

我有一个日志条目表,以及大约 100 个可能的日志代码的描述表:

CREATE TABLE `log_entries` (
  `logentry_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `date` datetime NOT NULL,
  `partner_id` smallint(4) NOT NULL,
  `log_code` smallint(4) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`logentry_id`),
  KEY `IX_code` (`log_code`),
  KEY `IX_partner_code` (`partner_id`,`log_code`)

  `log_code` smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `log_desc` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `category_overview` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `category_error` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`log_code`),
  KEY `IX_overview_code` (`category_overview`,`log_code`),
  KEY `IX_error_code` (`category_error`,`log_code`)

以下查询(匹配 20k 行中的 10k 行)在 0.0034 秒内执行(使用LIMIT 0,20):

SELECT log_entries.date, log_codes.log_desc FROM log_entries 
INNER JOIN log_codes ON log_codes.log_code = log_entries.log_code 
WHERE log_entries.partner_id = 1 AND log_codes.category_overview = 1;

但是添加时ORDER BY log_entries.logentry_id DESC,这当然是必要的,它减慢到0.6秒。可能是因为 log_codes 表上使用了“使用临时”?删除索引实际上使查询执行得更快,但仍然很慢(0.3 秒)。


| id | select_type | table       | type | possible_keys              | key              | key_len | ref                      | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | log_codes   | ref  | PRIMARY,IX_overview_code   | IX_overview_code | 1       | const                    |   56 |             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | log_entries | ref  | IX_code,IX_partner_code    | IX_partner_code  | 7       | const,log_codes.log_code |   25 | Using where |


| id | select_type | table       | type | possible_keys              | key              | key_len | ref                      | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | log_codes   | ref  | PRIMARY,IX_overview_code   | IX_overview_code | 1       | const                    |   56 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | log_entries | ref  | IX_code,IX_partner_code    | IX_partner_code  | 7       | const,log_codes.log_code |   25 | Using where                     |


更新@Eugen Rieck:

SELECT log_entries.date, lc.log_desc FROM log_entries INNER JOIN (SELECT log_desc, log_code FROM log_codes WHERE category_overview = 1) AS lc ON lc.log_code = log_entries.log_code WHERE log_entries.partner_id = 1 ORDER BY log_entries.logentry_id;
| id | select_type | table       | type | possible_keys           | key              | key_len | ref               | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2>  | ALL  | NULL                    | NULL             | NULL    | NULL              |   57 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | log_entries | ref  | IX_code,IX_partner_code | IX_partner_code  | 7       | const,lc.log_code |   25 | Using where                     |
|  2 | DERIVED     | log_codes   | ref  | IX_overview_code        | IX_overview_code | 1       |                   |   56 |                                 |


使用我的原始索引,ORDER BY date DESC:

SELECT log_entries.date, log_codes.log_desc FROM (SELECT log_code,date FROM log_entries WHERE partner_id = 1) log_entries INNER JOIN (SELECT log_code,log_desc FROM log_codes WHERE category_overview = 1) log_codes USING (log_code) ORDER BY log_entries.date DESC;
| id | select_type | table       | type | possible_keys    | key              | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra                           |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived3>  | ALL  | NULL             | NULL             | NULL    | NULL |    57 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2>  | ALL  | NULL             | NULL             | NULL    | NULL | 21937 | Using where; Using join buffer  |
|  3 | DERIVED     | log_codes   | ref  | IX_overview_code | IX_overview_code | 1       |      |    56 |                                 |
|  2 | DERIVED     | log_entries | ALL  | IX_partner_code  | NULL             | NULL    | NULL | 22787 | Using where                     |


SELECT log_entries.date, log_codes.log_desc FROM (SELECT log_code,date FROM log_entries WHERE partner_id = 1) log_entries INNER JOIN (SELECT log_code,log_desc FROM log_codes WHERE category_overview = 1) log_codes USING (log_code);
| id | select_type | table       | type  | possible_keys         | key                   | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra                          |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived3>  | ALL   | NULL                  | NULL                  | NULL    | NULL |    57 |                                |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2>  | ALL   | NULL                  | NULL                  | NULL    | NULL | 21937 | Using where; Using join buffer |
|  3 | DERIVED     | log_codes   | index | IX_overview_code_desc | IX_overview_code_desc | 771     | NULL |    80 | Using where; Using index       |
|  2 | DERIVED     | log_entries | index | IX_partner_code_date  | IX_partner_code_date  | 15      | NULL | 22787 | Using where; Using index       |

使用您的索引,ORDER BY date DESC:

SELECT log_entries.date, log_codes.log_desc FROM (SELECT log_code,date FROM log_entries WHERE partner_id = 1) log_entries INNER JOIN (SELECT log_code,log_desc FROM log_codes WHERE category_overview = 1) log_codes USING (log_code) ORDER BY log_entries.date DESC;
| id | select_type | table       | type  | possible_keys         | key                   | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra                           |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived3>  | ALL   | NULL                  | NULL                  | NULL    | NULL |    57 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2>  | ALL   | NULL                  | NULL                  | NULL    | NULL | 21937 | Using where; Using join buffer  |
|  3 | DERIVED     | log_codes   | index | IX_overview_code_desc | IX_overview_code_desc | 771     | NULL |    80 | Using where; Using index        |
|  2 | DERIVED     | log_entries | index | IX_partner_code_date  | IX_partner_code_date  | 15      | NULL | 22787 | Using where; Using index        |

更新@Joe Stefanelli:

SELECT log_entries.date, log_codes.log_desc FROM log_entries INNER JOIN log_codes ON log_codes.log_code = log_entries.log_code WHERE log_entries.partner_id = 1 AND log_codes.category_overview = 1 ORDER BY date DESC;
| id | select_type | table       | type | possible_keys            | key             | key_len | ref                      | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | log_codes   | ALL  | PRIMARY,IX_code_overview | NULL            | NULL    | NULL                     |   80 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | log_entries | ref  | IX_code,IX_code_partner  | IX_code_partner | 7       | log_codes.log_code,const |   25 | Using where                                  |

我认为,这里的大多数问题以及类似的问题都来自于对 MySQL(和其他数据库)如何使用索引进行排序的误解。答案是:MySQL不使用索引进行排序,它只是可以按照索引的顺序或相反的方向读取数据。如果您碰巧希望按照当前使用的索引的顺序对数据进行排序 - 您很幸运,否则结果将被排序(因此 EXPLAIN 中的文件排序)

也就是说,整个结果的顺序主要取决于哪个表是连接中的第一个表。如果您查看 EXPLAIN,您会发现连接从“log_codes”表开始(因为它小得多)。

基本上,您需要的是“log_entries”上的复合索引(partner_id,date),“log_codes”的覆盖复合索引(log_code,category_overview,log_desc),将“INNER JOIN”更改为“STRAIGHT_JOIN”以强制连接顺序,并按“日期”DESC 排序(幸运的是,该索引也将被覆盖)。

UPD1:抱歉,我输错了第一个表的索引:它应该是(partner_id, log_code, date).

但我仍然很难理解当我尝试对另一个表中的列进行排序时,为什么 MySQL 选择在 log_codes 表上“使用临时”(和 100 倍的查询时间)?

MySQL可以直接输出数据,只要你同意它获取数据的顺序,或者将数据放在临时表中,然后排序并输出。当您在连接中按任何非第一个表中的字段排序时,MySQL 必须对数据进行排序(不仅仅是按索引的顺序输出),并且为了对数据进行排序,它需要一个临时表。

但当我进一步了解数据集时,它会变慢(LIMIT 50000,25 为 6 秒)。你知道为什么吗?

要输出第 50000,25 行,MySQL 无论如何都需要获取前 50000 行并跳过它们。由于我错过了索引中的一列,MySQL 不仅扫描了索引,而且还为每个项目进行了额外的磁盘查找log_code价值。使用覆盖索引应该会更快,因为所有数据都可以从索引中获取。


SELECT log_entries.date, log_codes.log_desc
FROM log_entries FORCE INDEX (IX_partner_code_date)
  ON log_codes.log_code = log_entries.log_code
WHERE log_entries.partner_id = 1
  AND log_codes.category_overview = 1
ORDER BY log_entries.date DESC;

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