Haskell 性能:组合与应用程序?



当我学习 F# 时,我爱上了管道操作符|>,这在 haskell 的反向应用中具有等价物&。但在我看来,F# 变体无疑更漂亮(而且我不认为我是唯一的)。

现在,我们可以轻松地将管道操作符破解到 haskell 中:

(|>) x f = f x


管道(F# 和我们的 haskell 技巧中的管道)之间的最大区别在于它不组合函数,而是基于函数应用程序。它采用左侧的值并将其传递给右侧的函数,这与组合相反,组合采用 2 个函数并返回另一个函数,然后该函数可以用作任何常规函数。

至少对我来说,这使得代码更加漂亮,因为您只使用一个运算符来引导整个函数从参数到最终值的信息流,因为使用基本组合(或 >>>),您无法在左侧使其穿过“链条”。


f x = x |> func1 |> func2 |> someLambda |> someMap |> someFold |> show

f x = x & (func1 >>> func2 >>> someLambda >>> someMap >>> someFold >>> show)

f x = (func1 >>> func2 >>> someLambda >>> someMap >>> someFold >>> show) x


应该没有什么区别,只要(|>) and (>>>)内联。让我们编写一个使用四个不同函数的示例,其中两个采用 F# 风格,两个采用 Haskell 风格:

import Data.Char (isUpper)

{-# INLINE (|>) #-}
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(|>) x f = f x

{-# INLINE (>>>) #-}
(>>>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
(>>>) f g x = g (f x)

compositionF :: String -> String
compositionF = filter isUpper >>> length >>> show 

applicationF :: String -> String
applicationF x = x |> filter isUpper |> length |> show 

compositionH :: String -> String
compositionH = show . length . filter isUpper

applicationH :: String -> String
applicationH x = show $ length $ filter isUpper $ x

main :: IO ()
main = do
  getLine >>= putStrLn . compositionF  -- using the functions
  getLine >>= putStrLn . applicationF  -- to make sure that
  getLine >>= putStrLn . compositionH  -- we actually get the
  getLine >>= putStrLn . applicationH  -- corresponding GHC core

如果我们编译我们的代码-ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all -O0 we get:

==================== Tidy Core ====================
Result size of Tidy Core = {terms: 82, types: 104, coercions: 0}

-- RHS size: {terms: 9, types: 11, coercions: 0}
>>>_rqe =
  \ @ a_a1cE @ b_a1cF @ c_a1cG f_aqr g_aqs x_aqt ->
    g_aqs (f_aqr x_aqt)

-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 0, coercions: 0}
$trModule1_r1gR = TrNameS "main"#

-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 0, coercions: 0}
$trModule2_r1h6 = TrNameS "Main"#

-- RHS size: {terms: 3, types: 0, coercions: 0}
$trModule = Module $trModule1_r1gR $trModule2_r1h6

-- RHS size: {terms: 58, types: 73, coercions: 0}
main =
       (. putStrLn
             (>>>_rqe (filter isUpper) (length $fFoldable[]))
             (show $fShowInt))))
          (. putStrLn
             (\ x_a10M ->
                show $fShowInt (length $fFoldable[] (filter isUpper x_a10M)))))
             (. putStrLn
                (. (show $fShowInt) (. (length $fFoldable[]) (filter isUpper)))))
             (. putStrLn
                (\ x_a10N ->
                   show $fShowInt (length $fFoldable[] (filter isUpper x_a10N)))))))

-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 1, coercions: 0}
main = runMainIO main

So >>>如果我们不启用优化,则不会内联。但是,如果我们启用优化,您将看不到>>> or (.)根本不。我们的功能略有不同,因为(.)在那个阶段没有被内联,但这在某种程度上是预料之中的。

如果我们添加{-# NOINLINE … #-}对于我们的函数并启用优化,我们发现这四个函数根本没有区别:

$ ghc -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all -O2 Example.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Example.hs, Example.o )

==================== Tidy Core ====================
Result size of Tidy Core = {terms: 261, types: 255, coercions: 29}

-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 0, coercions: 0}
$trModule2 = TrNameS "main"#

-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 0, coercions: 0}
$trModule1 = TrNameS "Main"#

-- RHS size: {terms: 3, types: 0, coercions: 0}
$trModule = Module $trModule2 $trModule1

Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 29, types: 20, coercions: 0}
$sgo_r574 =
  \ sc_s55y sc1_s55x ->
    case sc1_s55x of _ {
      [] -> I# sc_s55y;
      : y_a2j9 ys_a2ja ->
        case y_a2j9 of _ { C# c#_a2hF ->
        case {__pkg_ccall base- u_iswupper Int#
                                     -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)}_a2hE
               (ord# c#_a2hF) realWorld#
        of _ { (# ds_a2hJ, ds1_a2hK #) ->
        case ds1_a2hK of _ {
          __DEFAULT -> $sgo_r574 (+# sc_s55y 1#) ys_a2ja;
          0# -> $sgo_r574 sc_s55y ys_a2ja
end Rec }

-- RHS size: {terms: 15, types: 14, coercions: 0}
applicationH =
  \ x_a12X ->
    case $sgo_r574 0# x_a12X of _ { I# ww3_a2iO ->
    case $wshowSignedInt 0# ww3_a2iO []
    of _ { (# ww5_a2iS, ww6_a2iT #) ->
    : ww5_a2iS ww6_a2iT

Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 29, types: 20, coercions: 0}
$sgo1_r575 =
  \ sc_s55r sc1_s55q ->
    case sc1_s55q of _ {
      [] -> I# sc_s55r;
      : y_a2j9 ys_a2ja ->
        case y_a2j9 of _ { C# c#_a2hF ->
        case {__pkg_ccall base- u_iswupper Int#
                                     -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)}_a2hE
               (ord# c#_a2hF) realWorld#
        of _ { (# ds_a2hJ, ds1_a2hK #) ->
        case ds1_a2hK of _ {
          __DEFAULT -> $sgo1_r575 (+# sc_s55r 1#) ys_a2ja;
          0# -> $sgo1_r575 sc_s55r ys_a2ja
end Rec }

-- RHS size: {terms: 15, types: 15, coercions: 0}
compositionH =
  \ x_a1jF ->
    case $sgo1_r575 0# x_a1jF of _ { I# ww3_a2iO ->
    case $wshowSignedInt 0# ww3_a2iO []
    of _ { (# ww5_a2iS, ww6_a2iT #) ->
    : ww5_a2iS ww6_a2iT

Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 29, types: 20, coercions: 0}
$sgo2_r576 =
  \ sc_s55k sc1_s55j ->
    case sc1_s55j of _ {
      [] -> I# sc_s55k;
      : y_a2j9 ys_a2ja ->
        case y_a2j9 of _ { C# c#_a2hF ->
        case {__pkg_ccall base- u_iswupper Int#
                                     -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)}_a2hE
               (ord# c#_a2hF) realWorld#
        of _ { (# ds_a2hJ, ds1_a2hK #) ->
        case ds1_a2hK of _ {
          __DEFAULT -> $sgo2_r576 (+# sc_s55k 1#) ys_a2ja;
          0# -> $sgo2_r576 sc_s55k ys_a2ja
end Rec }

-- RHS size: {terms: 15, types: 15, coercions: 0}
compositionF =
  \ x_a1jF ->
    case $sgo2_r576 0# x_a1jF of _ { I# ww3_a2iO ->
    case $wshowSignedInt 0# ww3_a2iO []
    of _ { (# ww5_a2iS, ww6_a2iT #) ->
    : ww5_a2iS ww6_a2iT

Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 29, types: 20, coercions: 0}
$sgo3_r577 =
  \ sc_s55d sc1_s55c ->
    case sc1_s55c of _ {
      [] -> I# sc_s55d;
      : y_a2j9 ys_a2ja ->
        case y_a2j9 of _ { C# c#_a2hF ->
        case {__pkg_ccall base- u_iswupper Int#
                                     -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)}_a2hE
               (ord# c#_a2hF) realWorld#
        of _ { (# ds_a2hJ, ds1_a2hK #) ->
        case ds1_a2hK of _ {
          __DEFAULT -> $sgo3_r577 (+# sc_s55d 1#) ys_a2ja;
          0# -> $sgo3_r577 sc_s55d ys_a2ja
end Rec }

-- RHS size: {terms: 15, types: 14, coercions: 0}
applicationF =
  \ x_a12W ->
    case $sgo3_r577 0# x_a12W of _ { I# ww3_a2iO ->
    case $wshowSignedInt 0# ww3_a2iO []
    of _ { (# ww5_a2iS, ww6_a2iT #) ->
    : ww5_a2iS ww6_a2iT

All go函数完全相同(没有变量名),并且application*是相同的composition*。因此,继续在 Haskell 中创建您自己的 F# prelude,应该不会有任何性能问题。


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