bochs 详细介绍


BOCHS 简介及配置

Bochs 简介

Bochs(读音同 Box)是用C++开发的以 LGPL 许可证发放的开放源代码的x86,x86-64模拟器,模拟整个PC。它被设计成可以运行于多种主流平台下,包括x86, PPC, Alpha, Sun和MIPS。

和 Bochs 类似的虚拟机软件还有:VMware,Virtual PC,VirtualBox,但这些都使用了虚拟化技术,部分指令直接交给硬件执行。而Bochs完全是靠软件模拟来实现的(所以Bochs虚拟机的速度慢很多,而且应该称Bochs为模拟器,而非虚拟机)。从启动到重启,包括PC的外设键盘,鼠标,VGA卡,磁盘,网卡等,全部都是由软件来模拟的。也正是由于Bochs完全是靠软件来模拟整个PC环境,因此它非常的适合开发操作系统,这对广大操作系统爱好者来说是一个福音。因为有它,使得调试操作系统非常非常的容易,它自带一个调试器bochsdbg,它可以从PC机刚启动的那一刹那起就开始模拟,注意,这不是从读取磁盘中的引导扇区那开始模拟。




  • Bochs 软件
  • BIOS 镜像
  • VGA BIOS 镜像

配置Bochs —— 告诉Bochs你想模拟一台拥有何种硬件配置的PC。

这里只介绍如何使用配置文件配置 Bochs。

Bochs为我们提供了一个配置文件的模版,这个模版为bochsrc-sample.txt,可以在Bochs的安装目录中找到。在配置文件中”#”为注释符号,表明#后面的全部是注释的内容(类似于C / C++ 中的行注释“//”)。


    # The ROM BIOS controls what the PC does when it first powers on.
    # Normally, you can use a precompiled BIOS in the source or binary
    # distribution called BIOS-bochs-latest. The ROM BIOS is usually loaded
    # starting at address 0xf0000, and it is exactly 64k long. Another option
    # is 128k BIOS which is loaded at address 0xe0000.
    # You can also use the environment variable $BXSHARE to specify the
    # location of the BIOS.
    # The usage of external large BIOS images (up to 512k) at memory top is
    # now supported, but we still recommend to use the BIOS distributed with
    # Bochs. The start address optional, since it can be calculated from image size.
    #romimage: file=$BXSHARE/BIOS-bochs-latest 
    #romimage: file=bios/seabios-0.5.1.bin
    #romimage: file=mybios.bin, address=0xfff80000 # 512k at memory top
    # You now need to load a VGA ROM BIOS into C0000.
    #vgaromimage: file=bios/VGABIOS-elpin-2.40
    #vgaromimage: file=$BXSHARE/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
    #vgaromimage: file=bios/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest-cirrus
    指定内存大小。“megs: 32”表示虚拟系统被分配到32MB内存,如果你嫌少的话,可以在行首添加“#”将之屏蔽,然后选择更大的内存,当然不要忘记将行首的“#”删除.
    # FLOPPYA:
    # Point this to pathname of floppy image file or device
    # This should be of a bootable floppy(image/device) if you're
    #  booting from 'a' (or 'floppy').
    # You can set the initial status of the media to 'ejected' or 'inserted'.
    #   floppya: 2_88=path, status=ejected    (2.88M 3.5"  media)
    #   floppya: 1_44=path, status=inserted   (1.44M 3.5"  media)
    #   floppya: 1_2=path, status=ejected     (1.2M  5.25" media)
    #   floppya: 720k=path, status=inserted   (720K  3.5"  media)
    #   floppya: 360k=path, status=inserted   (360K  5.25" media)
    #   floppya: 320k=path, status=inserted   (320K  5.25" media)
    #   floppya: 180k=path, status=inserted   (180K  5.25" media)
    #   floppya: 160k=path, status=inserted   (160K  5.25" media)
    #   floppya: image=path, status=inserted  (guess media type from image size)
    #   floppya: type=1_44                    (1.44M 3.5" floppy drive, no media)
    # The path should be the name of a disk image file.  On Unix, you can use a raw
    # device name such as /dev/fd0 on Linux.  On win32 platforms, use drive letters
    # such as a: or b: as the path.  The parameter 'image' works with image files
    # only. In that case the size must match one of the supported types.
    # The parameter 'type' can be used to enable the floppy drive without media
    # and status specified. Usually the drive type is set up based on the media type.
    #floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0, status=inserted
    #floppya: image=../1.44, status=inserted
    #floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0H1440, status=inserted
    #floppya: 1_2=../1_2, status=inserted
    #floppya: 1_44=a:, status=inserted
    #floppya: 1_44=a.img, status=inserted
    #floppya: 1_44=/dev/rfd0a, status=inserted

    这是A驱动器的参数,当然,自然也是模拟的。通常所用的软驱是1.44MB的,因此后面跟的参数是1_44=/dev/fd0 注意:/dev/fd0表示你当前的真实软驱。如果你想使用镜像文件(在编写操作系统中,我们一般都使用镜像文件)则把/dev/fd0改成你镜像文件的路径,如果你的配置文件和镜像文件在同一个文件夹中则可以直接写镜像名称,比如1_44=msdos.img就可以。

    当然,也可以模拟其它的软驱,如2.88M,720K,360K的,这非常的有用!后面的参数status标明软驱的状态,只能有两个inserted(软盘插入软驱),ejected(软盘未插入软驱)。完整的就是“floppya: 1_44=msdos: 1_44=/dev/rfd0a, status=inserted”。

    指定硬盘或光盘的参数,并指明它是主盘还是从盘。标准的参数是ata0-master: type=disk, mode=flat, path="30M.sample", cylinders=615, heads=6, spt=17type参数只能是两者,disk(硬盘),cdrom(光盘),mode这个参数镜像类型,它仅仅是针对磁盘才有效,有几种,flat(一个文件的布局)concat(多个文件的布局)external(开发者指定的,通过C++的类BOCHS就是C++开发的)dll(开发者指定的,通过dll文件)vmware3wmware3使用的硬盘镜像)。还有几个其它的不介绍;path是指定硬盘或是光盘镜像的文件。CylindersHeadsSpt这几个参数通过这名字就能知道了。注意,这通常来说也不算是太重要,但是某些时候,则是特别重要,比如装minix1.5的时候,用bximage这个bochs自带的创建磁盘工具创建了个硬盘,然后就指明路径就运行,结果分区的时候一直出错,查了半天才发现这几个参数没有设置好,bximage创建的硬盘的HeadsSpt似乎是固定的,和模板自带的不一样,结构分区的时候,自然按配置文件里的计算,和实际的自然不符。







optromimage [1-4]























Bochs-2.2.1 的模板配置文件 bochsrc_sample.txt

# You many now use double quotes around pathnames, in case
# your pathname includes spaces.

# You now need to load a ROM BIOS into F0000-FFFFF.  I've wiped
# out most of the BIOS hooks, and replace them with real BIOS
# support.  Normally, you can use a precompiled BIOS in the bios/
# directory, named BIOS-bochs-yymmdd.  Use the latest one in there.
#romimage: bios/BIOS-bochs-970717a
romimage: file=$BXSHARE\BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xf0000
#romimage: file=bios/BIOS-bochs-2-processors, address=0xf0000
#romimage: file=bios/BIOS-bochs-4-processors, address=0xf0000
#romimage: file=bios/rombios.bin, address=0xf0000

# set this to the default number of Megabytes of memory you want
# to emulate.  You may also pass the '-megs xyz' option to bochs
# The default is 32MB, most OS's won't need more than that.
#megs: 256
#megs: 128
#megs: 64
#megs: 32
megs: 16
#megs: 8

# You now need to load a VGA ROM BIOS into C0000.
#vgaromimage: bios/VGABIOS-lgpl-0.3a
vgaromimage: $BXSHARE\VGABIOS-elpin-2.40

# Point this to pathname of floppy image file or device
# This should be of a bootable floppy(image/device) if you're
# booting from 'a'.
# You can set the initial status of the media to 'ejected' or 'inserted'.
#   floppya: 2_88=path, status=ejected             (2.88M 3.5" floppy)
#   floppya: 1_44=path, status=inserted            (1.44M 3.5" floppy)
#   floppya: 1_2=path, status=ejected              (1.2M  5.25" floppy)
#   floppya: 720k=path, status=inserted            (720K  3.5" floppy)
# The path should be the name of a disk image file.  On unix, you can use
# a raw device name such as /dev/fd0 on Linux.  On WinNT and Win2k, use
# drive letters such as a: or b: as the path.  Raw floppy access is not
# supported on Windows 95 and 98.
#floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0, status=inserted
#floppya: file=../1.44, status=inserted
#floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0H1440, status=inserted
#floppya: 1_2=../1_2, status=inserted
#floppya: 1_44=a:, status=inserted             # for win32
floppya: 1_44="E:\tolset\harib02e\haribote.img", status=inserted

# See FLOPPYA above for syntax
#floppyb: 1_44=b:, status=inserted
#floppyb: 1_44=b.img, status=inserted
#floppyb: 1_44="rootimage-0.11", status=inserted

# DISKC: file=, cyl=, heads=, spt=
# Point this at a 10M, 20M, or 30M hard disk image file.  To create 
# a hard disk image, try running bximage.  It will help you choose the
# size and then suggest a diskc line that works with it.
# In UNIX it may be possible to use a raw device as a Bochs hard disk, 
# but WE DON'T RECOMMEND IT.  In Windows there is no easy way.
# Examples:
#   diskc: file=10M.sample, cyl=306, heads=4, spt=17
#   diskc: file=20M.sample, cyl=615, heads=4, spt=17
#   diskc: file=30M.sample, cyl=615, heads=6, spt=17
#   diskc: file=46M.sample, cyl=940, heads=6, spt=17
#   diskc: file=62M.sample, cyl=940, heads=8, spt=17
#   diskc: file=112M.sample, cyl=900, heads=15, spt=17
#   diskc: file=483M.sample, cyl=1024, heads=15, spt=63
#ata0-master: type=disk, path="hd.img", cylinders=227, heads=16, spt=63
#ata0-master: type=disk, path="hdc-0.11-new.img", mode=flat, cylinders=121, heads=16, spt=63
# See DISKC above for syntax
# NOTE: diskd and cdromd must not be used together!
#diskd: file="diskd.img", cyl=615, heads=6, spt=17

# cdromd: dev=/dev/cdrom, status=inserted
# cdromd: dev=/dev/cdrom, status=ejected
# cdromd: dev=e:, status=ejected
# In windows, the drive letter + colon notation should be used.  Depending
# on versions of windows and drivers, you may only be able to access the
# "first" cdrom in the system.
# NOTE: diskd and cdromd must not be used together!
#cdromd: dev=D:, status=inserted             # for win32
#cdromd: dev=/dev/cdrom, status=inserted

# As of cvs version on 5/17/2001, newharddrivesupport is on by default.
#newharddrivesupport: enabled=1

# This defines your boot drive.  
# You can either boot from 'a', 'c' or 'cdrom'
# Examples:
#   boot: c
#   boot: a
#   boot: cdrom
boot: a
#boot: c

# LOG:
# Give the path of the log file you'd like Bochs debug and misc. verbage
# to be written to.  If you really don't want it, make it /dev/null. :^(
# Examples:
#   log: ./bochs.out
#   log: /dev/tty
#log: /dev/null
log: bochsout.txt

# Bochs now has four severity levels for event logging.
#   panic: cannot proceed.  If you choose to continue after a panic, 
#          don't be surprised if you get strange behavior or crashes.
#   error: something went wrong, but it is probably safe to continue the
#          simulation.
#   info: interesting or useful messages.
#   debug: messages useful only when debugging the code.  This may
#          spit out thousands per second.
# For events of each level, you can choose to crash, report, or ignore.
# TODO: allow choice based on the facility: e.g. crash on panics from
#       everything except the cdrom, and only report those.
# If you are experiencing many panics, it can be helpful to change
# the panic action to report instead of fatal.  However, be aware
# that anything executed after a panic is uncharted territory and can 
# cause bochs to become unstable.  The panic is a "graceful exit," so
# if you disable it you may get a spectacular disaster instead.
#panic: action=ask
#error: action=report
#info: action=report
#debug: action=ignore

# com1:
# Specify the device to use as com1.  This can be a real serial line, or
# a pty.  To use a pty (under X/Unix), create two windows (xterms,
# usually).  One of them will run bochs, and the other will act as com1.
# Find out the tty the com1 window using the `tty' command, and use that
# as the `dev' parameter.  Then do `sleep 1000000' in the com1 window to
# keep the shell from messing with things, and run bochs in the other
# window.  Serial I/O to com1 (port 0x3f8) will all go to the other
# window.
#com1: dev=/dev/ttyp9

# This defines a parallel (printer) port.  When turned on, the emulated
# printer port sends characters printed by the guest OS into an output file.
# Examples:
#   parport1: enable=1, file="parport.out"
#   parport1: enable=0
parport1: enable=0

# SB16:
# This defines the SB16 sound emulation. It can have several of the
# following properties.
# All properties are in the format sb16: property=value
# midi: The filename is where the midi data is sent. This can be a
#       device or just a file if you want to record the midi data.
# midimode:
#      0=no data
#      1=output to device (system dependent. midi denotes the device driver)
#      2=SMF file output, including headers
#      3=output the midi data stream to the file (no midi headers and no
#        delta times, just command and data bytes)
# wave: This is the device/file where wave output is stored
# wavemode:
#      0=no data
#      1=output to device (system dependent. wave denotes the device driver)
#      2=VOC file output, incl. headers
#      3=output the raw wave stream to the file
# log:  The file to write the sb16 emulator messages to.
# loglevel:
#      0=no log
#      1=only midi program and bank changes
#      2=severe errors
#      3=all errors
#      4=all errors plus all port accesses
#      5=all errors and port accesses plus a lot of extra info
# dmatimer:
#      microseconds per second for a DMA cycle.  Make it smaller to fix
#      non-continous sound.  750000 is usually a good value.  This needs a
#      reasonably correct setting for IPS.
# For an example look at the next line:

#sb16: midimode=1, midi=/dev/midi00, wavemode=1, wave=/dev/dsp, loglevel=2, log=sb16.log, #dmatimer=600000

# Video memory is scanned for updates and screen updated every so many
# virtual seconds.  The default is 300000, about 3Hz.  This is generally
# plenty.  Keep in mind that you must tweak the 'ips:' directive
# to be as close to the number of emulated instructions-per-second
# your workstation can do, for this to be accurate.
# Examples:
#   vga_update_interval: 250000
vga_update_interval: 300000

# using for Winstone '98 tests
#vga_update_interval:  100000

# Approximate time in microseconds that it takes one character to
# be transfered from the keyboard to controller over the serial path.
# Examples:
#   keyboard_serial_delay: 200
keyboard_serial_delay: 200

# Approximate time in microseconds between attempts to paste
# characters to the keyboard controller. This leaves time for the
# guest os to deal with the flow of characters.  The ideal setting
# depends on how your operating system processes characters.  The
# default of 100000 usec (.1 seconds) was chosen because it works 
# consistently in Windows.
# If your OS is losing characters during a paste, increase the paste
# delay until it stops losing characters.
# Examples:
#   keyboard_paste_delay: 100000
keyboard_paste_delay: 100000

# Time in microseconds to wait before completing some floppy commands
# such as read/write/seek/etc, which normally have a delay associated.
# I had this hardwired to 50,000 before.
# Examples:
#   floppy_command_delay: 50000
floppy_command_delay: 50000

# IPS:
# Emulated Instructions Per Second.  This is the number of IPS that bochs
# is capable of running on your machine.  Read the note in config.h
# on how to find this.  Make sure to recompile after.
# IPS is used to calibrate many time-dependent events within the bochs 
# simulation.  For example, changing IPS affects the frequency of VGA
# updates, the duration of time before a key starts to autorepeat, and 
# the measurement of BogoMips and other benchmarks.
# Examples:
# Machine                                         Mips
# ________________________________________________________________
# 650Mhz Athlon K-7 with Linux 2.4.4/egcs-2.91.66 2 to 2.5 Mips
# 400Mhz Pentium II with Linux 2.0.36/egcs-1.0.3  1 to 1.8 Mips
# 166Mhz 64bit Sparc with Solaris 2.x             approx 0.75 Mips
# 200Mhz Pentium with Linux 2.x                   approx 0.5 Mips
ips: 4000000

# mouse: Not used in any of the GUI specific modules, but the option
#        bx_options.mouse_enabled is set to this value.  The idea,
#        is that the GUI code should not generate mouse events when
#        not enabled.  The hardware emualation itself is not disabled
#        by this.  This is to facilitate deterministic runs of bochs.
# Examples:
#   mouse: enabled=1
#   mouse: enabled=0
# I wouldn't recommend enabling the mouse by default, unless you have a
# really good reason to do so.
mouse: enabled=0

# private_colormap: Request that the GUI create and use it's own
#                   non-shared colormap.  This colormap will be used
#                   when in the bochs window.  If not enabled, a
#                   shared colormap scheme may be used.  Not implemented
#                   on all GUI's.
# Examples:
#   private_colormap: enabled=1
#   private_colormap: enabled=0
private_colormap: enabled=0

#             Request that Bochs occupy the entire screen instead of a 
#             window.
# Examples:
#   fullscreen: enabled=0
#   fullscreen: enabled=1
fullscreen: enabled=0
screenmode: name="sample"

# ne2k: NE2000 compatible ethernet adapter
# Examples:
# ne2k: ioaddr=IOADDR, irq=IRQ, mac=MACADDR, ethmod=MODULE, ethdev=DEVICE
# ioaddr, irc: You probably won't need to change ioaddr and irq, unless there
# are IRQ conflicts.
# mac: The MAC address MUST NOT match the address of any machine on the net.
# Also, the first byte must be an even number (bit 0 set means a multicast
# address), and you cannot use ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff because that's the broadcast
# address.  For the ethertap module, you must use fe:fd:00:00:00:01.  There may
# be other restrictions too.  To be safe, just use the b0:c4... address.
# ethdev: The ethdev value is the name of the network interface on your host
# platform.  On UNIX machines, you can get the name by running ifconfig.  On
# Windows machines, you must run niclist to get the name of the ethdev.
# Niclist source code is in misc/niclist.c and it is included in Windows 
# binary releases.
# ne2k: ioaddr=0x280, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:00, ethmod=fbsd, ethdev=xl0
# ne2k: ioaddr=0x280, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:00, ethmod=linux, ethdev=eth0
# ne2k: ioaddr=0x280, irq=9, mac=b0:c4:20:00:00:01, ethmod=win32, ethdev=MYCARD
# ne2k: ioaddr=0x280, irq=9, mac=fe:fd:00:00:00:01, ethmod=tap, ethdev=tap0

# This enables a remap of a physical localized keyboard to a 
# virtualized us keyboard, as the PC architecture expects.
# If enabled, the keymap file must be specified.
# Examples:
#   keyboard_mapping: enabled=1, map=gui/keymaps/
#keyboard_mapping: enabled=0, map=

# Type of keyboard return by a "identify keyboard" command to the
# keyboard controler. It must be one of "xt", "at" or "mf".
# Defaults to "mf". It should be ok for almost everybody. A known
# exception is french macs, that do have a "at"-like keyboard.
# Examples:
#   keyboard_type: mf
#keyboard_type: mf

# other stuff
# magic_break

#load32bitOSImage: os=nullkernel, path=../kernel.img, iolog=../vga_io.log
#load32bitOSImage: os=linux, path=../linux.img, iolog=../vga_io.log, initrd=../initrd.img
i440fxsupport: enabled=0
#time0: 938581955

# for Macintosh, use the style of pathnames in the following
# examples.
# vgaromimage: :bios:VGABIOS-elpin-2.20
# romimage: file=:bios:BIOS-bochs-981222a, address=0xf0000
# floppya: 1_44=[fd:], status=inserted


romimage: file=$BXSHARE\BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xf0000
megs: 16
vgaromimage: $BXSHARE\VGABIOS-elpin-2.40
floppya: 1_44="E:\tolset\harib02e\haribote.img", status=inserted
boot: a
log: bochsout.txt
parport1: enable=0
vga_update_interval: 300000
keyboard_serial_delay: 200
keyboard_paste_delay: 100000
floppy_command_delay: 50000
ips: 4000000
mouse: enabled=0
private_colormap: enabled=0
fullscreen: enabled=0
screenmode: name="sample"
i440fxsupport: enabled=0




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    目录 引言 一 Prometheus 概述 1 什么是Prometheus 2 Zabbix和Prometheus区别 3 Prometheus的特点 二 运维监控平台设计思路 三 Prometheus监控体系 1 系统层监控 xff08
  • 写给VR手游开发小白的教程:(四)补充篇,详细介绍Unity中相机的投影矩阵

    这篇作为上一篇的补充介绍 xff0c 主要讲Unity里面的投影矩阵的问题 xff1a 上篇的链接写给VR手游开发小白的教程 xff1a xff08 三 xff09 UnityVR插件CardboardSDKForUnity解析 xff08
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    文章目录 MBSE是什么 有什么用 怎么学习 xff1f 1 MBSE是什么 xff1f 2 MBSE有什么用 xff1f 3 MBSE的方法有哪些 xff1f 4 MBSE怎么学习 xff1f MBSE建模学习之一 xff1a 有26种分
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    ROS中catkin CMakeLists txt的内容 CMakeList txt文件是CMake编译系统编译软件包过程的输入文件 任何CMake兼容包都包含一个或多个CMakeLists txt文件 xff0c 这些文件描述了如何编译代
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    Gazebo is a 3D multi robot simulator with dynamics It is capable of simulating articulated robot in complex and realisti
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    官方参考资料 span class hljs tag QPushButton span span class hljs rules span class hljs comment 前景色 span span class hljs rule
  • bochs 详细介绍

    BOCHS 简介及配置 Bochs 简介 Bochs xff08 读音同 Box xff09 是用C 43 43 开发的以 LGPL 许可证发放的开放源代码的x86 xff0c x86 64模拟器 xff0c 模拟整个PC 它被设计成可以运
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    目录 一 static cast 1 基本数据类型转换 2 指针和void指针的转换 3 父类和子类之间的转换 二 dynamic cast 三 const cast 1 加上const 2 去掉const xff08 1 xff09 co
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    前言 string toCharArray 方法将给定的字符串转换为字符序列 Java中字符串转换为字符数组的方法在之前的博客已经介绍了 xff01 今天介绍char 数组转成String 方法有4种 xff1a 使用 String 类的
  • RS232 RS422 RS485详细介绍

    1 RS 232 C RS 232 C是美国电子工业协会EIA xff08 Electronic Industry Association xff09 制定的一种串行物理接口标准 RS是英文 推荐标准 的缩写 xff0c 232为标识号 x
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    1 var myDate 61 new Date Date 返回当日的日期和时间 getDate 从 Date 对象返回一个月中的某一天 1 31 getDay 从 Date 对象返回一周中的某一天 0 6 getMonth 从 Date
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    在opencv中 xff0c Mat作为图像的存储容器 xff0c 是非常基础也是非常重要的知识 xff0c 本文主要介绍Mat相关的操作 1 图像复制 再开始将拷贝之前 xff0c 先给大家分享一下浅拷贝和深拷贝 浅拷贝 xff1a 拷贝
  • ubuntu安装bochs,nasm

    1 ubuntu上安装bochs nasm 1 1 安装缘由 最近想自己做个操作系统玩一玩巩固巩固知识 工欲善其事 必先利其器 开发操作系统首先得搭建环境 编程语言上我选择C和汇编完成 开发环境是在我装的一个虚拟机ubuntu上 ubunt
  • 组装 - 在 bochs 中运行引导加载程序时出现问题

    我目前正在尝试在 bochs 中编译并运行一个简单的引导加载程序 目前 这是我的 bootloader asm 文件 BITS 16 ORG 0x7C00 Where the code gets mapped top jmp top Loo
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    有人能够在 Snow Leopard 下编译 Bochs 模拟器吗 Leopard 对我来说工作得很好 但在 Snow Leopard 下我遇到了很多与 Carbon 库相关的问题 好的 我们要求提供更多信息 我在 shell 上使用 ma


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    1 error Extra semicolon semi 错误分号半 error Strings must use singlequote 错误字符串必须使用单引号 解决办法 xff1a 在项目根目录下新建文件 xff1a prettier
  • 配置CMakeLists.txt工程文件把当前工程下的所有c文件添加为可执行程序

    span class token function cmake minimum required span span class token punctuation span VERSION span class token number
  • C语言实现选择排序

    排序的基本方法 xff1a 选择排序 原理跟我们生活十分贴近 xff0c 从一组数中扫一眼 xff0c 找到最小的 xff0c 放到最左边 xff0c 第二小的放在左起第二个 xff0c 以此类推 xff01 下面是源代码 include
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    冒泡排序作为学习排序最基本的算法 xff0c 具有稳定性与实用性 下面是C语言冒泡排序的源代码 include lt stdio h gt int main void int a 10 61 6 4 3 2 7 8 9 10 1 5 int
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    陈拓 2023 04 15 2023 04 15 1 简介 在 Arduino Uno开发板 43 电机驱动扩展版CNC Shield V3 0硬件说明 https blog csdn net chentuo2000 article det
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    快排作为公认最优秀的排序方法 xff0c 是每一个程序员都应该掌握的 xff0c 那么 xff0c 今天就由我来为大家简单讲解一下快速排序算法的代码 源代码如下 xff1a include lt stdio h gt void quicks
  • C语言实现二分查找

    相较于线性查找 xff0c 二分查找在面对大量数据时的效率更高 xff0c 但它的缺点是只能对有序数组进行查找 源代码如下 xff1a include lt stdio h gt void binarysearch int a int su
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    package newjosephu public class myfinaljosephu 你可能会说crazy 我只想说ez xff01 public static void main String args circlelinkedl
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    package tttest public class mybetterbag public static void main String args int weight 61 1 3 4 int bagsize 61 4 int val
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    public static int getres int a int b if b 61 0 return getres b a b return a
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    public class test public static void main String args Node root 61 new Node 1 Node node2 61 new Node 2 Node node3 61 new
  • VINS-Mono

    非极大值抑制 NMS算法 xff0c 思想是搜索局部最大值 xff0c 抑制非极大值 输入 xff1a 目标边界框及其对应的置信度的分列表 xff0c 设定阈值 xff0c 阈值用来删除重叠较大的边界框 IoU xff1a 两个边界框的交集
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    世界坐标系 gt 屏幕坐标系 double worldCoord 3 61 100 100 20 vtkSmartPointer lt vtkCoordinate gt pCoorPress 61 vtkSmartPointer lt vt
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    罗德里格斯公式 转轴 n 是矩阵 R 特征值 1 对应的特征向量 求解此方程 再归一化 就得到了旋转轴 CV EXPORTS W void Rodrigues InputArray src OutputArray dst OutputArr
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    实验指令 xff1a 前23位表示 信息头 43 信息内容 24 xff0c 25位是待计算的校验位 26位是结束码 7E 01 00 00 01 10 02 00 27 00 0C 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 3
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    官方参考资料 span class hljs tag QPushButton span span class hljs rules span class hljs comment 前景色 span span class hljs rule
  • bochs 详细介绍

    BOCHS 简介及配置 Bochs 简介 Bochs xff08 读音同 Box xff09 是用C 43 43 开发的以 LGPL 许可证发放的开放源代码的x86 xff0c x86 64模拟器 xff0c 模拟整个PC 它被设计成可以运