


       Multi-Entry-Exit Detectors(E3)可以用来检测通过检测区域的平均速度、车辆通过检测区域的平均停车次数、车辆通过区域的平均延误、一段时间内进入检测区域车辆数、一段时间内进入检测区域但还未离开的所有车辆的平均速度、一段时间内进入检测区域但还未离开的所有车辆的平均停车次数等,详见下表。

begin(simulation) secondsThe first time step the values were collected in
end(simulation) secondsThe last time step + DELTA_T the values were collected in (may be equal to begin)
ididThe id of the detector
meanTravelTimesThe time vehicles needed to pass the area (the crossing of the vehicle front counts). Averaged over all vehicles which left the detector completely during the interval duration.
meanOverlapTravelTimesThe time vehicles needed to pass the area (any time a part of the vehicle was in the detection range counts). Averaged over all vehicles that have left the detector completely during the interval duration.
meanSpeedm/sThe mean speed of vehicles that have passed the area. Averaged over the interval and vehicles.
meanHaltsPerVehicle#The number of halts of vehicles that have passed the area. Averaged over all vehicles that have left the detector during the interval duration.
meanTimeLosssThe average time loss for all vehicles that have passed the area.
vehicleSum#The number of vehicles that have left the area during the interval.
meanSpeedWithinm/sThe mean speed of those vehicles that have entered, but not yet left the area. Averaged over the time each vehicle was in the area and vehicles.
meanHaltsPerVehicleWithinm/sThe mean number of haltings of those vehicles that have entered, but not yet left the area. Averaged over the time each vehicle was in the area and vehicles.
meanDurationWithinsThe mean duration is within the area of those vehicles that have entered, but not yet left the area. Averaged over the time each vehicle was in the area and vehicles.
vehicleSumWithinsThe number of vehicles that have entered but not yet left the area.
meanIntervalSpeedWithinm/sThe mean speed of those vehicles that have entered, but not yet left the area, collected during the written interval. Averaged over the interval and vehicles.
meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin#The number of vehicles that have left the area during the interval, collected during the written interval. Averaged over the interval and vehicles.
meanIntervalDurationWithinsThe number of vehicles that have left the area during the interval, collected during the written interval. Averaged over the interval and vehicles.
meanTimeLossWithinsThe average time loss collected by vehicles that have entered but not yet left the area during the written interval.


1. 创建 .add 文件




   <entryExitDetector id="<ID>" freq="<AGGREGATION_TIME>" file="<OUTPUT_XMLFILE>" 
   timeThreshold="<FLOAT>" speedThreshold="<FLOAT>">
      <detEntry lane="<LANE_ID1>" pos="<POSITION_ON_LANE>" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/>
      <detEntry lane="<LANE_ID2>" pos="<POSITION_ON_LANE>" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/>
      <detExit lane="<LANE_ID1>" pos="<POSITION_ON_LANE>" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/>
      <detExit lane="<LANE_ID3>" pos="<POSITION_ON_LANE>" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/>

      ... further entries ...




  • ID编号;
  • freq检测频率,经过多长时间要汇总一次检测数据,单位为秒;
  • file输出文件的路径,文档名称,可以是.xml文件;
  • timeThreshold,一个时间阈值,过多长时间车辆可以被认为是停车(问题:这个时间是指车辆在某个地方停留不动的时间吗),默认为1s;
  • speedThreshold,基于速度的阈值,用于描述车辆必须以多慢的速度被识别为停车,默认为5/3.6m/s;
  • openEntry,一个逻辑变量,为真时表示若发生检测到车辆从检测区域出去却没有检测到其进入检测区域的情况时,不报错;
  • vTypes,类型为string,需要检测的车辆类型;
  • detectPersons,类型为string,表示需要检测的是行人或乘客而不是机动车。


   <entryExitDetector id="ETW1" freq="30" file="output_E3.xml"
   timeThreshold="1" speedThreshold="3.6">
      <detEntry lane="-E1_0" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口右转
      <detEntry lane="-E1_1" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口第1直行车道
      <detEntry lane="-E1_2" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口第2直行车道
      <detEntry lane="-E1_3" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口第3直行车道
      <detEntry lane="-E1_4" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口第1左转车道
      <detExit lane="E3_0" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口右转
      <detExit lane="E0_0" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口第1直行车道
      <detExit lane="E0_1" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口第2直行车道
      <detExit lane="E0_2" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口第3直行车道
      <detExit lane="E2_2" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口第1左转车道

      ... further entries ...





        <net-file value=""/>
        <route-files value="hello.rou.xml"/>
        <begin value="0"/>
        <end value="10000"/>



-n <FILE>
--net-file <FILE>
Load road network description from FILE
-r <FILE>
--route-files <FILE>
Load routes descriptions from FILE(s)
-a <FILE>
--additional-files <FILE>
Load further descriptions from FILE(s)
-w <FILE>
--weight-files <FILE>
Load edge/lane weights for online rerouting from FILE
--weight-attribute <STRING>
Name of the xml attribute which gives the edge weight; default: traveltime
--load-state <FILE>Loads a network state from FILE
--load-state.offset <TIME>Shifts all times loaded from a saved state by the given offset; default: 0
--load-state.remove-vehiclesRemoves vehicles with the given IDs from the loaded state
--junction-taz <BOOL>Initialize a TAZ for every junction to use attributes toJunction and fromJunction; default: false


        <net-file value=""/>
        <route-files value="intersection_ply.rou.xml"/>
        <additional-files value="intersection_ply.add.xml"/>

        <begin value="0"/>
        <end value="7200"/>




修改后又出现了新的错误,显示add文件加载失败:Loading of additional-files failed.


        <net-file value=""/>
        <route-files value="intersection_ply.rou.xml"/>


        <begin value="0"/>
        <end value="7200"/>

用sumo-gui打开,仍然报错:Invalid departLane definition for flow 'd11'


    <flow id="d11" color="1,1,0"  begin="0" end= "7200" vehsPerHour='180' type="CarA" departLane="-E1_4" departSpeed="max">
     <route edges="-E1 E2"/>



    <flow id="d12" color="1,1,0"  begin="0" end= "7200" vehsPerHour='296' type="CarA" departLane="1" departSpeed="max">
     <route edges="-E1 E0"/>

接下来把add文件重新加入到configuration文件中,看能否运行。还是显示Loading of additional-files failed.拖动报错栏,发现它提示了我哪里出错了——friendlyPos="<BOOL>"没有设置。(这个错误实在是...)

<detEntry lane="-E1_0" pos="40" friendlyPos="<BOOL>"/> #东进口右转


   <entryExitDetector id="ETW1" freq="30" file="output_E3.xml"
   timeThreshold="1" speedThreshold="3.6">
      <detEntry lane="-E1_0" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口右转
      <detEntry lane="-E1_1" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口第1直行车道
      <detEntry lane="-E1_2" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口第2直行车道
      <detEntry lane="-E1_3" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口第3直行车道
      <detEntry lane="-E1_4" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口第1左转车道
      <detExit lane="E3_0" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口右转
      <detExit lane="E0_0" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口第1直行车道
      <detExit lane="E0_1" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口第2直行车道
      <detExit lane="E0_2" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口第3直行车道
      <detExit lane="E2_2" pos="40" friendlyPos="1"/> #东进口第1左转车道

      ... further entries ...





用pycharm打开之前创建的输出文件(.xml), 发现里面信息的格式是:每一行为每一秒检测到的各种输出数据,到30s时(之前设定的freq)就输出一行下面这样的信息。有时meanTravelTime、meanOverlapTravelTime的值为-1,猜测可能是因为这个间隔内由于红绿灯或其他原因而没有车辆通过检测区域。各项数据的含义可以参见官网。

<interval begin="240.00" end="270.00" id="ETW1" meanTravelTime="32.52" meanOverlapTravelTime="32.94" meanSpeed="9.07" meanHaltsPerVehicle="0.21" meanTimeLoss="25.45" vehicleSum="29" meanSpeedWithin="9.66" meanHaltsPerVehicleWithin="0.20" meanDurationWithin="23.99" vehicleSumWithin="10" meanIntervalSpeedWithin="9.64" meanIntervalHaltsPerVehicleWithin="0.00" meanIntervalDurationWithin="10.64" meanTimeLossWithin="6.34"/>


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