Google Cloud SDK 安装失败 UnicodeDecodeError:“ascii”编解码器


我在安装时遇到以下错误谷歌云SDK在我的 Windows 10 计算机上:

ERROR: gcloud failed to load: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)
    gcloud_main = _import_gcloud_main()
    import googlecloudsdk.gcloud_main
    from googlecloudsdk.calliope import cli
    from googlecloudsdk.calliope import backend
    from googlecloudsdk.calliope import parser_extensions
    from googlecloudsdk.core.updater import update_manager
    from googlecloudsdk.core.updater import installers
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import store
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import creds
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import devshell as c_devshell
    from oauth2client import client
    from oauth2client import crypt
    from oauth2client import _openssl_crypt
    from OpenSSL import crypto
    from OpenSSL import crypto, SSL
    from cryptography import x509
    from cryptography.x509.base import (
    from cryptography.x509.extensions import Extension, ExtensionType
    from asn1crypto.keys import PublicKeyInfo
    from ._elliptic_curve import (
    from ._int import inverse_mod
    from ._perf._big_num_ctypes import libcrypto
    libcrypto_path = find_library('crypto')
    fname = os.path.join(directory, name)
    result_path = result_path + p_path
This usually indicates corruption in your gcloud installation or problems with your Python interpreter.
Please verify that the following is the path to a working Python 2.7 executable:
If it is not, please set the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable to point to a working Python 2.7 executable.
If you are still experiencing problems, please reinstall the Cloud SDK using the instructions here:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\\bin\bootstrapping\", line 12, in <module>
    import bootstrapping
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\bin\bootstrapping\", line 44, in <module>
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import store as c_store
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\core\credentials\", line 35, in <module>
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import creds
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\core\credentials\", line 34, in <module>
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import devshell as c_devshell
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\lib\googlecloudsdk\core\credentials\", line 30, in <module>
    from oauth2client import client
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\lib\third_party\oauth2client\", line 51, in <module>
    from oauth2client import crypt
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\lib\third_party\oauth2client\", line 45, in <module>
    from oauth2client import _openssl_crypt
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\lib\third_party\oauth2client\", line 16, in <module>
    from OpenSSL import crypto
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\OpenSSL\", line 8, in <module>
    from OpenSSL import crypto, SSL
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\OpenSSL\", line 12, in <module>
    from cryptography import x509
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\cryptography\x509\", line 9, in <module>
    from cryptography.x509.base import (
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\cryptography\x509\", line 16, in <module>
    from cryptography.x509.extensions import Extension, ExtensionType
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\cryptography\x509\", line 13, in <module>
    from asn1crypto.keys import PublicKeyInfo
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\asn1crypto\", line 22, in <module>
    from ._elliptic_curve import (
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\asn1crypto\", line 51, in <module>
    from ._int import inverse_mod
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\asn1crypto\", line 56, in <module>
    from ._perf._big_num_ctypes import libcrypto
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\site-packages\asn1crypto\_perf\", line 31, in <module>
    libcrypto_path = find_library('crypto')
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\ctypes\", line 53, in find_library
    fname = os.path.join(directory, name)
  File "C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\lib\", line 85, in join
    result_path = result_path + p_path
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)
Failed to install.

我尝试重新下载安装程序,使用管理员权限运行它,并且选择了一个没有任何非 ASCII 字符或空格的安装文件夹。

我还验证了安装程序是否成功设置了 python,更具体地说,我在 C:\AndroidSdk\CloudSdk\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\python.exe 处有 Python 版本 2.7.13




我的 第 63-90 行:

def join(path, *paths):
    """Join two or more pathname components, inserting "\\" as needed."""
    result_drive, result_path = splitdrive(path)
    for p in paths:
        p_drive, p_path = splitdrive(p)
        if p_path and p_path[0] in '\\/':
            # Second path is absolute
            if p_drive or not result_drive:
                result_drive = p_drive
            result_path = p_path
        elif p_drive and p_drive != result_drive:
            if p_drive.lower() != result_drive.lower():
                # Different drives => ignore the first path entirely
                result_drive = p_drive
                result_path = p_path
            # Same drive in different case
            result_drive = p_drive
        # Second path is relative to the first
        if result_path and result_path[-1] not in '\\/':
            result_path = result_path + '\\'
        result_path = result_path + p_path   #85
    ## add separator between UNC and non-absolute path
    if (result_path and result_path[0] not in '\\/' and
        result_drive and result_drive[-1:] != ':'):
        return result_drive + sep + result_path
    return result_drive + result_path



UnicodeDecodeError:“ascii”编解码器无法解码位置 13 中的字节 0xe2:序数不在范围内(128)

Bitbucket 管道:gcloud 崩溃 (UnicodeDecodeError)

注意我的 gcloud 路径中没有任何非 ASCII 字符,我用以下命令检查了它:gci -recurse . | where {$_.Name -match "[^\u0000-\u007F]"}



  1. 安装Python从。记住该位置python二进制。将其设置为CLOUDSDK_PYTHON

  2. 显示带有变量集的打印输出。

  3. 确保变量确实已设置。

  4. In C:\ (or C:\AndroidSdk,但最佳情况下C:\): 跑过gci命令输入,显示输出。或者从同一问题运行 python 程序。

  5. 会被 4. 找到,但第 13 个字符似乎是\。尝试重新创建目录,给出AndroidSDK一个更短/更长的名字,看看它是否仍然是第13个字符


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