使用我自己的训练示例训练 spaCy 现有的 POS 标记器


我正在尝试在我自己的词典上训练现有的词性标注器,而不是从头开始(我不想创建一个“空模型”)。 在spaCy的文档中,它说“加载您想要统计的模型”,下一步是“使用add_label方法将标签映射添加到标记器”。但是,当我尝试加载英文小模型并添加标签图时,它会抛出此错误:

ValueError:[T003] 目前不支持调整预训练标记器模型的大小。


我也见过在 Spacy 中基于现有英语模型实现自定义 POS Tagger:NLP - Python https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51715439/implementing-custom-pos-tagger-in-spacy-over-existing-english-model-nlp-pyth但它表明我们创建了一个“空模型”,这不是我想要的。

另外,即使我们的训练示例标签与通用依赖标签相同,spaCy 的文档中也不清楚我们是否需要映射字典(TAG_MAP)。有什么想法吗?

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
from pathlib import Path
import spacy
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding

TAG_MAP = {"noun": {"pos": "NOUN"}, "verb": {"pos": "VERB"}, "adj": {"pos": "ADJ"}, "adv": {"pos": "ADV"}}

    ('Afrotropical', {'tags': ['adj']}), ('Afrocentricity', {'tags': ['noun']}),
    ('Afrocentric', {'tags': ['adj']}), ('Afrocentrism', {'tags': ['noun']}),
    ('Anglomania', {'tags': ['noun']}), ('Anglocentric', {'tags': ['adj']}),
    ('apraxic', {'tags': ['adj']}), ('aglycosuric', {'tags': ['adj']}),
    ('asecretory', {'tags': ['adj']}), ('aleukaemic', {'tags': ['adj']}),
    ('agrin', {'tags': ['adj']}), ('Eurotransplant', {'tags': ['noun']}),
    ('Euromarket', {'tags': ['noun']}), ('Eurocentrism', {'tags': ['noun']}),
    ('adendritic', {'tags': ['adj']}), ('asynaptic', {'tags': ['adj']}),
    ('Asynapsis', {'tags': ['noun']}), ('ametabolic', {'tags': ['adj']})
    lang=("ISO Code of language to use", "option", "l", str),
    output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
    n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int),
def main(lang="en", output_dir=None, n_iter=25):
    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm', disable=['ner', 'parser'])
    tagger = nlp.get_pipe('tagger')
    for tag, values in TAG_MAP.items():
        tagger.add_label(tag, values)
    nlp.vocab.vectors.name = 'spacy_pretrained_vectors'
    optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
    for i in range(n_iter):
        losses = {}
        # batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
        batches = minibatch(TRAIN_DATA, size=compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001))
        for batch in batches:
            texts, annotations = zip(*batch)
            nlp.update(texts, annotations, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
        print("Losses", losses)

    # test the trained model
    test_text = "I like Afrotropical apraxic blue eggs and Afrocentricity. A Eurotransplant is cool too. The agnathostomatous Euromarket and asypnapsis is even cooler. What about Eurocentrism?"
    doc = nlp(test_text)
    print("Tags", [(t.text, t.tag_, t.pos_) for t in doc])

    # save model to output directory
    if output_dir is not None:
        output_dir = Path(output_dir)
        if not output_dir.exists():
        print("Saved model to", output_dir)

        # test the save model
        print("Loading from", output_dir)
        nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
        doc = nlp2(test_text)
        print("Tags", [(t.text, t.tag_, t.pos_) for t in doc])

if __name__ == "__main__":

英语模型的训练PTB tags https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/docs/LDC99T42/tagguid1.pdf,而不是 UD 标签。 spacy 的标签图让您对对应关系有一个很好的了解,但 PTB 标签集比 UD 标签集更细粒度:

https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/blob/master/spacy/lang/en/tag_map.py https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/blob/master/spacy/lang/en/tag_map.py

跳过与 tag_map 相关的代码(模型中已经存在 PTB -> UD 映射),将数据中的标签更改为 PTB 标签(NN、NNS、JJ 等),然后应该运行此脚本。 (当然,您仍然需要检查它是否表现良好。)

一般来说,最好提供带有完整短语或句子的训练示例,因为这就是 spacy 在实际使用中标记的内容,例如测试句子。


使用我自己的训练示例训练 spaCy 现有的 POS 标记器 的相关文章
