Tkinter 按钮的突出显示对我不起作用


根据已接受的答案这个帖子指某东西的用途.configure(highlightbackground='red')按钮上应该在按钮周围应用颜色,但是在测试中我无法重现海报在其 gif 录制中演示的内容。


import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

btn = tk.Button(root, text='test', bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", highlightthickness=4, activebackground="#ffffff",
                activeforeground="#000000", highlightbackground='red', highlightcolor='red')




操作系统 - Windows 10 专业版


使用 Krrr 的帖子更新了示例。所以现在这确实有点工作,但是这里的问题是它正在调整按钮的大小并且没有提供正确的突出显示颜色。

import tkinter as tk

def ResponsiveWidget(widget, *args, **kwargs):
    bindings = {
        '<FocusIn>': {'highlightbackground': 'red', 'highlightcolor':'red'},
        '<FocusOut>': {'highlightbackground': '#d9d9d9', 'highlightcolor':'SystemButtonFace'},
        '<Enter>': {'state': 'active'},
        '<Leave>': {'state': 'normal'}
    for k, v in bindings.items():
        root.bind_class('Button', k, lambda e, kwarg=v: e.widget.config(**kwarg))

def update_active(event):
    global previous_button
    if previous_button != event.widget:
        previous_button = event.widget

root = tk.Tk()
button_list = []
previous_button = None

for i in range(5):
    if i == 0:
        button_list.append(tk.Button(root, text='test', bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", highlightthickness=5,
                                     activebackground="#ffffff", activeforeground="#000000", default='active'))
        previous_button = button_list[-1]
        button_list.append(tk.Button(root, text='test', bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", highlightthickness=5,
                                     activebackground="#ffffff", activeforeground="#000000", default='normal'))
    button_list[-1].pack(padx=5, pady=5)
    button_list[-1].bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', update_active)




不幸的是,Windows 操作系统似乎没有触发state and default小部件配置正确。不过,这可以通过您自己的绑定来实现。


def ResponsiveWidget(widget, *args, **kwargs):
    bindings = {
        '<FocusIn>': {'default':'active'},    # for Keyboard focus
        '<FocusOut>': {'default': 'normal'},  
        '<Enter>': {'state': 'active'},       # for Mouse focus
        '<Leave>': {'state': 'normal'}
    # Create the widget instance
    w = widget(*args, **kwargs)

    # Set the bindings for the widget instance
    for k, v in bindings.items():
        w.bind(k, lambda e, kwarg=v: e.widget.config(**kwarg))

    # Remember to return the created and binded widget
    return w

btn = ResponsiveWidget(tk.Button, root, text='test3', bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", highlightthickness=10, activebackground="#ffffff",
                activeforeground="#000000", highlightbackground='red', highlightcolor='green')

btn2 = ResponsiveWidget(tk.Button, root, text='test4', bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", highlightthickness=10, activebackground="#ffffff",
                activeforeground="#000000", highlightbackground='green', highlightcolor='red')


bindings = {
    '<FocusIn>': {'default':'active'},    # for Keyboard focus
    '<FocusOut>': {'default': 'normal'},  
    '<Enter>': {'state': 'active'},       # for Mouse focus
    '<Leave>': {'state': 'normal'}
for k, v in bindings.items():
    root.bind_class('Button', k, lambda e, kwarg=v: e.widget.config(**kwarg))



bindings = {
        '<FocusIn>': {'highlightcolor':'red'},
        '<FocusOut>': {'highlightcolor': 'SystemButtonFace'},
        '<Enter>': {'state': 'active'},
        '<Leave>': {'state': 'normal'}
for k, v in bindings.items():
    root.bind_class('Button', k, lambda e, kwarg=v: e.widget.config(**kwarg))

# Note this method requires you to set the default='active' for your buttons

btn = tk.Button(root, text='test', bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", highlightthickness=10, activebackground="#ffffff",
                activeforeground="#000000", highlightcolor='SystemButtonFace', default='active')

# ...

我认为这更像是一种 hacky 方法。

编辑:为了完整起见,这里有一个 MCVE 使用bind_class:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
bindings = {
        '<FocusIn>': {'highlightcolor':'red'},
        '<FocusOut>': {'highlightcolor': 'SystemButtonFace'},
        '<Enter>': {'state': 'active'},
        '<Leave>': {'state': 'normal'}

for k, v in bindings.items():
    root.bind_class('Button', k, lambda e, kwarg=v: e.widget.config(**kwarg))

btns = list(range(5))
for btn in btns:
    btns[btn] = tk.Button(root, text='test', bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", highlightthickness=5, activebackground="#ffffff",
        activeforeground="#000000", highlightcolor='SystemButtonFace', default='active', padx=5, pady=5)


和 MCVE 使用ResponsiveWidget功能:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
def ResponsiveWidget(widget, *args, **kwargs):
    bindings = {
        '<FocusIn>': {'highlightcolor':'red'},    # for Keyboard focus
        '<FocusOut>': {'highlightcolor': 'SystemButtonFace'},  
        '<Enter>': {'state': 'active'},       # for Mouse focus
        '<Leave>': {'state': 'normal'}
    # Create the widget instance
    w = widget(*args, **kwargs)

    # Set the bindings for the widget instance
    for k, v in bindings.items():
        w.bind(k, lambda e, kwarg=v: e.widget.config(**kwarg))

    # Remember to return the created and binded widget
    return w

btns = list(range(5))
for btn in btns:
    btns[btn] = ResponsiveWidget(tk.Button, root, text=f'test{btn}', bg="#000000", fg="#ffffff", highlightthickness=10, activebackground="#ffffff",
        activeforeground="#000000", highlightcolor='SystemButtonFace', default='active', padx=5, pady=5)


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