PHP - 使用大量参数和默认值初始化对象的最佳方法


我正在设计一个类,它定义一个高度复杂的对象,其中包含大量(50+)大部分可选参数,其中许多参数都有默认值(例如:$type = 'foo'; $width = '300'; $interactive = false;)。我试图确定设置构造函数和实例/类变量的最佳方法,以便能够:

  • 使类的使用变得容易
  • 使自动记录类变得容易(即:使用 phpDocumentor)
  • 优雅地编码

鉴于上述情况,我不想向构造函数传递大量参数。我将向它传递一个包含初始化值的哈希值,例如:$foo = new Foo(array('type'=>'bar', 'width'=>300, 'interactive'=>false));


class Foo {
    private $_type = 'default_type';
    private $_width = 100;
    private $_interactive = true;


...因为我相信这将有助于文档生成(您可以获得类属性的列表,这让 API 用户知道他们必须使用哪些“选项”),并且“感觉”像是正确的方法它。


function __construct($args){
    if(isset($args['type'])) $_type = $args['type']; // yuck!


private $_instance_params = array(
    'type' => 'default_type',
    'width' => 100,
    'interactive' => true

function __construct($args){
    foreach($args as $key=>$value){
        $_instance_params[$key] = $value;


感谢您阅读本文;我可能在这里问了很多,但我是 PHP 新手,我真的只是在寻找惯用/优雅的方法来做到这一点。您的最佳实践是什么?


这个类很可能试图做太多事情,但它是一个用于创建和处理表单的旧 Perl 库的端口。可能有一种方法可以划分配置选项以利用继承和多态性,但实际上可能会适得其反。

根据要求,这里是一些参数的部分列表(Perl 代码)。您应该看到这些不能很好地映射到子类。

该类当然具有许多此类属性的 getter 和 setter,因此用户可以覆盖它们;这篇文章的目的(原始代码做得很好)是提供一种紧凑的方法来实例化这些具有已设置的所需参数的 Form 对象。它实际上使得代码非常可读。

# Form Behaviour Parameters
        # --------------------------
        $self->{id}; # the id and the name of the <form> tag
        $self->{name} = "webform"; # legacy - replaced by {id}
        $self->{user_id} = $global->{user_id}; # used to make sure that all links have the user id encoded in them. Usually this gets returned as the {'i'} user input parameter
        $self->{no_form}; # if set, the <form> tag will be omitted
        $self->{readonly}; # if set, the entire form will be read-only
        $self->{autosave} = ''; # when set to true, un-focusing a field causes the field data to be saved immediately
        $self->{scrubbed}; # if set to "true" or non-null, places a "changed" radio button on far right of row-per-record forms that indicates that a record has been edited. Used to allow users to edit multiple records at the same time and save the results all at once. Very cool.
        $self->{add_rowid}; # if set, each row in a form will have a hidden "rowid" input field with the row_id of that record (used primarily for scrubbable records). If the 'scrubbed' parameter is set, this parameter is also automatically set. Note that for this to work, the SELECT statement must pull out a unique row id. 
        $self->{row_id_prefix} = "row_"; # each row gets a unique id of the form id="row_##" where ## corresponds to the record's rowid. In the case of multiple forms, if we need to identify a specific row, we can change the "row_" prefix to something unique. By default it's "row_"

        $self->{validate_form}; # parses user_input and validates required fields and the like on a form
        $self->{target}; # adds a target window to the form tag if specified
        $self->{focus_on_field}; # if supplied, this will add a <script> tag at the end of the form that will set the focus on the named field once the form loads.
        $self->{on_submit}; # adds the onSubmit event handler to the form tag if supplied
        $self->{ctrl_s_button_name}; # if supplied with the name of the savebutton, this will add an onKeypress handler to process CTRL-S as a way of saving the form

        # Form Paging Parameters
        # ----------------------
        $self->{max_rows_per_page}; # when displaying a complete form using printForm() method, determines the number of rows shown on screen at a time. If this is blank or undef, then all rows in the query are shown and no header/footer is produced.
        $self->{max_pages_in_nav} = 7; # when displaying the navbar above and below list forms, determines how many page links are shown. Should be an odd number
        $self->{current_offset}; # the current page that we're displaying
        $self->{total_records}; # the number of records returned by the query
        $self->{hide_max_rows_selector} = ""; # hide the <select> tag allowing users to choose the max_rows_per_page
        $self->{force_selected_row} = ""; # if this is set, calls to showPage() will also clear the rowid hidden field on the form, forcing the first record to be displayed if none were selected
        $self->{paging_style} = "normal"; # Options: "compact"

当然,我们可以让自己陷入有关编程风格的更长时间的辩论中。但为了所有参与者的理智,我希望避免它!这里(又是 Perl 代码)是一个使用大量参数实例化该对象的示例。

my $form = new Valz::Webform (
            id                      => "dbForm",
            form_name               => "user_mailbox_recip_list_students",
            user_input              => \%params,
            user_id                 => $params{i},
            no_form                 => "no_form",
            selectable              => "checkbox",
            selectable_row_prefix   => "student",
            selected_row            => join (",", getRecipientIDsByType('student')),
            this_page               => $params{c},
            paging_style            => "compact",
            hide_max_rows_selector  => 'true',
            max_pages_in_nav        => 5



    class Foo {
        private $_type = 'default_type';
        private $_width = 100;
        private $_interactive = true;

        function __construct($args){
            foreach($args as $key => $val) {
                $name = '_' . $key;
                if(isset($this->{$name})) {
                    $this->{$name} = $val;




 * @property string $type
 * @property integer $width
 * @property boolean $interactive
class Foo {
    private $_instance_params = array(
        'type' => 'default_type',
        'width' => 100,
        'interactive' => true

    function __construct($args){
        $this->_instance_params = array_merge_recursive($this->_instance_params, $args);

    public function __get($name)
        return $this->_instance_params[$name];

    public function __set($name, $value)
        $this->_instance_params[$name] = $value;


也就是说,具有 50 个成员变量的类要么仅用于配置(可以拆分),要么它做得太多,您可能需要考虑重构它。


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