


press 0 to stop shopping and print your reciept or press 1 to continue shopping0
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '2.80']
['celery', '1.4', '32.20']
['celery', '1.4', '32.20']
['celery', '1.4', '32.20']
['celery', '1.4', '32.20']
['celery', '1.4', '32.20']
['celery', '1.4', '32.20']
['celery', '1.4', '32.20']
['celery', '1.4', '32.20']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '1.4', '32.199999999999996']
['celery', '0', '0']    


def quantity():
    fileOne = open('receipt.csv', 'a')
    writer = csv.writer(fileOne)
    global total_price
    product_data = read_csv_file()
    matches = search_user_input(product_data)
    if matches: # Will not be True if search_user_input returned None
        product, price = matches[0], matches[1]
        order = int(input("How much of {} do you want?".format(product)))
        values = [str(product), str(price), str(order*price)]
        price = str(round(price,2))
        total_price.append(order * price)
    continue_shopping=int(input("press 0 to stop shopping and print your reciept or press 1 to continue shopping"))
    if (continue_shopping == 0):
        fileTwo = open("receipt.csv" , "r")
        reader = csv.reader(fileTwo)
        for row in reader:
            if row != None:
    elif continue_shopping==1:


import csv 
import locale
continue_shopping = 0
total_price = []

locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' )
def read_csv_file():
    global total_price
    """ reads csv data and appends each row to list """
    csv_data = []
    with open("task2.csv") as csvfile:
         spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar="|")
         for row in spamreader:
    return csv_data

def get_user_input():
    global total_price
    """ get input from user """
    while True:
            GTIN = int(input("input your gtin-8 number: "))
            return GTIN # Breaks the loop and returns the value
            print ("Oops! That was not a valid number.  Try again")

def search_user_input(product_data):
    global total_price
    # Pass the csv data as an argument
    """ search csv data for string """
    keep_searching = True

    while keep_searching:
        gtin = get_user_input()
        for row in product_data:
            if row[0] == str(gtin):
                product = row[1]
                price = round(float(row[2]),2)
                return(product, price)
        while True:
                repeat = input("not in there? search again? If so (y), else press enter to continue")
                print("please make sure you enter a valid string") 
        if repeat != 'y':
            keep_searching = False 
            return None 

def quantity():
    fileOne = open('receipt.csv', 'a')
    writer = csv.writer(fileOne)
    global total_price
    product_data = read_csv_file()
    matches = search_user_input(product_data)
    if matches: # Will not be True if search_user_input returned None
        product, price = matches[0], matches[1]
        order = int(input("How much of {} do you want?".format(product)))
        values = [str(product), str(price), str(order*price)]
        total_price.append(order * price)
    continue_shopping=int(input("press 0 to stop shopping and print your reciept or press 1 to continue shopping"))
if continue_shopping !=0 and continue_shopping !=1:
    if (continue_shopping == 0):
        fileTwo = open("receipt.csv" , "r")
        reader = csv.reader(fileTwo)
        for row in reader:
            if row != None:
    elif continue_shopping==1:


首先尝试删除函数中的所有“全局total_price”定义..(每次都会重置变量) 其次在你的函数 search_user_input() 中我会改变这一行price = round(float(row[2]),2) into price = float(row[2])(您稍后可以使用 format 以所需的格式显示最终的浮点值)。 第三,在你的函数数量()中你应该改变这一行if continue_shopping !=0 and continue_shopping !=1: into if continue_shopping ==0 or continue_shopping ==1:, 祝你好运


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