Python matplotlib:数据坐标中的位置颜色条


我想通过指定数据坐标中的位置来将颜色条放置在散点图中。 以下是指定图形坐标时它如何工作的示例:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt    

#Generate some random data:
a = -2
b = 2
x = (b - a) * np.random.random(50) + a
y = (b - a) * np.random.random(50) + a
z = (b) * np.random.random(50)

#Do a scatter plot
fig = plt.figure()
hdl = plt.scatter(x,y,s=20,c=z,marker='o',vmin=0,vmax=2)
ax = plt.gca()

#Specifying figure coordinates works fine:
fig_coord = [0.2,0.8,0.25,0.05]
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(fig_coord)

clevs = [0, 1 , 2]
cb1 = plt.colorbar(hdl, cax=cbar_ax, orientation='horizontal', ticks=clevs)


现在的问题是,如何将颜色条定位在数据坐标处,以显示在例如: 左、下、宽、高:-1.5、1.5、1、0.25



这是我所做的(不是特别漂亮,但有帮助)。谢谢tcaswell !

#[lower left x, lower left y, upper right x, upper right y] of the desired colorbar:
dat_coord = [-1.5,1.5,-0.5,1.75]
#transform the two points from data coordinates to display coordinates:
tr1 = ax.transData.transform([(dat_coord[0],dat_coord[1]),(dat_coord[2],dat_coord[3])])
#create an inverse transversion from display to figure coordinates:
inv = fig.transFigure.inverted()
tr2 = inv.transform(tr1)
#left, bottom, width, height are obtained like this:
datco = [tr2[0,0], tr2[0,1], tr2[1,0]-tr2[0,0],tr2[1,1]-tr2[0,1]]
#and finally the new colorabar axes at the right position!
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(datco)
#the rest stays the same:
clevs = [0, 1 , 2]
cb1 = plt.colorbar(hdl, cax=cbar_ax, orientation='horizontal', ticks=clevs)


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt    

a = -2
b = 2

x = (b - a) * np.random.random(50) + a
y = (b - a) * np.random.random(50) + a
z = (b) * np.random.random(50)

fig = plt.figure()
hdl = plt.scatter(x,y,s=20,c=z,marker='o',vmin=0,vmax=2)
ax = plt.gca()

#[(lower left x, lower left y), (upper right x, upper right y)] of the desired colorbar:
dat_coord = [(-1.5,1.5),(-0.5,1.75)]
#transform the two points from data coordinates to display coordinates:
tr1 = ax.transData.transform(dat_coord)
#create an inverse transversion from display to figure coordinates:
inv = fig.transFigure.inverted()
tr2 = inv.transform(tr1)
#left, bottom, width, height are obtained like this:
datco = [tr2[0,0], tr2[0,1], tr2[1,0]-tr2[0,0],tr2[1,1]-tr2[0,1]]
#and finally the new colorabar axes at the right position!
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(datco)
#the rest stays the same:
clevs = [0, 1 , 2]
cb1 = plt.colorbar(hdl, cax=cbar_ax, orientation='horizontal', ticks=clevs)

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