使用 knitr 和 .Rnw for LaTeX,如何在 PDF 输出中打印完整的参考书目?


我似乎无法破解所有可能性并在 RStudio 的 PDF 输出中插入完整的参考书目,knitr、.Rnw 脚本和“编译 PDF”按钮。 PDF 中所需的文本是引用作品的详细信息。

这是一个小人国的 bibtex 文件,名为jabrefbibtest.bib,保存在工作目录中。

  Title                    = {"2012 - In - House Counsel New Media Engagement Survey"},
  Author                   = {"Inside Counsel "},
  Publisher                = {"Greentarget"},
  Year                     = {"2012"},
  Pages                    = {"20"},
  Plots                    = {"9"},
  Tables                   = {"0"},
  Url                      = {"http://www.greentarget.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/2012GTZGICSurveyReportFinal-WebsiteVersion.pdf"}
  Title                    = {"Intellectual Leadership with Law Watch"},
  Author                   = {""},
  Publisher                = {""},
  Year                     = {"2008"},
  Pages                    = {"2"},
  Plots                    = {"1"},
  Tables                   = {"4"},
  Url                      = {"http://www.citigroup.com/privatebank/lawassociates/pdfs/lawwatch/slipsheet.pdf"}

The .Rnw脚本,精简后,是


% \addbibresource{}     # not sure if this is needed


<<bibbackground, echo=FALSE, include=FALSE>>=
setwd("~/R/knitr docs/")


Here is one citation \cite{GreentargetEngagement2012} and here is a second \cite{CitiprivateBank}.

Now do full References show below?


The log:

! Package biblatex Error: '\bibliographystyle' invalid.

See the biblatex package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.59 \bibliographystyle{plain}

Use the package option 'style' instead.
I'm ignoring this command.

! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.60 \bibliography
Your command was ignored.
Type  I <command> <return>  to replace it with another command,
or  <return>  to continue without it.

LaTeX Warning: Citation 'GreentargetEngagement2012' on page 1 undefined on inpu
t line 62.
[more omitted]

随着乳胶伴侣, 使用 R 和knitr 的动态文档,作者:Yihui Xie,两本 LaTeX 入门书和 262 页的 biblatex 手册 我一直在努力阅读这些网站的复杂建议。无果而终。

https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/71565/knitr-and-biblatex https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/71565/knitr-and-biblatex

https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/63852/question-mark-instead-of-itation-number https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/63852/question-mark-instead-of-citation-number

http://texblog.org/2013/08/20/rknit-automatic-bibliography- Generation-with-biblatex-in-rstudio/ http://texblog.org/2013/08/20/rknitr-automatic-bibliography-generation-with-biblatex-in-rstudio/

http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/knititations/docs/bibliography http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/knitcitations/docs/bibliography


PDF 文件的所有内容如下:

参考 这是一个引文 [?],这是第二个引文 [?]。 现在完整的参考文献显示在下面吗?


  1. 不要使用\bibliographystyle{plain}(这不适用于 biblatex);使用style选项中\usepackage[]{biblatex}反而;
  2. \bibliography{jabrefbibtest}必须放在序言中而不是正文中。



% or use \addbibresource{jabrefbibtest.bib}


Here is one citation \cite{ABFWomenFirstChairs2015} and
here is a second \cite{ACCGCSkills2013}.

Now do full References show below?


顺便说一句,RStudio 可能不支持默认后端biber of biblatex, 所以backend=bibtex使用了选项。


使用 knitr 和 .Rnw for LaTeX,如何在 PDF 输出中打印完整的参考书目? 的相关文章
