Excel - 使用 FILTERXML 从字符串中提取子字符串



最近,我一直在尝试更熟悉将分隔字符串更改为 XML 以使用 Excel 进行解析的概念FILTERXML https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/filterxml-function-4df72efc-11ec-4951-86f5-c1374812f5b7并检索那些感兴趣的子字符串。请注意,此功能从 Excel 2013 开始提供,在 Excel for Mac 或 Excel Online 上不可用。




所以,很多人都知道如何获得nth元素(例如:=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"|",REPT(" ",LEN(A1))),3*LEN(A1)+1,LEN(A1)))检索456)。或者其他组合LEN(), MID(), FIND()以及所有这些构造,我们如何使用FILTERXML使用更具体的标准来提取关注的子字符串并清理整个字符串?例如如何检索:

  • 按位置排列的元素
  • 数字或非数字元素
  • 自己包含子字符串的元素
  • 以子字符串开头或结尾的元素
  • 大写或小写的元素
  • 持有数字的元素
  • 独特的价值观
  • ...

Excel's FILTERXML uses XPATH 1.0不幸的是,这意味着它并不像我们希望的那样多样化。另外,Excel 似乎not允许返回修改后的节点值,并且专门允许您按出现顺序选择节点。然而,我们仍然可以使用相当一部分功能。可以找到更多相关信息here https://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116/.

该函数有两个参数:=FILTERXML(<A string in valid XML format>,<A string in valid XPATH format>)

比如说细胞A1保存字符串:ABC|123|DEF|456|XY-1A|ZY-2F|XY-3F|XY-4f|xyz|123。为了创建有效的 XML 字符串,我们使用SUBSTITUTE将分隔符更改为有效的结束标记和开始标记结构。因此,要为给定示例获取有效的 XML 构造,我们可以执行以下操作:


出于可读性原因,我将使用单词来引用上述结构<XML> as a 占位符。下面你会发现不同的有用XPATH有效构造中的函数用于过滤节点:

1) All Elements:


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (all nodes)

2) Elements by position:




Returns: 456 (node on index 4)


Returns: ABC, 123 and DEF (nodes on index < 4)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[position()=2 or position()>5]")

Returns: 123, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (nodes on index 2 or > 5)


Returns: 123 (node on last index)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[position() mod 2 = 1]")

Returns: ABC, DEF, XY-1A, XY-3F and xyz (odd nodes)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[position() mod 2 = 0]")

Returns: 123, 456, ZF-2F, XY-4f and 123 (even nodes)

3) (Non) numeric elements:




Returns: 123, 456, and 123 (numeric nodes)




Returns: ABC, DEF, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f and xyz (non-numeric nodes)

4) Elements that (not) contain:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[contains(., 'Y')]")

Returns: XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (containing 'Y', notice XPATH is case sensitive, exclusing xyz)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[not(contains(., 'Y'))]")

Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, xyz and 123 (not containing 'Y', notice XPATH is case sensitive, including xyz)

5) Elements that (not) start or/and end with:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[starts-with(., 'XY')]")

Returns: XY-1A, XY-3F and XY-4f (starting with 'XY')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[not(starts-with(., 'XY'))]")

Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, ZY-2F, xyz and 123 (don't start with 'XY')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('F') +1) = 'F']")

Returns: DEF, ZY-2F and XY-3F (end with 'F', notice XPATH 1.0 does not support ends-with)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[not(substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('F') +1) = 'F')]")

Returns: ABC, 123, 456, XY-1A, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (don't end with 'F')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[starts-with(., 'X') and substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('A') +1) = 'A']")

Returns: XY-1A (start with 'X' and end with 'A')

6) Elements that are upper- or lowercase:


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and 123 (uppercase nodes)


Returns: 123, 456, xyz and 123 (lowercase nodes)

NOTE: Unfortunately XPATH 1.0 does not support upper-case() nor lower-case() so the above is a workaround. Add special characters if need be.

7) Elements that (not) contain any number:


Returns: 123, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f and 123 (contain any digit)


Returns: ABC, DEF and xyz (don't contain any digit)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[translate(.,'1234567890','')!=. and .*0!=0]")

Returns: XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (holding digits but not a a number on it's own)

8) Unique elements or duplicates:


Returns: 123 (duplicate nodes)


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f and xyz (unique nodes)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[not(following::*=. or preceding::*=.)]")

Returns: ABC, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (nodes that have no similar sibling)

9) Elements of certain length:


Returns: XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (5 characters long)


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, xyz and 123 (shorter than 4 characters)

10) Elements based on preceding/following:


Returns: XY-1A (previous node equals '456')


Returns: ZY-2F, XY-4f, and xyz (previous node starts with 'XY')


Returns: ABC, and xyz (following node equals '123')


Returns: ABC, 456, and xyz (following node contains '1')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[preceding::*='ABC' and following::*='XY-3F']")



Returns: 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A and ZY-2F (everything between 'ABC' and 'XY-3F')

11) Elements based on sub-strings:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[substring-after(., '-') = '3F']")

Returns: XY-3F (nodes ending with '3F' after hyphen)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[contains(substring-after(., '-') , 'F')]")

Returns: ZY-2F and XY-3F (nodes containing 'F' after hyphen)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[substring-before(., '-') = 'ZY']")

Returns: ZY-2F (nodes starting with 'ZY' before hyphen)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[contains(substring-before(., '-'), 'Y')]")

Returns: XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (nodes containing 'Y' before hyphen)

12) Elements based on concatenation:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[concat(., '|', following::*[1])='ZY-2F|XY-3F']")

Returns: ZY-2F (nodes when concatenated with '|' and following sibling equals 'ZY-2F|XY-3F')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[contains(concat(., preceding::*[2]), 'FA')]")

Returns: DEF (nodes when concatenated with sibling two indices to the left contains 'FA')

13) Empty vs. Non-empty:




Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (all nodes that are not empty)




Returns: None (all nodes that are empty)

14) Preceding or Following:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('F') +1) = 'F'][last()]/following::*")

Returns: XY-4f, xyz and 123 (all nodes to the right of the last node that ends with an uppercase 'F')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('F') +1) = 'F'][1]/preceding::*")

Returns: ABC and 123 (all nodes to the left of the first node that ends with an uppercase 'F')

15) (Preceding or Following) and self:


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f and xyz (trim all numeric nodes from the right)††


Returns: 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (trim all non-numeric nodes from the left)

16) Maximum or Minimum:


Returns: 456 (The maximum value looking at numeric nodes)


Returns: 123 (The minimum value looking at numeric nodes)

NOTE: This is the equivalent to returning all numeric nodes as per #3 and post-process the array using Excel's MIN() and MAX() functions.

现在显然上面是可能性的演示XPATH 1.0功能,您可以获得上述及更多功能的一系列组合!我试图涵盖最常用的字符串函数。如果您有遗漏,请随时评论。

尽管问题本身相当广泛,但我希望就如何使用提供一些总体指导FILTERXML对于手头的查询。该公式返回要以任何其他方式使用的节点数组。很多时候我会用它TEXTJOIN() or INDEX()。但我想其他选项将是新的 DA 功能来泄露结果。

请注意,在解析字符串时FILTERXML()、与号字符 (&) 和左尖括号 (not以字面形式出现。它们分别需要替换为&amp; or &lt;。另一种选择是使用 ISO/IEC 10646 数字字符code https://m.tonysweb.be/ISO_IEC%2010646-12000(E).html being &#38; or &#60;分别。解析后,该函数将以文字形式将这些字符返回给您。不用说,用分号分割字符串就变得很棘手。

Each predicate, the structure between the opening and closing square brackets, is a filter of a given nodelist. To write multiple of these structures is in fact anding https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62969654/xpath-what-do-nested-square-brackets-mean/62970207#62970207 such predicates.

‡‡ There isn't really an easy, following/preceding siblings and self, construct. Therefor I used the Union https://examples.javacodegeeks.com/core-java/xml/xpath/xpath-union-operator-example/ operator. This, however, requires multiple expressions to be inside paranthesis https://stackoverflow.com/a/26598269/9758194. Much like alternations within a capture group if one would think about regular expressions.


Excel - 使用 FILTERXML 从字符串中提取子字符串 的相关文章
