TimerTask 无法更新 JavaFX 标签文本


我有一个相当简单的 JavaFX GUI 应用程序 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34696560/KoBSON/PDFDownloader/layout_normal.jpg它有一个标签,显示距离某个操作开始还剩多少时间。为了实现这一点,我创建了一个 DownloadTimer 类,如下所示:

public class DownloadTimer(){
    private int minutes;        
    private int seconds;
    private Timer innerTimer = new Timer();
    private TimerTask innerTask;
    private boolean isActive;

    public DownloadTimer(int minutes, int seconds) {
        if (seconds > 60) {
            int minToAdd = seconds / 60;
            this.minutes = minutes;
            this.minutes += minToAdd;
            this.seconds = seconds % 60;
        } else {
            this.minutes = minutes;
            this.seconds = seconds;

    public void start() {
        innerTask = new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
                isActive = true;
                if (seconds == 0 && minutes > 0){
                    minutes -= 1;
                    seconds = 59;
                } else if (seconds == 0 && minutes == 0){
                    isActive = false;
                    System.out.println("DownloadTimer DONE");
                } else {
                    seconds -= 1;
        innerTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(innerTask, 0, 1000);

然后,我创建 DownloadTimer 对象并从 Main (JavaFX) 类开始倒计时:

    code omitted for better readability 

downloadTimer = new DownloadTimer(0, 5);

// label gets the .getTime() value, which returns a formatted String like "00:05", "00:04", etc.
lblTimer.setText( downloadTimer.getTime() );

// start the countdown

// create a new timer which checks if the downloadTimer is still counting
final Timer timer = new Timer();
TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask(){
    public void run(){
        if (downloadTimer.getIsActive() == false){
            System.out.println("GUI timer DONE");
        } else {
            // if it's still running, then continuously update the label's text
            lblTimer.setText( downloadTimer.getTime() );
            // this is where I get the error described below
// repeat after 1000ms
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(timerTask, 0, 1000);

我遇到的问题是我无法设置标签文本lblTimer.setText( downloadTimer.getTime() );来自主类,我得到的错误是TimerThread.run() line: not available [local variables unavailable] as 在这里看到 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34696560/KoBSON/PDFDownloader/timer.jpg.

我读过关于调度线程池执行器 http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.html and Java Timer 与 ExecutorService https://stackoverflow.com/questions/409932/java-timer-vs-executorservice/,但我很好奇这是否可以使用两个单独的计时器和计时器任务来完成。任何帮助和/或提示将不胜感激。

我很惊讶你没有看到例外。要从单独的线程更新标签,需要安排更新在 FX 线程中运行:

Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

TimerTask 无法更新 JavaFX 标签文本 的相关文章
