Google 语音 API - php 不返回任何内容


我的代码受到用于语音转文本的全双工谷歌语音 API 的 php 版本的启发:

我有几个 flac 文件可以正常工作并提供数组输出,如 Mike 的帖子中所述。但对于少数 flac 文件,它不会返回任何内容作为输出。例如 :,不返回任何输出。

但同样的代码适用于这个 flac 文件:并返回数组输出,如下所示:

---------回应 1:你面对的是食品储藏室和主要的一堆,我通常是 Wesley Rd rasa 杂粮饼干,我喜欢它们,因为它们对你来说非常健康,并且 [...] ...等等 5 个回复。

谁能告诉我,为什么有些 flac 文件不起作用?或者有什么方法可以捕获 google API 创建的异常并显示它们以进行故障排除?

谢谢。在这里附上我的两个 php 文件的代码:

PHP file which passes the API key and the FLAC file with its sample rate. 

include 'GoogleSpeechToText.php';


// Your API Key goes here.
$speech = new GoogleSpeechToText($apiKey);


$file = realpath('upload/Pantry_Survey.flac'); // Full path to the file.

echo "<BR><BR>file : ", $file ;


$bitRate = 44100; // The bit rate of the file.
$result = $speech->process($file, $bitRate, 'en-US');


echo "<BR><BR>-------------";

$responses = $result[0]['alternative'];

$i = 0;
foreach ($responses as $response) {
	$i = $i + 1;
	#echo $response['transcript'];
	echo "<br><br> ---------response $i : ", $response['transcript'];


 * Convert FLAC files to Text using the Google Speech API
 * Credit due to Mike ([email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) for his first version of this.
 * @version 0.1
 * @author Roger Thomas
 * @see
class GoogleSpeechToText
     * URL of the Speech API
     * @var string
    const SPEECH_BASE_URL = '';

     * A 'unique' string to use for the requests
     * @var string
    private $requestPair;

     * The Google Auth API Key
     * @var string
    private $apiKey;

     * CURL Upload Handle
     * @var resource
    private $uploadHandle;

     * CURL Download Handle
     * @var resource
    private $downloadHandle;

     * Construct giving the Google Auth API Key.
     * @param string $apiKey
     * @throws Exception
    public function __construct($apiKey)
        if (empty($apiKey)) {
            throw new Exception('$apiKey should not be empty.');
        $this->apiKey = $apiKey;
        $this->requestPair = $this->getPair();

     * Setup CURL requests, both up and down.
    private function setupCurl()
        $this->uploadHandle = curl_init();
        $this->downloadHandle = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($this->downloadHandle, CURLOPT_URL, self::SPEECH_BASE_URL . 'down?pair=' . $this->requestPair );
		#echo "<br>downloadHandle :: ", self::SPEECH_BASE_URL . 'down?pair=' . $this->requestPair;

        curl_setopt($this->downloadHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);


		//----added by asmi shah - 7 jan 2015
		curl_setopt($this->uploadHandle, CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE, 30000);
		curl_setopt($this->uploadHandle, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, 9999);
		curl_setopt($this->downloadHandle, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, 9999);


     * Generate a Pair for the request. This identifies the requests later.
     * @return string
    private function getPair()
        $c = '0123456789';
        $s = '';
        for ($i=0; $i<16; $i++) {
            $s .= $c[rand(0, strlen($c) - 1)];
		echo "pair : ",$s;
        return $s;

     * Make the request, returning either an array, or boolean false on
     * failure.
     * @param string $file the file name to process
     * @param integer $rate the bitrate of the flac content (example: 44100)
     * @param string $language the ISO language code
     *      (en-US has been confirmed as working)
     * @throws Exception
     * @return array|boolean false for failure.
    public function process($file, $rate, $language = 'en-US')
        if (!$file || !file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
            throw new Exception(
                '$file must be specified and be a valid location.'
		else { echo "<br>file exists"; }

        $data = file_get_contents($file);
        if (!$data) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to read ' . $file);
		else { echo "<br>file is readable"; }
		$upload_data = array(
					"Content_Type"  =>  "audio/x-flac; rate=". $rate,
					"Content"       =>  $data,

        if (empty($rate) || !is_integer($rate)) {
            throw new Exception('$rate must be specified and be an integer');
		else { echo "<br>sample rate is received :" . $rate ; }

        curl_setopt($this->uploadHandle,CURLOPT_URL,self::SPEECH_BASE_URL . 'up?lang=' .$language . '&lm=dictation&timeout=20&client=chromium&pair=' .$this->requestPair . '&key=' . $this->apiKey);
		curl_setopt($this->uploadHandle,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Transfer-Encoding: chunked','Content-Type: audio/x-flac; rate=' . $rate));
		#echo "<br><br>------ data : ", $data;
		#echo "<br><br>------";
		#echo "<BR><BR> URL made up : ", self::SPEECH_BASE_URL . 'up?lang=' .$language . '&lm=dictation&client=chromium&pair=' .$this->requestPair . '&key=' . $this->apiKey;

        $curlMulti = curl_multi_init();

        curl_multi_add_handle($curlMulti, $this->downloadHandle);
        curl_multi_add_handle($curlMulti, $this->uploadHandle);
        $active = null;
        do {
            curl_multi_exec($curlMulti, $active);
        } while ($active > 0);

        $res = curl_multi_getcontent($this->downloadHandle);

		#echo "resource type ::".get_resource_type($this->downloadHandle);
		$output = array();
        $results = explode("\n", $res);
		#$i = 0;
        foreach ($results as $result) {
			#$i = $i + 1;
			#echo "<BR><BR><BR>--------------- string ||$i|| : ", $result;
            $object = json_decode($result, true);
            if (
                (isset($object['result']) == true) &&
                (count($object['result']) > 0)
            ) {
                foreach ($object['result'] as $obj) {
                    $output[] = $obj;

        curl_multi_remove_handle($curlMulti, $this->downloadHandle);
        curl_multi_remove_handle($curlMulti, $this->uploadHandle);

        if (empty($output)) {
			echo "<BR><br>output is empty<BR>";
            return false;
		echo "<BR><BR>";
        return  $output;

     * Close any outstanding connections in the destruct
    public function __destruct()


您提供的音频文件使用 2 个通道。由于语音当前仅支持单通道音频,因此您需要将其转换为单通道。 所有编码仅支持 1 通道(单声道)音频。Google语音API的音频编码细节

将音频文件转换为 1 个通道后,我能够成功获得所提供的音频文件的响应。


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