

  • 我已经形成了乐高立方体4x4形状,我试图推断图像内区域的状态:


  • 为了简化我的工作,我添加了红色标记定义border由于相机有时会晃动,因此形状会受到影响。
  • 这是我试图检测的形状的清晰图像,由手机摄像头拍摄

( 编辑:请注意,该图像不是我的输入图像,它只是用来清楚地演示所需的形状 ).

  • 我应该使用的侧面摄像头的形状如下所示:


  • 为了将我的工作集中在工作区域,我创建了一个遮罩:
  • 到目前为止我尝试过的是按颜色定位红色标记(没有 HSV 颜色空间的简单阈值),如下所示:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2

img = cv2.imread('sample.png')
RGB = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

mask = cv2.imread('mask.png')
masked = np.minimum(RGB, mask)

masked[masked[...,1]>25] = 0
masked[masked[...,2]>25] = 0
masked = masked[..., 0]

masked = cv2.medianBlur(masked,5)

plt.imshow(masked, cmap='gray')







  1. Get an HSV的面具红色标记
  2. 使用每个标记估计中心矩形通过每个标记的坐标
  3. Crop中心矩形
  4. Divide将矩形变为cells- 这是grid
  5. 运行一系列HSV-based对每个单元格进行 make 并计算主色
  6. Label每个单元格都有主色


# Importing cv2 and numpy:
import numpy as np
import cv2

# image path
path = "D://opencvImages//"
fileName = "Bg9iB.jpg"

# Reading an image in default mode:
inputImage = cv2.imread(path + fileName)
# Store a deep copy for results:
inputCopy = inputImage.copy()

# Convert the image to HSV:
hsvImage = cv2.cvtColor(inputImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

# The HSV mask values (Red):
lowerValues = np.array([127, 0, 95])
upperValues = np.array([179, 255, 255])

# Create the HSV mask
mask = cv2.inRange(hsvImage, lowerValues, upperValues)


我们可以使用一些进一步改进二进制掩码morphology。让我们应用一个closing有点大structuring element and 10迭代。我们希望这些标记尽可能清晰地定义:

# Set kernel (structuring element) size:
kernelSize = 5
# Set operation iterations:
opIterations = 10
# Get the structuring element:
maxKernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (kernelSize, kernelSize))
# Perform closing:
mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, maxKernel, None, None, opIterations, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT101)


很不错。现在,我们来检测一下contours在这个面具上。我们将每个轮廓近似为bounding box并存储其起点和尺寸。这个想法是,虽然我们会检测每个轮廓,但我们不确定它们的顺序。我们可以sort稍后列出此列表,并从左到右、从上到下获取每个边界框,以更好地估计中心矩形。我们来检测一下contours:

# Create a deep copy, convert it to BGR for results:
maskCopy = mask.copy()
maskCopy = cv2.cvtColor(maskCopy, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

# Find the big contours/blobs on the filtered image:
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

# Bounding Rects are stored here:
boundRectsList = []

# Process each contour 1-1:
for i, c in enumerate(contours):

    # Approximate the contour to a polygon:
    contoursPoly = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 3, True)

    # Convert the polygon to a bounding rectangle:
    boundRect = cv2.boundingRect(contoursPoly)

    # Get the bounding rect's data:
    rectX = boundRect[0]
    rectY = boundRect[1]
    rectWidth = boundRect[2]
    rectHeight = boundRect[3]

    # Estimate the bounding rect area:
    rectArea = rectWidth * rectHeight

    # Set a min area threshold
    minArea = 100

    # Filter blobs by area:
    if rectArea > minArea:
        #Store the rect:

我还创建了一个deep copy的掩模图像以供进一步使用。主要是创建这个图像,这是轮廓检测和边界框近似的结果:


# Sort the list based on ascending y values:
boundRectsSorted = sorted(boundRectsList, key=lambda x: x[1])

现在列表已排序,我们可以从左到右、从上到下枚举框。像这样:First "row" -> 0, 1, Second "Row" -> 2, 3。现在,我们可以使用此信息定义大的中心矩形。我称这些为“内在点”。请注意,矩形被定义为所有边界框的函数。例如,它的左上角起点定义为bounding box 0的右下端点(x 和 y)。它的宽度定义为bounding box 1的左下 x 坐标,高度定义为bounding box 2的最右边的 y 坐标。我将循环遍历每个边界框并提取它们的相关尺寸以按以下方式构造中心矩形:(top left x, top left y, width, height)。实现这一目标的方法不止一种。我更喜欢使用dictionary来获取相关数据。让我们来看看:

# Rectangle dictionary:
# Each entry is an index of the currentRect list
# 0 - X, 1 - Y, 2 - Width, 3 - Height
# Additionally: -1 is 0 (no dimension):
pointsDictionary = {0: (2, 3),
                    1: (-1, 3),
                    2: (2, -1),
                    3: (-1, -1)}

# Store center rectangle coordinates here:
centerRectangle = [None]*4

# Process the sorted rects:
rectCounter = 0

for i in range(len(boundRectsSorted)):

    # Get sorted rect:
    currentRect = boundRectsSorted[i]

    # Get the bounding rect's data:
    rectX = currentRect[0]
    rectY = currentRect[1]
    rectWidth = currentRect[2]
    rectHeight = currentRect[3]

    # Draw sorted rect:
    cv2.rectangle(maskCopy, (int(rectX), int(rectY)), (int(rectX + rectWidth),
                             int(rectY + rectHeight)), (0, 255, 0), 5)

    # Get the inner points:
    currentInnerPoint = pointsDictionary[i]
    borderPoint = [None]*2

    # Check coordinates:
    for p in range(2):
        # Check for '0' index:
        idx = currentInnerPoint[p]
        if idx == -1:
            borderPoint[p] = 0
            borderPoint[p] = currentRect[idx]

    # Draw the border points:
    color = (0, 0, 255)
    thickness = -1
    centerX = rectX + borderPoint[0]
    centerY = rectY + borderPoint[1]
    radius = 50
    cv2.circle(maskCopy, (centerX, centerY), radius, color, thickness)

    # Mark the circle
    org = (centerX - 20, centerY + 20)
    cv2.putText(maskCopy, str(rectCounter), org, font,
            2, (0, 0, 0), 5, cv2.LINE_8)

    # Show the circle:
    cv2.imshow("Sorted Rects", maskCopy)

    # Store the coordinates into list
    if rectCounter == 0:
        centerRectangle[0] = centerX
        centerRectangle[1] = centerY
        if rectCounter == 1:
            centerRectangle[2] = centerX - centerRectangle[0]
            if rectCounter == 2:
                centerRectangle[3] = centerY - centerRectangle[1]
    # Increase rectCounter:
    rectCounter += 1

该图像用红色圆圈显示每个内部点。每个圆圈都是从左到右、从上到下依次枚举的。内部点存储在centerRectangle list:


# Check out the big rectangle at the center:
bigRectX = centerRectangle[0]
bigRectY = centerRectangle[1]
bigRectWidth = centerRectangle[2]
bigRectHeight = centerRectangle[3]
# Draw the big rectangle:
cv2.rectangle(maskCopy, (int(bigRectX), int(bigRectY)), (int(bigRectX + bigRectWidth),
                     int(bigRectY + bigRectHeight)), (0, 0, 255), 5)
cv2.imshow("Big Rectangle", maskCopy)



# Crop the center portion:
centerPortion = inputCopy[bigRectY:bigRectY + bigRectHeight, bigRectX:bigRectX + bigRectWidth]

# Store a deep copy for results:
centerPortionCopy = centerPortion.copy()


太酷了,现在让我们创建grid。你知道一定有4每块砖width and 4每块砖height。我们可以使用此信息来划分图像。我将每个子图像或单元格存储在列表中。我还估计每个单元格的中心,以进行额外的处理。这些也存储在列表中。我们来看看流程:

# Dive the image into a grid:
verticalCells = 4
horizontalCells = 4

# Cell dimensions
cellWidth = bigRectWidth / verticalCells
cellHeight = bigRectHeight / horizontalCells

# Store the cells here:
cellList = []

# Store cell centers here:
cellCenters = []

# Loop thru vertical dimension:
for j in range(verticalCells):

    # Cell starting y position:
    yo = j * cellHeight

    # Loop thru horizontal dimension:
    for i in range(horizontalCells):

        # Cell starting x position:
        xo = i * cellWidth

        # Cell Dimensions:
        cX = int(xo)
        cY = int(yo)
        cWidth = int(cellWidth)
        cHeight = int(cellHeight)

        # Crop current cell:
        currentCell = centerPortion[cY:cY + cHeight, cX:cX + cWidth]

        # into the cell list:

        # Store cell center:
        cellCenters.append((cX + 0.5 * cWidth, cY + 0.5 * cHeight))

        # Draw Cell
        cv2.rectangle(centerPortionCopy, (cX, cY), (cX + cWidth, cY + cHeight), (255, 255, 0), 5)

    cv2.imshow("Grid", centerPortionCopy)


现在让我们单独处理每个单元格。当然,您可以在最后一个循环中处理每个单元格,但我目前并不寻求优化,清晰度是我的首要任务。我们需要生成一系列HSV具有目标颜色的蒙版:yellow, blue and green(空的)。我更喜欢再次实施dictionary与目标颜色。我将为每种颜色生成一个蒙版,并使用以下方法计算白色像素的数量cv2.countNonZero。我再次设定了最低阈值。这次的10。通过这些信息,我可以确定哪个蒙版生成了最大数量的白色像素,从而为我提供了主色:

# HSV dictionary - color ranges and color name:
colorDictionary = {0: ([93, 64, 21], [121, 255, 255], "blue"),
                   1: ([20, 64, 21], [30, 255, 255], "yellow"),
                   2: ([55, 64, 21], [92, 255, 255], "green")}

# Cell counter:
cellCounter = 0

for c in range(len(cellList)):

    # Get current Cell:
    currentCell = cellList[c]
    # Convert to HSV:
    hsvCell = cv2.cvtColor(currentCell, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

    # Some additional info:
    (h, w) = currentCell.shape[:2]

    # Process masks:
    maxCount = 10
    cellColor = "None"

    for m in range(len(colorDictionary)):

        # Get current lower and upper range values:
        currentLowRange = np.array(colorDictionary[m][0])
        currentUppRange = np.array(colorDictionary[m][1])

        # Create the HSV mask
        mask = cv2.inRange(hsvCell, currentLowRange, currentUppRange)

        # Get max number of target pixels
        targetPixelCount = cv2.countNonZero(mask)
        if targetPixelCount > maxCount:
            maxCount = targetPixelCount
            # Get color name from dictionary:
            cellColor = colorDictionary[m][2]

    # Get cell center, add an x offset:
    textX = int(cellCenters[cellCounter][0]) - 100
    textY = int(cellCenters[cellCounter][1])

    # Draw text on cell's center:
    cv2.putText(centerPortion, cellColor, (textX, textY), font,
                    2, (0, 0, 255), 5, cv2.LINE_8)

    # Increase cellCounter:
    cellCounter += 1

    cv2.imshow("centerPortion", centerPortion)







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