * parameter containing an object with properties 'controllers', 'directives', 'services',
 * 'factories', and 'js', each containing an array of URLs to JS files defining these
 * component types, with other miscelleneous scripts described in the 'js' array.
 * These scripts will all be loaded in parallel and executed in an undefined order
 * when a state transition to the specified state is started.  All scripts will have
 * been loaded and executed before the 'resolve' property's promises are deferred,
 * meaning services described in 'scripts' can be injected into functions in 'resolve'.

 (function() {
    // Instantiate the module, include the ui.router module for state functionality
    var lazy = angular.module('lazy',['ui.router']);

     * Hacking Angular to save references to $providers during module configuration.
     * The $providers are necessary to register components, but they use a private injector
     * only available during bootstrap when running config blocks.  The methods attached to the
     * Vanilla AngularJS modules rely on the same config queue, they don't actually run after the
     * module is bootstrapped or save any references to the providers in this injector.
     * In makeLazy, these methods are overwritten with methods referencing the dependencies
     * injected at configuration through their run context.  This allows them to access the
     * $providers and run the appropriate methods on demand even after the module has been
     * bootstrapped and the $providers injector and its references are no longer available.
     * @param module      An AngularJS module resulting from an angular.module call.
     * @returns module    The same module with the provider convenience methods updated
     * to include the DI $provider references in their run context and to execute the $provider
     * call immediately rather than adding calls to a queue that will never again be invoked.
    lazy.makeLazy = function(module) {
      // The providers can be injected into 'config' function blocks, so define a new one
      module.config(function($compileProvider,$filterProvider,$controllerProvider,$provide) {
         * Factory method for generating functions to call the appropriate $provider's
         * registration function, registering a provider under a given name.
         * @param registrationMethod    $provider registration method to call
         * @returns function            A function(name,constructor) calling
         * registationMethod(name,constructor) with those parameters and returning the module.
        var register = function(registrationMethod) {
           * Function calls registrationMethod against its parameters and returns the module.
           * Analogous to the original module.config methods but with the DI references already saved.
           * @param name          Name of the provider to register
           * @param constructor   Constructor for the provider
           * @returns module      The AngularJS module owning the providers
          return function(name,constructor) {
            // Register the provider
            // Return the module
            return module;

        // Overwrite the old methods with DI referencing methods from the factory
        // @TODO: Should probably derive a LazyModule from a module prototype and return
        // that for the sake of not overwriting native AngularJS code, but the old methods
        // don't work after `bootstrap` so they're not necessary anymore anyway.
        module.directive = register($compileProvider.directive);
        module.filter = register($filterProvider.register);
        module.controller = register($controllerProvider.register);
        module.provider = register($provide.provider);
        module.service = register($provide.service);
        module.factory = register($provide.factory);
        module.value = register($provide.value);
        module.constant = register($provide.constant);
      // Return the module
      return module;

     * Define the lazy module's star $scriptService with methods for invoking
     * the extended Script.js script loader to load scripts by URL and return
     * promises to do so.  Promises require the $q service to be injected, and
     * promise resolutions will take place in the Script.js rather than Angular
     * scope, so $rootScope must be injected to $apply the promise resolution
     * to Angular's $digest cycles.
    lazy.service('$scriptService',function($q,$rootScope) {
       * Loads a batch of scripts and returns a promise which will be resolved
       * when Script.js has finished loading them.
       * @param url   A string URL to a single script or an array of string URLs
       * @returns promise   A promise which will be resolved by Script.js
      this.load = function(url) {
        // Instantiate the promise
        var deferred = $q.defer();
        // Resolve and bail immediately if url === null
        if (url === null) { deferred.resolve(); return deferred.promise; }
        // Load the scripts
        $script(url,function() {
          // Resolve the promise on callback
          $rootScope.$apply(function() { deferred.resolve(); });
        // Promise that the URLs will be loaded
        return deferred.promise;

       * Convenience method for loading the scripts specified by a 'lazy'
       * ui-router state's 'scripts' property object.  Promises that all
       * scripts will be loaded.
       * @param scripts   Object containing properties 'controllers', 'directives',
       * 'services', 'factories', and 'js', each containing an array of URLs to JS
       * files defining those components, with miscelleneous scripts in the 'js' array.
       * any of these properties can be left off of the object safely, but scripts
       * specified in any other object property will not be loaded.
       * @returns promise   A promise that all scripts will be loaded
      this.loadState = function(scripts) {
        // If no scripts are given, instantiate, resolve, and return an easy promise
        if (scripts === null) { var d = $q.defer; d.resolve(); return d; }
        // Promise that all these promises will resolve
        return $q.all([
          this.load(scripts['directives'] || null),
          this.load(scripts['controllers'] || null),
          this.load(scripts['services'] || null),
          this.load(scripts['factories'] || null),

          this.load(scripts['js'] || null)

    // Declare a run block for the module accessing $rootScope, $scriptService, and $state
    lazy.run(function($rootScope,$scriptService,$state) {
      // Register a $stateChangeStart event listener on $rootScope, get a script loader
      // for the $rootScope, $scriptService, and $state service.

     * Returns a two-state function for handing $stateChangeStart events.
     * In the first state, the handler will interrupt the event, preventing
     * the state transition, and invoke $scriptService.loadState on the object
     * stored in the state definition's 'script' property.  Upon the resolution
     * of the loadState call, the handler restarts a $stateChangeStart event
     * by invoking the same transition.  When the handler is called to handle
     * this second event for the original state transition, the handler is in its
     * second state which allows the event to continue and the state transition
     * to happen using the ui-router module's default functionality.
     * @param $scriptService    Injected $scriptService instance for lazy-loading.
     * @param $state            Injected $state service instance for state transitions.
    var scriptLoaderFactory = function($scriptService,$state) {
      // Initialize handler state
      var pending = false;
      // Return the defined handler
      return function(event,toState,toParams,fromState,fromParams) {
        // Check handler state, and change state
        if (pending = !pending) {   // If pending === false state
          // Interrupt state transition
          // Invoke $scriptService to load state's scripts
            // When scripts are loaded, restart the same state transition
            .then(function() { $state.go(toState,toParams); });
        } else {  // If pending === true state
          // NOOP, 'ui-router' default event handlers take over

/** End 'lazy' module */


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Lazy App</title>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='libs/script.js'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>


      $script.ready('lazyapp-module',function() { console.log('All Scripts Loaded.'); });

    <div ui-view='mainView'></div>

函数被黑脚本.js https://github.com/ded/script.js/因为我更喜欢语法

$script.queue = function(aQueueBehind,aUrl,aLabel) {
  if (aQueueBehind === null) { return $script((aUrl === null?[null]:aUrl),aLabel); }
  $script.ready(aQueueBehind,function() {
    if (aUrl !== null)
  return $script;


(function() {
  var lazyApp = angular && angular.module('lazyApp ',['lazy']);
  lazyApp = angular.module('lazy').makeLazy(lazyApp);

  lazyApp.config(function($stateProvider) {

      name: 'root',
      url: '',
      views: {
        'mainView': { templateUrl: '/lazyapp/views/mainview.html', controller: 'lazyAppController' }
      scripts: {
        'directives': [ 'lazyapp/directives/lazyheader/src/lazyheader.js' ],
        'controllers': [ 'lazyapp/controllers/lazyappcontroller.js' ],
        'services': [ 'lazyapp/services/sectionservice.js' ]
      resolve: {
        sections: function(sectionService) {
          return sectionService.getSections();



(function() {
  var lazyApp = angular.module('lazyApp');

  lazyApp.service('sectionService',function($q) {
    this.getSections = function() {
      var deferred = $q.defer();
        'home': {},
        'news': {},
        'events': {},
        'involved': {},
        'contacts': {},
        'links': {}
      return deferred.promise;


(function() {
  var lazyApp = angular.module('lazyApp ');

  lazyApp.directive('lazyHeader',function() {
    return {
      templateUrl: 'lazyapp/directives/lazyheader/templates/lazyheader-main.html',
      restrict: 'E'


(function() {
  var lazyApp = angular.module('lazyApp ');

  lazyApp.controller('lazyAppController',function(sections) {
    // @TODO: Control things.

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  • flutter sqlite 事务使用错误警告数据库已被锁定

    我正在开发一个使用 sqlite 和事务的移动应用程序 下面的代码是通过使用sqlite事务保存模型到多个数据库表来从用户那里获取订单信息 Future
  • 如何使用 npm install 和 webpack 来使用 normalize.css?

    我正在将 webpack 与 ReactJS 一起使用 并试图弄清楚如何在 npm 安装后使用 normalize css https necolas github io normalize css https necolas github
  • 如何使用注释将控制器定义为服务?

    这似乎是使用控制器作为服务的最快 最简单的方法 但我仍然缺少一个步骤 因为它不起作用 这是我的代码 控制器 服务 Test TestBundle Controller TestController php use Symfony Bundl
  • Psycopg2execute_values 以文本形式发送所有值

    我在 postgres 中有这张表 CREATE TABLE target a json b integer c text id integer CONSTRAINT id fkey FOREIGN KEY id REFERENCES pu
  • 在 drupal 7 中更改管理员密码

    我正在使用内置的 Drupal 7 用户模块 用户注册 忘记密码电子邮件等等 我忘记了我的管理员密码 我可以访问托管在 1and1 com 上的网站 也可以访问 mysql 是否可以通过 SQL 更改密码或电子邮件地址 以便我可以访问管理页
  • 更改状态时延迟加载 Angular 组件脚本

    这个问题已经占用了最后一天左右的时间 我一直在尝试让我的 AngularJS 应用程序延迟加载每个状态组件的脚本文件 我正在 Angular 中从事一个大型项目 并且index html文件已经变成了100多个