我应该使用哪些 gdb 命令来缩小标签“main”中出现分段错误的位置?


这是我的汇编代码和我的主要子例程。 这是我的宏和常量:

fmt:         .string "x \t\t ln(x)\n"
sfmt:        .string "%.10lf \t %.10lf\n"
error:       .string "Error"
filename:    .string "input.bin"

LIM:         .double 0r1.0E-13
zero:        .double 0r0.0
one:         .double 0r1.0
half:        .double 0r0.5


BUF_SIZE = 98*8
AT_FDCWD = -100
buf_s = 16

x_arr:    .skip   BUF_SIZE

fp        .req    x29
lr        .req    x30

          .balign 4
          .global main


       stp    fp,lr,[sp,-16]!
       mov    fp,sp

       ldp   fp,lr,[sp],16

我已经使用过gdb,但是它只指出SIGSEGV信号来自main()中的0x0000000000420358。我怎样才能缩小这个信号来自“主要”的位置? P.S我只知道GDB的基础知识。

GDB 的东西:(更新)

(gdb) x/i $pc
=> 0x420358:    .inst   0x00000000 ; undefined

我不知道这是否有帮助,但这是有效的 C 版本。我将其转换为程序集,因为这就是我需要提交的内容。此外,我们不能使用任何类型的转换器,因为这被认为是作弊。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>                                                                 //Used for the keyword for flags and other predefined values for the argument on openat,etc.

#define LIM         1.0e-13                                                     
#define DOUBSIZE    100                                                         //There are 97 double values in the binary file
#define buf_size    98*8                                                        
double x[DOUBSIZE];
int main() {
    register int i = 1,j = 0,fd = openat(AT_FDCWD,"input.bin",O_RDONLY);    //int fd = openat(int dirfd,const char *pathname (basically a string),int flags,mode_t mode);
    register double ln_x = 0.0,cur_term;
//double *x;        //(only local variable)                                         //(a local variable so it must be in the stack)only assuming there are 32 double precision values in the binary file
    register long n_read = read(fd,&x,buf_size);                            //reads in 8 bytes(lost the double x[...] in this line since x is now pointing at the buffer

    if(fd == -1) {
        return 0;

    if(n_read == -1) {                                                          //Error checker
        return 0;                                   

    printf("x \t\t ln(x)\n");                                                   //The header of the thing to be printed

    while(j < (buf_size/8)) {                                                   //note that it is implied that EOF = -1 in C
        if(x[j] <= 0.5) {                                                       //if x is less than or equal to 1/2,go to the next double value(assuming I don't know values in the bin file)
            i = 1;

        cur_term = (1.0/i) * (pow((double)((x[j]-1.0)/(x[j])),i));
        ln_x += cur_term;

        while(cur_term >= LIM) {                                                //continue to accumulate terms until the absolute value of the term is less than 1.0E-13
            i++;                                                                //follows the pattern of the series.
            cur_term = (1.0/i)*(pow((double)((x[j]-1.0)/(x[j])),i));            //since it should start with x[1]
            ln_x += cur_term;                                                   //adds the new term to previous ln(x) value

        printf("%.10lf \t %.10lf\n",x[j],ln_x);                                 //prints the current value of ln(x) and x
        j++;                                                                    //manages which x double value will be used next
        i = 1;
        ln_x = 0.0;

    return 0;

原来你的main在里面.bss部分,不.text它所属的位置,因此它只能包含全零字节。 (并且它无法执行)。

GDB通常只想反汇编代码.text这也解释了 GDB 的奇怪之处。

这就是为什么您应该将代码简化为 MCVE (Minimal/完整/可验证的示例)使其尽可能小,同时仍然包含问题。


我应该使用哪些 gdb 命令来缩小标签“main”中出现分段错误的位置? 的相关文章


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