





作用:一些内核调用可以用来方便标记bug,提供断言并输出信息。最常用的两个是BUG()和BUG_ON()。当被调用的时候,它们会引发oops,导致栈的回溯和错误信息的打印。为什么这些声明会导致 oops跟硬件的体系结构是相关的。大部分体系结构把BUG()和BUG_ON()定义成某种非法操作,这样自然会产生需要的oops。你可以把这些调用当作断言使用,想要断言某种情况不该发生
if (bad_thing)

if (terrible_thing)
       panic("foo is %ld/n", foo);

if (!debug_check) {
       printk(KERN_DEBUG "provide some information.../n");

A lots of places in linux kernel we encounter the macro BUG_ON.
BUG_ON macro first checks for the condition and if condition is true then it calls BUG which do a printk of msg and call panic which halts the system.(如果BUG_ON中的条件为真就调用BUG,它输出一些信息,然后调用panic函数挂起系统。)

The unlikely in BUG_ON macro is compiler directive which ask compiler to generate assembly such that the condition mentioned in unlikely isn't going to be met most-of-the time , which reduces jumps and speeds-up things, although if condition mentioned in unlikely met then there will be a long jump and speed will be effected, so must be used carefully. Same is with likely as it is the opposite of unlikely .(据说likely一般是很少用的)

from: http://knol.google.com/k/vivek-bhadra/linux-debugging-bug-on/3c84lj4klzp0d/14#






The hot attribute is used to inform the compiler that a function is a hot spot of the compiled program. The function is optimized more aggressively and on many target it is placed into special subsection of the text section so all hot functions appears close together improving locality.
When profile feedback is available, via -fprofile-use, hot functions are automatically detected and this attribute is ignored.
The hot attribute is not implemented in GCC versions earlier than 4.3.
The cold attribute is used to inform the compiler that a function is unlikely executed. The function is optimized for size rather than speed and on many targets it is placed into special subsection of the text section so all cold functions appears close together improving code locality of non-cold parts of program. The paths leading to call of cold functions within code are marked as unlikely by the branch prediction mechanism. It is thus useful to mark functions used to handle unlikely conditions, such as perro r , as cold to improve optimization of hot functions that do call marked functions in rare occasions.
When profile feedback is available, via -fprofile-use, hot functions are automatically detected and this attribute is ignored.
The cold attribute is not implemented in GCC versions earlier than 4.3.

from: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.4.2/gcc/Function-Attributes.html




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