

1 ArUco marker

ArUco marker是由S.Garrido-Jurado等人在2014年提出的,全称是Augmented Reality University of Cordoba,详见他们的论文《Automatic generation and detection of highly reliable fiducial markers under occlusion》。



  • 相机标定,包括相机的内参、畸变系数等;
  • 利用相机参数和预先设定好的marker参数(包括边长、角点等)求解相机3D坐标系到marker所在3D坐标系(z=0)的空间变换关系T;
  • 将T作用于虚拟物体计算其在相机成像平面的投影。

2 Opencv中实现一个简单的AR应用

2.1 编译aruco模块


  • (不推荐)编译全部opencv_contrib并引用,参考链接;
  • (推荐)只编译某些模块,把这些模块从“opencv_contrib-x.x.x/modules”拷贝到“opencv/modules”,然后执行opencv编译即可。


2.2 生成aruco marker


 * @brief Predefined markers dictionaries/sets
 * Each dictionary indicates the number of bits and the number of markers contained
 * - DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL: standard ArUco Library Markers. 1024 markers, 5x5 bits, 0 minimum
    DICT_4X4_50 = 0,


// 获取大小为6x6、包含1000个marker的字典
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::DICT_6X6_1000);
// 绘制marker图像到markerImage,且在边缘添加1格黑色边界
cv::Mat markerImage;
cv::aruco::drawMarker(dictionary, 23, 200, markerImage, 1);


2.3 检测aruco marker


// 检测到的marker的id
std::vector<int> ids;
// 检测到的marker的角点列表
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> corners;
// 执行检测
cv::aruco::detectMarkers(image, dictionary, corners, ids, params);


 * @brief Parameters for the detectMarker process:
 * - adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin: minimum window size for adaptive thresholding before finding
 *   contours (default 3).
 * - adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax: maximum window size for adaptive thresholding before finding
 *   contours (default 23).
 * - adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep: increments from adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin to adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax
 *   during the thresholding (default 10).
 * - adaptiveThreshConstant: constant for adaptive thresholding before finding contours (default 7)
 * - minMarkerPerimeterRate: determine minimum perimeter for marker contour to be detected. This
 *   is defined as a rate respect to the maximum dimension of the input image (default 0.03).
 * - maxMarkerPerimeterRate:  determine maximum perimeter for marker contour to be detected. This
 *   is defined as a rate respect to the maximum dimension of the input image (default 4.0).
 * - polygonalApproxAccuracyRate: minimum accuracy during the polygonal approximation process to
 *   determine which contours are squares.
 * - minCornerDistanceRate: minimum distance between corners for detected markers relative to its
 *   perimeter (default 0.05)
 * - minDistanceToBorder: minimum distance of any corner to the image border for detected markers
 *   (in pixels) (default 3)
 * - minMarkerDistanceRate: minimum mean distance beetween two marker corners to be considered
 *   similar, so that the smaller one is removed. The rate is relative to the smaller perimeter
 *   of the two markers (default 0.05).
 * - cornerRefinementMethod: corner refinement method. (CORNER_REFINE_NONE, no refinement.
 *   CORNER_REFINE_SUBPIX, do subpixel refinement. CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR use contour-Points)
 * - cornerRefinementWinSize: window size for the corner refinement process (in pixels) (default 5).
 * - cornerRefinementMaxIterations: maximum number of iterations for stop criteria of the corner
 *   refinement process (default 30).
 * - cornerRefinementMinAccuracy: minimum error for the stop cristeria of the corner refinement
 *   process (default: 0.1)
 * - markerBorderBits: number of bits of the marker border, i.e. marker border width (default 1).
 * - perpectiveRemovePixelPerCell: number of bits (per dimension) for each cell of the marker
 *   when removing the perspective (default 8).
 * - perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell: width of the margin of pixels on each cell not
 *   considered for the determination of the cell bit. Represents the rate respect to the total
 *   size of the cell, i.e. perpectiveRemovePixelPerCell (default 0.13)
 * - maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate: maximum number of accepted erroneous bits in the border (i.e.
 *   number of allowed white bits in the border). Represented as a rate respect to the total
 *   number of bits per marker (default 0.35).
 * - minOtsuStdDev: minimun standard deviation in pixels values during the decodification step to
 *   apply Otsu thresholding (otherwise, all the bits are set to 0 or 1 depending on mean higher
 *   than 128 or not) (default 5.0)
 * - errorCorrectionRate error correction rate respect to the maximun error correction capability
 *   for each dictionary. (default 0.6).
struct CV_EXPORTS_W DetectorParameters {


    CV_WRAP static Ptr<DetectorParameters> create();

    CV_PROP_RW int adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin;
    CV_PROP_RW int adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax;
    CV_PROP_RW int adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep;
    CV_PROP_RW double adaptiveThreshConstant;
    CV_PROP_RW double minMarkerPerimeterRate;
    CV_PROP_RW double maxMarkerPerimeterRate;
    CV_PROP_RW double polygonalApproxAccuracyRate;
    CV_PROP_RW double minCornerDistanceRate;
    CV_PROP_RW int minDistanceToBorder;
    CV_PROP_RW double minMarkerDistanceRate;
    CV_PROP_RW int cornerRefinementMethod;
    CV_PROP_RW int cornerRefinementWinSize;
    CV_PROP_RW int cornerRefinementMaxIterations;
    CV_PROP_RW double cornerRefinementMinAccuracy;
    CV_PROP_RW int markerBorderBits;
    CV_PROP_RW int perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell;
    CV_PROP_RW double perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell;
    CV_PROP_RW double maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate;
    CV_PROP_RW double minOtsuStdDev;
    CV_PROP_RW double errorCorrectionRate;


cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::DetectorParameters> params = cv::aruco::DetectorParameters::create();
params->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin = 7;
params->cornerRefinementWinSize = 5;
params->cornerRefinementMaxIterations = 100;
params->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy = 0.1;
params->cornerRefinementMethod = cv::aruco::CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR;

2.4 绘制检测结果及AR显示


// 绘制检测到的marker的框
cv::aruco::drawDetectedMarkers(image, corners, ids);



// 估计第一个marker的位姿矩阵
double markerLength = 50;
std::vector<cv::Vec3d> rvecs, tvecs;
cv::aruco::estimatePoseSingleMarkers(corners, markerLength, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs);
cv::aruco::drawAxis(image, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs, 0.1);




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