卫星系统算法课程设计 - 第二部分 qt的安装与创建项目





  创建新项目,选择Qt widgets Application,然后选路径,然后就选mainwindow的就可以了。





#include <QtCharts>         // 导入QtCharts所有的头文件
#include <QMainWindow>
using namespace std;

namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow

    explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);

   void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
private slots:
    void on_pushButton_clicked();

    void on_theOne_clicked();

    void on_theTwo_clicked();

    void on_theThree_clicked();

    void on_theFour_clicked();

    void on_pushButton_2_clicked();

    void on_pushButton_3_clicked();

    void on_pushButton_4_clicked();

    Ui::MainWindow *ui;

    //经度75 - 135,设置24个格子,每格长度为2.5
    Square map1[22][24];
    //stack<Square> waitDraw;
    Square* waitDraw;
    int waitSize;
    int setDraw = 0;
    double *Coverage;
    CityList theCityList;//城市列表
    Satellite satellite[9];//卫星列表
    double radius = 7.0068;//每个卫星的半径都是这个。
    void sInit();//卫星的信息初始化函数
    void ReadFile(int number);//和sInit配套使用
    Square* us;
    Square* waitDraw2;
    int waitSize2;
    void readUs();

#endif // MAINWINDOW_H


#include <QtCharts>         // 导入QtCharts所有的头文件
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
using namespace std;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
    us = new Square[1540];
    for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
            map1[i][j].y = 180 + 24 * i;
            map1[i][j].x = 24 + 24 * j;
            map1[i][j].latitude = 2.5*i;
            map1[i][j].longitude = 75 + 2.5*j;
            map1[i][j].state = 0;
            map1[i][j].length = 24;
            map1[i][j].realSize = 2.5;//每个方格的边都为2.5个经纬
    waitDraw = new Square[200];
    waitDraw2 = new Square[1000];
    waitSize2 = 0;
    waitSize = 0;
    //point = new Point[3369];

    delete ui;
void MainWindow::ReadFile(int number)
    ifstream ifs;
    switch (number)
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:

    case 7:
    case 8:
    for(int i = 0; i < 86400; i++)
double culSquare(double a)
    return a*a;

void MainWindow::sInit()
    satellite[0].radius = 7.00681;
    satellite[1].radius = 7.00679;
    satellite[2].radius = 7.00681;
    satellite[3].radius = 7.0068;
    satellite[4].radius = 7.0068;
    satellite[5].radius = 7.00682;
    satellite[6].radius = 7.00679;
    satellite[7].radius = 7.0068;
    satellite[8].radius = 7.00682;
    //一个循环  每个卫星每秒钟对应的x ,y读进来
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
    int start = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
        bool flag = false;//记录城市是否被卫星星座覆盖
       for(int j = 0; j < 86400; j++)
           int number =0;//当前时间段未提供服务的卫星个数
           for(int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
               //判断城市是否在该卫星的搜索范围内,看方程(x-x0)*(x-x0) + (y-y0)*(y-y0)是否小于等于radius
               if((culSquare(theCityList.city[i].longitude - satellite[k].x[j]) + culSquare(theCityList.city[i].latitude - satellite[k].y[j])) <= culSquare(radius))
                       start = j;//j就是当前时间
                       flag = true;//标记被覆盖
              if(flag && number == 9)
                  //传入start,和结束时间j - 1
                  TimeSlot t(start, j - 1);
                  flag = false;


    ifstream ifs1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3369; i++)

void MainWindow::readUs()
    ifstream ifs1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 288; i++)
        ifs1 >> us[i].longitude >> us[i].latitude >> us[i].realSize;
     for(int i = 288; i < 1540; i++)
         ifs1 >> us[i].longitude >> us[i].latitude >> us[i].realSize;

     for(int i = 0; i < 1540; i++)
         us[i].x = (double)20*us[i].longitude - 4500;
         us[i].y = (double)(-20)*us[i].latitude + 1200 ;
         us[i].length = (double)20*us[i].realSize;

void MainWindow::on_theOne_clicked()
    setDraw = 0;

void MainWindow::on_theTwo_clicked()
    setDraw = 0;

void MainWindow::on_theThree_clicked()
    setDraw = 1;

void MainWindow::on_theFour_clicked()
    setDraw = 2;

void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
     QString QStr=ui->lineEdit->text();//获取字符串

     int locate = theCityList.location(QStr);//获取城市坐标

    for(int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
        unsigned size = theCityList.city[i].slot.size();
        ui->textBrowser->append("城市" + theCityList.city[i].name + "的时间窗口如下:");
        for(unsigned j = 0; j < size; j++)
            int h = theCityList.city[i].slot[j].startTime / 3600;//时
            int m = (theCityList.city[i].slot[j].startTime % 3600) / 60;//分
            int s = (theCityList.city[i].slot[j].startTime % 3600) % 60;//秒
            QString a("时间窗口" + QString::number(j) + "    [" + QString::number(h) + ":" + QString::number(m) + ":" +QString::number(s) + "]");

     if(locate != -1)
         unsigned size = theCityList.city[locate].slot.size();
         if(size == 0)
             QString qs = "该城市没有被卫星星座服务过";
         //要算最大值和最小值,其实有个思路是自己写一个 机制类似优先队列的动态数组MyVector,每次push_back都会进行维护,自动排序,维护时间参考二叉堆。
         int maxTimeLength = 0;//记录最大长度
         int maxLocate = 0;
         int minTimeLength = 86400;//记录最小长度
         int minLocate = 0;
         int accumulate =0;//累计
         ui->textBrowser->append("城市" + theCityList.city[locate].name + "的时间窗口如下:");
         for(unsigned j = 0; j < size; j++)
             accumulate += theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].length;//累计值啊
             if(theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].length > maxTimeLength)
                 maxTimeLength = theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].length;
                 maxLocate = j;//更新位置
             if(theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].length < minTimeLength)
                 minTimeLength = theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].length;
                 minLocate = j;//更新位置
             int h0 = theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].startTime / 3600;//时
             int m0 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].startTime % 3600) / 60;//分
             int s0 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].startTime % 3600) % 60;//秒
             int h1 = theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].overTime / 3600;//时
             int m1 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].overTime % 3600) / 60;//分
             int s1 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[j].overTime % 3600) % 60;//秒
             QString a("时间窗口" + QString::number(j) + "    [" + QString::number(h0) + ":" + QString::number(m0) + ":" +QString::number(s0) + ", " + QString::number(h1) + ":" + QString::number(m1) + ":" +QString::number(s1) + "]");
         int h0 = theCityList.city[locate].slot[maxLocate].startTime / 3600;//时
         int m0 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[maxLocate].startTime % 3600) / 60;//分
         int s0 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[maxLocate].startTime % 3600) % 60;//秒
         int h1 = theCityList.city[locate].slot[maxLocate].overTime / 3600;//时
         int m1 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[maxLocate].overTime % 3600) / 60;//分
         int s1 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[maxLocate].overTime % 3600) % 60;//秒
         QString qstr("时间窗口最大值为:"+ QString::number(maxTimeLength) + "   对应时间窗口:  [" + QString::number(h0) + ":" + QString::number(m0) + ":" +QString::number(s0) + ", " + QString::number(h1) + ":" + QString::number(m1) + ":" +QString::number(s1) + "]");
         h0 = theCityList.city[locate].slot[minLocate].startTime / 3600;//时
         m0 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[minLocate].startTime % 3600) / 60;//分
         s0 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[minLocate].startTime % 3600) % 60;//秒
         h1 = theCityList.city[locate].slot[minLocate].overTime / 3600;//时
         m1 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[minLocate].overTime % 3600) / 60;//分
         s1 = (theCityList.city[locate].slot[minLocate].overTime % 3600) % 60;//秒
         QString qstr2("时间窗口最小值为:"+ QString::number(minTimeLength) + "   对应时间窗口:  [" + QString::number(h0) + ":" + QString::number(m0) + ":" +QString::number(s0) + ", " + QString::number(h1) + ":" + QString::number(m1) + ":" +QString::number(s1) + "]");

         int maxGap = 0;
         int maxGapLocate[2] = {0, 0};//二维数组
         accumulate = 0;//用于计算累积的
         int temp = theCityList.city[locate].slot[0].overTime + 1;
         for(unsigned i = 1; i < size; i++)
             int tmp = theCityList.city[locate].slot[i].startTime - temp;//间隙长度
             int timeGapOver = theCityList.city[locate].slot[i].startTime - 1;
             h0 = temp / 3600;//时
             m0 = (temp % 3600) / 60;//分
             s0 = (temp % 3600) % 60;//秒
             h1 = timeGapOver / 3600;//时
             m1 = (timeGapOver % 3600) / 60;//分
             s1 = (timeGapOver % 3600) % 60;//秒
             QString strTmp("时间间隙: ["+ QString::number(h0) + ":" + QString::number(m0) + ":" +QString::number(s0) + ", " + QString::number(h1) + ":" + QString::number(m1) + ":" +QString::number(s1) + "]");
             accumulate += tmp;
             if(maxGap < tmp)
                 maxGap = tmp;
                 maxGapLocate[0] = theCityList.city[locate].slot[i].startTime - 1;
                 maxGapLocate[1] = temp;
             temp = theCityList.city[locate].slot[i].overTime + 1;//记得+1
         qstr = "最长时间间隙为:" + QString::number(maxGap);
         h0 = maxGapLocate[1] / 3600;//时
         m0 = (maxGapLocate[1] % 3600) / 60;//分
         s0 = (maxGapLocate[1] % 3600) % 60;//秒
         h1 = maxGapLocate[0] / 3600;//时
         m1 = (maxGapLocate[0] % 3600) / 60;//分
         s1 = (maxGapLocate[0] % 3600) % 60;//秒
         QString qq("最长时间间隙对应时间段为:  ["+ QString::number(h0) + ":" + QString::number(m0) + ":" +QString::number(s0) + ", " + QString::number(h1) + ":" + QString::number(m1) + ":" +QString::number(s1) + "]");
         qstr2 = "累计时间间隙为:" + QString::number(accumulate);

    QString a,b;
    for(int i = 0; i < 86400; i++)
        a = QString::number(satellite[3].x[i]);
        b = QString::number(satellite[3].y[i]);

        ui->textBrowser->append(a + "     " + b);


void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
    if(ui->lineEdit_2->text().isEmpty() || ui->lineEdit_3->text().isEmpty())
        QMessageBox::information(nullptr, "提示", "不可输入空串", QMessageBox::Yes);
    QString log = ui->lineEdit_2->text();
    QString lat = ui->lineEdit_3->text();
    double longitude = log.toDouble();
    double latitude = lat.toDouble();

    if(longitude < 75||longitude > 135 ||latitude < 0 || latitude > 55)
        QMessageBox::information(nullptr, "提示", "非法输入,注意输入的经纬度是否有错误", QMessageBox::Yes);

    City c;
    c.longitude = longitude;
    c.latitude = latitude;

    int start = 0;
    bool flag = false;//记录城市是否被卫星星座覆盖
    for(int j = 0; j < 86400; j++)
        int number =0;//当前时间段未提供服务的卫星个数
        for(int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
            //判断城市是否在该卫星的搜索范围内,看方程(x-x0)*(x-x0) + (y-y0)*(y-y0)是否小于等于radius
            if((culSquare(c.longitude - satellite[k].x[j]) + culSquare(c.latitude - satellite[k].y[j])) <= culSquare(radius))
                    start = j;//j就是当前时间
                    flag = true;//标记被覆盖
           if(flag && number == 9)
               //传入start,和结束时间j - 1
               TimeSlot t(start, j - 1);
               flag = false;

    unsigned size = c.slot.size();
    if(size == 0)
        QString qs = "该城市没有被卫星星座服务过";

    //题目要求在75 - 135 ,0 - 55 内,但是这个点最小离散到0.1精度就有600 * 550个点
    int h0;
    int m0;//分
    int s0;//秒
    int h1;//时
    int m1;//分
    int s1;//秒
    double *isTime = new double[86400];
    int maxGap = 0;
    int maxGapLocate[2] = {0, 0};//二维数组
    int gapSquare = 0;//平方和
    int accumulate = 0;//用于计算累积的
    int temp = c.slot[0].overTime + 1;
    for(unsigned i = 1; i < size; i++)
        int tmp = c.slot[i].startTime - temp;//间隙长度
        int timeGapOver = c.slot[i].startTime - 1;
        h0 = temp / 3600;//时
        m0 = (temp % 3600) / 60;//分
        s0 = (temp % 3600) % 60;//秒
        h1 = timeGapOver / 3600;//时
        m1 = (timeGapOver % 3600) / 60;//分
        s1 = (timeGapOver % 3600) % 60;//秒
        QString strTmp("时间间隙: ["+ QString::number(h0) + ":" + QString::number(m0) + ":" +QString::number(s0) + ", " + QString::number(h1) + ":" + QString::number(m1) + ":" +QString::number(s1) + "]");
        for(int k = temp; k < c.slot[i].startTime; k++)
            isTime[k] = 1;
        accumulate += tmp;
        gapSquare += tmp * tmp;
        if(maxGap < tmp)
            maxGap = tmp;
            maxGapLocate[0] = c.slot[i].startTime - 1;
            maxGapLocate[1] = temp;
        temp = c.slot[i].overTime + 1;//记得+1
    QString qstr = "最长时间间隙为:" + QString::number(maxGap);
    h0 = maxGapLocate[1] / 3600;//时
    m0 = (maxGapLocate[1] % 3600) / 60;//分
    s0 = (maxGapLocate[1] % 3600) % 60;//秒
    h1 = maxGapLocate[0] / 3600;//时
    m1 = (maxGapLocate[0] % 3600) / 60;//分
    s1 = (maxGapLocate[0] % 3600) % 60;//秒
    QString qq("对应时间段为:  ["+ QString::number(h0) + ":" + QString::number(m0) + ":" +QString::number(s0) + ", " + QString::number(h1) + ":" + QString::number(m1) + ":" +QString::number(s1) + "]");
    QString qstr2 = "累计时间间隙为:" + QString::number(accumulate);
    qstr2 = "时间间隙平方和为:" + QString::number(gapSquare);
    double *isTime1 = new double[86400];
    QSplineSeries* series = new QSplineSeries();   // 创建一个样条曲线对象
    for(unsigned k = 0; k < size; k++)
        for(int i = c.slot[k].startTime; i <= c.slot[k].overTime; i++)
            isTime1[i] = 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 86400; i++)
        series->append(i, isTime1[i]);
    QChart* chart = ui->graphicsView_2->chart();    // 获取一个chart用于管理不同类型的series和其他图表相关对象
    chart->legend()->hide();                   // 隐藏图例
    chart->addSeries(series);                  // 添加创建好的曲线图对象
    chart->setTitle("时间窗口可视化");           // 设置标题
    chart->createDefaultAxes();                // 基于已添加到图表中的series为图表创建轴。以前添加到图表中的任何轴都将被删除。
    chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, 1.2);  // 设置Y轴的范围
    //ui->graphicsView_2->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);  // 设置抗锯齿
    QSplineSeries* series2 = new QSplineSeries();   // 创建一个样条曲线对象
    for(int i = 0; i < 86400; i++)
        series2->append(i, isTime[i]);
    QChart* chart2 = ui->graphicsView_3->chart();    // 获取一个chart用于管理不同类型的series和其他图表相关对象
    chart2->legend()->hide();                   // 隐藏图例
    chart2->addSeries(series2);                  // 添加创建好的曲线图对象
    chart2->setTitle("时间间隙可视化");           // 设置标题
    chart2->createDefaultAxes();                // 基于已添加到图表中的series为图表创建轴。以前添加到图表中的任何轴都将被删除。
    chart2->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, 1.2);  // 设置Y轴的范围
double PI = 3.141592654;
//积分公式,x0 - x1为经度,,y0 - y1是纬度
double integral(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
    double S = (cos(y0*PI/180) - cos(y1 * PI / 180)) * ((x1 * PI / 180) - (x0 * PI / 180));
    return S;

//75° - 135°区域的覆盖率问题
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked()
    //QString a = ui->lineEdit_4->text();
    //QString b = ui->lineEdit_5->text();
    //int start = a.mid(0, 2).toInt()*3600 + a.mid(3, 2).toInt()*60 + a.mid(6, 2).toInt();
    //int over = b.mid(0, 2).toInt()*3600 + b.mid(3, 2).toInt()*60 + b.mid(6, 2).toInt();
    int start = ui->lineEdit_4->text().toInt();
    int over = ui->lineEdit_5->text().toInt();
    int timeLength = over  - start + 1;
        QMessageBox::information(nullptr, "提示", "输入的时间有误!", QMessageBox::Yes);
       Coverage = new double[timeLength];//动态空间
    stack<Square> st;
    for(int i = start;i <= over; i++)
    double cul;
    double leftTop1,leftTop2;
    double leftBotton1, leftBotton2;
    double rightTop1, rightTop2;
    double rightBotton1, rightBotton2;
    double temp1;
    double temp2;
    double temp3;
    double temp4;
    double tmp = culSquare(radius);
    double length_2;
    double real_2;
    double acuCover = 0;
    for(int i = start; i <= over; i++)
        cul = 0;

        for(int j = 0; j < 22; j++)
            for(int k = 0; k < 24; k++)
                int number = 0;
                for(int t = 0; t < 9; t++)
                    leftTop1 = map1[j][k].longitude;                leftTop2 = map1[j][k].latitude;
                    leftBotton1 = leftTop1;                         leftBotton2 = leftTop2 + 2.5;
                    rightTop1 = leftTop1 + 2.5;       rightTop2 = leftTop2;
                    rightBotton1 = rightTop1;                       rightBotton2 = leftBotton2;
                    temp1 = culSquare(leftTop1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(leftTop2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                    temp2 = culSquare(leftBotton1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(leftBotton2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                    temp3 = culSquare(rightTop1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(rightTop2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                    temp4 = culSquare(rightBotton1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(rightBotton2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                    if(temp1 <= tmp&&temp2 <= tmp&&temp3 <= tmp&&temp4 <= tmp)
                        map1[j][k].state = 1;//beifugai
                        cul += integral(leftTop1, leftTop2, rightBotton1, rightBotton2);
                        if(map1[j][k].isCover == false)
                            map1[j][k].isCover = true;
                            acuCover += integral(leftTop1, leftTop2, rightBotton1, rightBotton2);
                            //ui->textBrowser_3->append(QString::number(j) + "  " + QString::number(k)); 测试使用
                    if(temp1 > tmp&&temp2 > tmp&&temp3 > tmp&&temp4 > tmp)
                    //如果已经遍历到最后一个卫星,还没有退出,而且number没有加到 9 ,说明是待判断。
                    if(number < 9&&t == 8)
                        length_2 = map1[j][k].length/(double)2;
                        real_2 = map1[j][k].realSize/(double)2;
                        //构造函数:Square(double _x, double _y, double log, double lat, double realSize, double _length, int _state);
                        Square s1(map1[j][k].x, map1[j][k].y, map1[j][k].longitude, map1[j][k].latitude, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s2(map1[j][k].x + length_2, map1[j][k].y, map1[j][k].longitude + real_2, map1[j][k].latitude, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s3(map1[j][k].x, map1[j][k].y + length_2, map1[j][k].longitude, map1[j][k].latitude + real_2, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s4(map1[j][k].x + length_2, map1[j][k].y + length_2, map1[j][k].longitude + real_2, map1[j][k].latitude + real_2, real_2, length_2, 0);
            Square squa = st.top();//取栈顶
            length_2 = squa.length/(double)2;
            real_2 = squa.realSize/(double)2;
            leftTop1 = squa.longitude;                leftTop2 = squa.latitude;
            leftBotton1 = leftTop1;                         leftBotton2 = leftTop2 + squa.realSize;
            rightTop1 = leftTop1 + squa.realSize;       rightTop2 = leftTop2;
            rightBotton1 = rightTop1;                       rightBotton2 = leftBotton2;
            int num = 0;
            for(int t = 0; t < 9; t++)
                temp1 = culSquare(leftTop1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(leftTop2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp2 = culSquare(leftBotton1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(leftBotton2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp3 = culSquare(rightTop1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(rightTop2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp4 = culSquare(rightBotton1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(rightBotton2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                if(temp1 <= tmp&&temp2 <= tmp&&temp3 <= tmp&&temp4 <= tmp)
                    squa.state = 1;
                    cul += integral(leftTop1, leftTop2, rightBotton1, rightBotton2);
                    waitDraw[waitSize++] = squa;
                if(temp1 > tmp&&temp2 > tmp&&temp3 > tmp&&temp4 > tmp)
                if(num < 9&&t == 8)
                    if(squa.realSize > 0.625)
                        Square s1(squa.x, squa.y, squa.longitude, squa.latitude, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s2(squa.x + length_2, squa.y, squa.longitude + real_2, squa.latitude, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s3(squa.x, squa.y + length_2, squa.longitude, squa.latitude + real_2, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s4(squa.x + length_2, squa.y + length_2, squa.longitude + real_2, squa.latitude + real_2, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        squa.state = 2;
                        waitDraw[waitSize++] = squa;
        Coverage[i - start] = cul/0.44655;//记录
        delete []waitDraw;
        waitDraw = new Square[200];
        waitSize = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
                map1[i][j].state = 0;
     acuCover = acuCover / 0.44655;
     QSplineSeries* series = new QSplineSeries();   // 创建一个样条曲线对象
     for(int i = start;i <= over; i++)
        series->append(i, Coverage[i - start]);
        QChart* chart = ui->graphicsView->chart();    // 获取一个chart用于管理不同类型的series和其他图表相关对象
        chart->legend()->hide();                   // 隐藏图例
        chart->addSeries(series);                  // 添加创建好的曲线图对象
        chart->setTitle("覆盖率曲线");           // 设置标题
        chart->createDefaultAxes();                // 基于已添加到图表中的series为图表创建轴。以前添加到图表中的任何轴都将被删除。
        chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, 0.15);  // 设置Y轴的范围
        ui->graphicsView->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);  // 设置抗锯齿
     //ui->textBrowser_4->append("累计覆盖率为:" + QString::number(acuCover));
     QMessageBox::information(nullptr, "提示", "已经模拟完", QMessageBox::Yes);
     delete []Coverage;
     Coverage = nullptr;

//QFont font;    //颜色
//QColor color(255, 255, 255);  //字体
//QPen pen;      //画笔
void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
    QPainter painter;
    QBrush qb;
    qb.setColor(QColor(255, 0, 0));
    //第3题画图,75 - 135,,0 - 55
    if(setDraw == 1)
        for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
                if(map1[i][j].state == 1)
                    //painter.drawRect(map1[i][j].x, map1[i][j].y, map1[i][j].length, map1[i][j].length);
                    painter.fillRect(QRect(map1[i][j].x, map1[i][j].y, map1[i][j].length, map1[i][j].length), QBrush(Qt::red));
               // else if(map1[i][j].state == 2)
                   // painter.fillRect(QRect(map1[i][j].x, map1[i][j].y, map1[i][j].length, map1[i][j].length), QBrush(Qt::blue));
               // }
        for(int i = 0; i < waitSize; i++)
            if(waitDraw[i].state == 1)
                painter.fillRect(QRect(waitDraw[i].x, waitDraw[i].y, waitDraw[i].length, waitDraw[i].length), QBrush(Qt::red));
            else if(waitDraw[i].state == 2)
                painter.fillRect(QRect(waitDraw[i].x, waitDraw[i].y, waitDraw[i].length, waitDraw[i].length), QBrush(Qt::blue));
        for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
                painter.drawRect(map1[i][j].x, map1[i][j].y, map1[i][j].length, map1[i][j].length);
            if(i % 4 == 0)
                double temp = 75 +2.5*i;//经
                QString qs = QString::number(temp);
                painter.drawText(i*24 + 24, 170, qs + "°");
                temp = 2.5 * i;// 纬度
                qs =QString::number(temp);
                painter.drawText(610, 180 + i * 24, qs + "°");
            else if(i == 21)
                QString qs = QString::number(135);
                painter.drawText(588, 170, qs + "°");
                qs = QString::number(55);
                painter.drawText(610, 710, qs + "°");

    else if(setDraw == 2)
        for(int i = 0; i < 1540; i++)
            if(us[i].state == 1)
                painter.fillRect(QRect(us[i].x, us[i].y, us[i].length, -(us[i].length)), QBrush(Qt::red));
            else if(us[i].state == 2)
                painter.fillRect(QRect(us[i].x, us[i].y, us[i].length, -(us[i].length)), QBrush(Qt::blue));
        for(int i = 0; i < waitSize2; i++)
            if(waitDraw2[i].state == 1)
                painter.fillRect(QRect(waitDraw2[i].x, waitDraw2[i].y, waitDraw2[i].length, -(waitDraw2[i].length)), QBrush(Qt::red));
        for(int i = 0; i < waitSize2; i++)
            if(waitDraw2[i].state == 2)
                painter.fillRect(QRect(waitDraw2[i].x, waitDraw2[i].y, waitDraw2[i].length, -(waitDraw2[i].length)), QBrush(Qt::blue));
        for(int i = 0; i < 1540; i++)
            painter.drawRect(us[i].x, us[i].y, us[i].length, -(us[i].length));


    for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
            if(map1[i][j].state == 1)
                //painter.drawRect(map1[i][j].x, map1[i][j].y, map1[i][j].length, map1[i][j].length);
                painter.fillRect(QRect(map1[i][j].x, map1[i][j].y, map1[i][j].length, map1[i][j].length), QBrush(Qt::red));
           // else if(map1[i][j].state == 2)
               // painter.fillRect(QRect(map1[i][j].x, map1[i][j].y, map1[i][j].length, map1[i][j].length), QBrush(Qt::blue));
           // }
    for(int i = 0; i < waitSize; i++)
        if(waitDraw[i].state == 1)
            painter.fillRect(QRect(waitDraw[i].x, waitDraw[i].y, waitDraw[i].length, waitDraw[i].length), QBrush(Qt::red));
        else if(waitDraw[i].state == 2)
            painter.fillRect(QRect(waitDraw[i].x, waitDraw[i].y, waitDraw[i].length, waitDraw[i].length), QBrush(Qt::blue));
    for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
            painter.drawRect(map1[i][j].x, map1[i][j].y, map1[i][j].length, map1[i][j].length);
        if(i % 4 == 0)
            double temp = 75 +2.5*i;//经
            QString qs = QString::number(temp);
            painter.drawText(i*24 + 24, 170, qs + "°");
            temp = 2.5 * i;// 纬度
            qs =QString::number(temp);
            painter.drawText(610, 180 + i * 24, qs + "°");
        else if(i == 21)
            QString qs = QString::number(135);
            painter.drawText(588, 170, qs + "°");
            qs = QString::number(55);
            painter.drawText(610, 710, qs + "°");



void MainWindow::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
    //for(int i = 0; i < 3369; i++)
   // {
      //  ui->textBrowser_5->append(QString::number(point[i].longitude) + "    " + QString::number(point[i].latitude));

    //QString a = ui->lineEdit_4->text();
    //QString b = ui->lineEdit_5->text();
    //int start = a.mid(0, 2).toInt()*3600 + a.mid(3, 2).toInt()*60 + a.mid(6, 2).toInt();
    //int over = b.mid(0, 2).toInt()*3600 + b.mid(3, 2).toInt()*60 + b.mid(6, 2).toInt();
    int start = ui->lineEdit_6->text().toInt();
    int over = ui->lineEdit_7->text().toInt();
    int timeLength = over  - start + 1;
        QMessageBox::information(nullptr, "提示", "输入的时间有误!", QMessageBox::Yes);
       Coverage = new double[timeLength];//动态空间
    stack<Square> st1;
    for(int i = start;i <= over; i++)
    double cul;//用于计算每秒的覆盖率
    double leftTop1,leftTop2;//左上点
    double leftBotton1, leftBotton2;//左下点
    double rightTop1, rightTop2;//右上点
    double rightBotton1, rightBotton2;//右下点
    double temp1;//(左上点的x - 卫星x)² + (左上点的y - 卫星y)²
    double temp2;
    double temp3;
    double temp4;
    double tmp = culSquare(radius);//对应temp,先保存着radius的平方,避免重复计算了,降低性能
    double length_2;//若出现方格分割,length_2 = 被分割方格.length/2
    double real_2;//若出现方格分割,length_2 = 被分割方格.length/2
    double acuCover = 0;//accumulateCover,直接翻译,累计覆盖率,
    for(int i = start; i <= over; i++)
        cul = 0;
        for(int j = 0; j < 1540; j++)
            int number = 0;
            for(int t = 0; t < 9; t++)
                leftTop1 = us[j].longitude;                leftTop2 = us[j].latitude;
                leftBotton1 = leftTop1;                         leftBotton2 = leftTop2 + us[j].realSize;
                rightTop1 = leftTop1 + us[j].realSize;       rightTop2 = leftTop2;
                rightBotton1 = rightTop1;                       rightBotton2 = leftBotton2;
                temp1 = culSquare(leftTop1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(leftTop2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp2 = culSquare(leftBotton1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(leftBotton2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp3 = culSquare(rightTop1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(rightTop2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp4 = culSquare(rightBotton1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(rightBotton2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                if(temp1 <= tmp&&temp2 <= tmp&&temp3 <= tmp&&temp4 <= tmp)
                    us[j].state = 1;//beifugai
                    cul += integral(leftTop1, leftTop2, rightBotton1, rightBotton2);
                    if(us[j].isCover == false)
                        us[j].isCover = true;//标记被覆盖过
                        acuCover += integral(leftTop1, leftTop2, rightBotton1, rightBotton2);//累计覆盖的累加
                        //ui->textBrowser_3->append(QString::number(j) + "  " + QString::number(k)); 测试使用
                if(temp1 > tmp&&temp2 > tmp&&temp3 > tmp&&temp4 > tmp)
                //如果已经遍历到最后一个卫星,还没有退出,而且number没有加到 9 ,说明是待判断。
                if(number < 9&&t == 8)
                    if(us[j].realSize >0.3125)

                        length_2 = us[j].length/(double)2;
                        real_2 = us[j].realSize/(double)2;
                        //构造函数:Square(double _x, double _y, double log, double lat, double realSize, double _length, int _state);
                        Square s1(us[j].x, us[j].y, us[j].longitude, us[j].latitude, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s2(us[j].x + length_2, us[j].y, us[j].longitude + real_2, us[j].latitude, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s3(us[j].x, us[j].y - length_2, us[j].longitude, us[j].latitude + real_2, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s4(us[j].x + length_2, us[j].y - length_2, us[j].longitude + real_2, us[j].latitude + real_2, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        us[j].state = 2;
                        waitDraw2[waitSize2++] = us[j];
            Square squa = st1.top();//取栈顶
            length_2 = squa.length/(double)2;
            real_2 = squa.realSize/(double)2;
            leftTop1 = squa.longitude;                leftTop2 = squa.latitude;
            leftBotton1 = leftTop1;                         leftBotton2 = leftTop2 + squa.realSize;
            rightTop1 = leftTop1 + squa.realSize;       rightTop2 = leftTop2;
            rightBotton1 = rightTop1;                       rightBotton2 = leftBotton2;
            int num = 0;
            for(int t = 0; t < 9; t++)
                temp1 = culSquare(leftTop1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(leftTop2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp2 = culSquare(leftBotton1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(leftBotton2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp3 = culSquare(rightTop1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(rightTop2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                temp4 = culSquare(rightBotton1 - satellite[t].x[i]) + culSquare(rightBotton2 - satellite[t].y[i]);
                if(temp1 <= tmp&&temp2 <= tmp&&temp3 <= tmp&&temp4 <= tmp)
                    squa.state = 1;
                    cul += integral(leftTop1, leftTop2, rightBotton1, rightBotton2);
                    waitDraw2[waitSize2++] = squa;
                if(temp1 > tmp&&temp2 > tmp&&temp3 > tmp&&temp4 > tmp)
                if(num < 9&&t == 8)
                    if(squa.realSize > 0.3125)
                        Square s1(squa.x, squa.y, squa.longitude, squa.latitude, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s2(squa.x + length_2, squa.y, squa.longitude + real_2, squa.latitude, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s3(squa.x, squa.y - length_2, squa.longitude, squa.latitude + real_2, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        Square s4(squa.x + length_2, squa.y - length_2, squa.longitude + real_2, squa.latitude + real_2, real_2, length_2, 0);
                        squa.state = 2;
                        waitDraw2[waitSize2++] = squa;
        Coverage[i - start] = cul/0.15656340035;//记录
        delete []waitDraw2;
        waitDraw2 = new Square[1000];
        waitSize2 = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < 1540; i++)
            us[i].state = 0;
     acuCover = acuCover / 0.15656340035;
     ui->textBrowser_6->append("累计覆盖率为:" + QString::number(acuCover));

     QSplineSeries* seriesUs = new QSplineSeries();   // 创建一个样条曲线对象
     for(int i = start;i <= over; i++)
        seriesUs->append(i, Coverage[i - start]);
     QChart* chart = ui->graphicsView_4->chart();    // 获取一个chart用于管理不同类型的series和其他图表相关对象
     chart->legend()->hide();                   // 隐藏图例
     chart->addSeries(seriesUs);                  // 添加创建好的曲线图对象
     chart->setTitle("美国覆盖率曲线");           // 设置标题
     chart->createDefaultAxes();                // 基于已添加到图表中的series为图表创建轴。以前添加到图表中的任何轴都将被删除。
     chart->axes(Qt::Vertical).first()->setRange(0, 0.4);  // 设置Y轴的范围
     ui->graphicsView_4->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);  // 设置抗锯齿
     QMessageBox::information(nullptr, "提示", "模拟结束", QMessageBox::Yes);
     delete []Coverage;
     Coverage = nullptr;




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    转自 xff1a http www openedv com thread 44168 1 1 html UCOS开发手册中 第十章 UCOSIII消息传递 章节中关于等待消息队列的函数OSQPend 讲解有误 xff0c OSQPend 函
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    xfeff xfeff ucos ii学习笔记 信号量集 事件标志组 的原理及使用 Created on 2012 10 8 Author zhang bin 学习笔记 for ucos ii PC redesigned by zhang
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    xfeff xfeff 有关 低速容错CAN xff1a ISO 11898 3 与ISO 11519 2标准两者关系 最近有几个客户问到这个问题 xff0c 对应的产品是否兼容 于是上ISO官网查看发现并无两者的关系 xff0c 不过在网
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    最近在学习CAN总线 xff0c 原先一直不太明白 xff0c 若有A xff0c B 2个节点同一时刻一起向总线上发送数据 xff0c CAN总线是怎么仲裁的 xff0c 来让A xff0c B其中一个节点退出 xff0c 保证高优先级的
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    PID控制应该算是应用非常广泛的控制算法了 小到控制一个元件的温度 xff0c 大到控制无人机的飞行姿态和飞行速度等等 xff0c 都可以使用PID控制 这里我们从原理上来理解PID控制 PID proportion integration
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    Ubuntu20 04桌面版图文安装 xff08 超详细 xff09 一 准备工具 VMWare Workstation15 Pro xff1b ubuntu 20 04 desktop amd64 iso xff1b 二 虚拟机初始配置


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    CPU中央处理单元包含基本的运算单元AUL xff0c 存储单元cache等基本资源 xff0c 实现硬件设备的基本控制功能 中央处理器作为一个普世概念 xff0c 实际根据具体数据处理功能方向不同 xff0c 细分位DSP MCU和MP

    协议通信方式UART串行全双工I2C SPI是串行外设接口 xff08 Serial Peripheral Interface xff09 的缩写 SPI是一种高速的 全双工 同步的通信总线 xff0c 并且在芯片的管脚上只占用四根线 xf
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    busybox是什么 xff1f xff08 1 xff09 busybox是Linux上的一个应用程序 application xff0c 即只有一个ELF文件头 xff08 2 xff09 它整合了许多Linux上常用的工具和命令 xf
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    SSR IOV是Single Root I O Virtualization的缩写 在虚拟机中 xff0c 一切皆虚拟 比如网卡 xff0c 虚拟机看来好像有一个真实网卡 xff0c 但是这个网卡是宿主机虚拟出来的硬件 xff0c 也就是一
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    本章介绍排序算法中的希尔排序 内容包括 xff1a 1 希尔排序介绍 2 希尔排序图文说明 3 希尔排序的时间复杂度和稳定性 4 希尔排序实现 4 1 希尔排序C实现 4 2 希尔排序C 43 43 实现 4 3 希尔排序Java实现 转载
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    概要 本章介绍排序算法中的归并排序 内容包括 xff1a 1 归并排序介绍 2 归并排序图文说明 3 归并排序的时间复杂度和稳定性 4 归并排序实现 4 1 归并排序C实现 4 2 归并排序C 43 43 实现 4 3 归并排序Java实现
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    拓扑排序介绍 拓扑排序 Topological Order 是指 xff0c 将一个有向无环图 Directed Acyclic Graph简称DAG 进行排序进而得到一个有序的线性序列 这样说 xff0c 可能理解起来比较抽象 下面通过简
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    线性时不变系统输出调节问题 最近在学习 Nonlinear output regulation 中的linear output regulation时 xff0c 对于linear robust output regulation的问题时
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    目录 一 概述 二 架构 三 版本选择 四 内核启动流程 五 自动初始化机制 六 内核对象模型 七 I O设备模型 1 框架 2 设备驱动使用序列图 3 设备类型 八 FinSH控制台 九 ENV工具 1 menuconfig 2 Scon
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    对于Linux系统针对RAS的AER错误处理机制完成 PCIe RAS简单来讲就是PCIe的错误检测 纠正以及汇报的机制 它可以方便我们准确的定位 xff0c 纠正和分析错误增强系统的健壮性和可靠性 PCIe错误的分类 PCIe错误分为可校
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    先看regulator使用的小demo 如 i2c8 touchscreen 64 28 vddcama supply 61 lt amp xxxxx gt int ret struct regulator power static int
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    Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 是内存访问异常的错误 xff0c 原因通常有三种 xff1a virtual address 为 0x00000000 时
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    vscode安装配置clang format插件及使用 首先安装插件 在vscode扩展里搜索clang format xff0c 安装排名第一的xaver clang format 确认clang format可执行程序路径 window
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    http wenda tianya cn question 7ade6dc9324bed88
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    树莓派 xff08 Raspberry pi xff09 是一块集成度极高的ARM开发板 xff0c 不仅包含了HDMI xff0c RCA xff0c CSI xff0c HDMI xff0c GPIO等端口 xff0c 还支持蓝牙以及无
  • flashcache原理

    介绍flashcache的文章很多 xff0c 我就不废话了 使用上 xff0c 有余峰老哥的 文章 xff1b 原理上 xff0c 有ningoo同学的 flashcache系列 但是ningoo同学漏掉了device mapper和fl
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    xff08 未完成 xff09 一 PID介绍 xff08 百度百科 xff09 PID 控制器 xff08 比例 积分 微分控制器 xff09 是一个在工业控制应用中常见的反馈回路部件 xff0c 由比例单元 P 积分单元 I 和微分单元
  • java:接口、lambda表达式与内部类

    接口 xff08 interface 接口用来描述类应该做什么 xff0c 而不指定他们具体应该如何做 接口不是类 xff0c 而是对符合这个接口的类的一组需求 接口定义的关键词是interface span class token key
  • 卫星系统算法课程设计 - 第二部分 qt的安装与创建项目

    上一篇文章只讲了基本的东西 xff0c 这一篇要完成qt的安装 xff0c 构建项目 xff0c 并且将上一篇的代码导入进去 某比利比例搜qt安装 xff0c 看到qt5 14 2的下载安装 xff0c 跟着做 1 创建项目 创建新项目 x