继续处理结果的 Null 值(Nodejs、Puppeteer)


我刚刚开始使用 Puppeteer (Headless Chrome) 和 Nodejs。我正在抓取一些测试站点,当所有值都存在时,一切都很好,但如果该值丢失,我会收到如下错误:

Cannot read property 'src' of null(所以在下面的代码中,前两遍可能有所有值,但第三遍没有图片,所以它只是出错)。

在我使用之前if(!picture) continue;但我认为由于 for 循环,它现在不起作用。


for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
//...Getting to correct page and scraping it three times
  const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
      let title = document.querySelector('h1').innerText;
      let article = document.querySelector('.c-entry-content').innerText;
      let picture = document.querySelector('.c-picture img').src;

      if (!document.querySelector('.c-picture img').src) {
        let picture = 'No Link';     }  //throws error

      let source = "The Verge";
      let categories = "Tech";

      if (!picture)
                continue;  //throws error

      return {

let picture = document.querySelector('.c-picture img').src;

if (!document.querySelector('.c-picture img').src) {
    let picture = 'No Link';     }  //throws error

如果没有图片的话document.querySelector()返回 null,它没有src财产。在尝试读取之前,您需要检查查询是否找到了元素src财产。


async function scrape3() {
  // ... 
  for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
  //...Getting to correct page and scraping it three times
    const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
        const pictureElement = document.querySelector('.c-picture img');
        if (!pictureElement) return null;
        const picture = pictureElement.src;
        const title = document.querySelector('h1').innerText;
        const article = document.querySelector('.c-entry-content').innerText;

        const source = "The Verge";
        const categories = "Tech";

        return {

    if (!result) continue;

    // ... do stuff with result



async function scrape3() {
  // ...
  for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
        const img = document.querySelector('.c-picture img');
        const h1 = document.querySelector('h1');
        const content = document.querySelector('.c-entry-content');

        const picture = img ? img.src : '';
        const title = h1 ? h1.innerText : '';
        const article = content ? content.innerText : '';
        const source = "The Verge";
        const categories = "Tech";

        return {
    // ... 



// Generic reusable helper to return an object property
// if object exists and has property, else a default value
// This is a curried function accepting one argument at a
// time and capturing each parameter in a closure.
const maybeGetProp = default => key => object =>
  (object && object.hasOwnProperty(key)) ? object.key : default

// Pass in empty string as the default value
const getPropOrEmptyString = maybeGetProp('')

// Apply the second parameter, the property name, making 2
// slightly different functions which have a default value
// and a property name pre-loaded. Both functions only need
// an object passed in to return either the property if it
// exists or an empty string.
const maybeText = getPropOrEmptyString('innerText')
const maybeSrc = getPropOrEmptyString('src')

async function scrape3() {
  // ...

  // The _ parameter name is acknowledging that we expect a
  // an argument passed in but saying we plan to ignore it.
  const evaluate = _ => page.evaluate(() => {
    // Attempt to retrieve the desired elements
    const img = document.querySelector('.c-picture img');
    const h1 = document.querySelector('h1')
    const content = document.querySelector('.c-entry-content')

    // Return the results, with empty string in
    // place of any missing properties.
    return {
      title: maybeText(h1),
      article: maybeText(article),
      picture: maybeSrc(img),
      source: 'The Verge',
      categories: 'Tech'

  // Start with an empty array of length 3
  const evaluations = Array(3).fill()

    // Then map over that array ignoring the undefined
    // input and return a promise for a page evaluation

  // All 3 scrapes are occuring concurrently. We'll
  // wait for all of them to finish.
  const results = await Promise.all(evaluations)

  // Now we have an array of results, so we can 
  // continue using array methods to iterate over them
  // or otherwise manipulate or transform them
  return results
    .filter(result => result.title && result.picture)
    .forEach(result => {
      // Do something with each result

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