



插件可以让 ChatGPT 具有更强大的功能和更灵活的扩展性,使得我们的系统更加适应不同领域的需求。

在生产环境使用插件时,我们一定要保证插件的质量和可靠性。一个不稳定的插件可能会严重影响 ChatGPT 的性能,甚至导致系统崩溃。因此,在引入插件之前,我们需要经过充分的测试和验证,并仔细考虑其是否真正符合我们的需求和标准。


Rate limits 速率限制

Consider implementing rate limiting on the API endpoints you expose. While the current scale is limited, ChatGPT is widely used and you should expect a high volume of requests. You can monitor the number of requests and set limits accordingly.

Updating your plugin 更新您的插件

After deploying your plugin to production, you might want to make changes to the ai-plugin.json manifest file. Currently, manifest files must be manually updated by going through the “Develop your own plugin” flow in the plugin store each time you make a change to the file.
在将插件部署到生产环境后,您可能希望对 ai-plugin.json 清单文件进行更改。目前,清单文件必须在每次更改文件时通过插件商店中的“Develop your own plugin”流程手动更新。

ChatGPT will automatically fetch the latest OpenAPI spec each time a request is made.

Plugin terms

In order to register a plugin, you must agree to the Plugin Terms.

Domain verification and security 域验证和安全性

To ensure that plugins can only perform actions on resources that they control, OpenAI enforces requirements on the plugin’s manifest and API specifications.

Defining the plugin’s root domain 定义插件的根域

The manifest file defines information shown to the user (like logo and contact information) as well as a URL where the plugin’s OpenAPI spec is hosted. When the manifest is fetched, the plugin’s root domain is established following these rules:

  • If the domain has www. as a subdomain, then the root domain will strip out www. from the domain that hosts the manifest.
    如果域具有 www. 作为子域,则根域将从托管清单的域中去除 www.
  • Otherwise, the root domain is the same as the domain that hosts the manifest.

Note on redirects: If there are any redirects in resolving the manifest, only child subdomain redirects are allowed. The only exception is following a redirect from a www subdomain to one without the www.

  • ✅
    Root domain:
  • ✅
    Root domain:
  • ✅ → redirects to
    Root domain:
  • ✅ → redirects to
    Root domain:
  • ✅ → redirects to
    Root domain:
  • ❌ → redirects to
    Redirect to parent level domain is disallowed 不允许重定向到父级域
  • ❌ → redirects to
    Redirect to same level subdomain is disallowed 不允许重定向到同一级别子域
  • ❌ -> redirects to
    Redirect to another domain is disallowed 不允许重定向到另一个域

Manifest validation 清单验证

Specific fields in the manifest itself must satisfy the following requirements:

  • api.url - the URL provided to the OpenAPI spec must be hosted at the same level or a subdomain of the root domain.
    api.url -提供给OpenAPI规范的URL必须托管在根域的同一级别或子域。
  • legal_info - The second-level domain of the URL provided must be the same as the second-level domain of the root domain.
    legal_info -提供的URL的二级域名必须与根域名的二级域名相同。
  • contact_info - The second-level domain of the email address should be the same as the second-level domain of the root domain.
    contact_info -电子邮件地址的二级域应与根域的二级域相同。

Resolving the API spec 解析API规范

The api.url field in the manifest provides a link to an OpenAPI spec that defines APIs that the plugin can call into. OpenAPI allows specifying multiple server base URLs. The following logic is used to select the server URL:
清单中的 api.url 字段提供了一个指向OpenAPI规范的链接,该规范定义了插件可以调用的API。OpenAPI允许指定多个服务器基础URL。以下逻辑用于选择服务器URL:

  • Iterate through the list of server URLs
  • Use the first server URL that is either an exact match of the root domain or a subdomain of the root domain
  • If neither cases above apply, then default to the domain where the API spec is hosted. For example, if the spec is hosted on, then will be used as the base URL for the routes in the OpenAPI spec.
    如果以上两种情况都不适用,则默认为API规范所在的域。例如,如果规范托管在 上,那么 将用作OpenAPI规范中路由的基本URL。

Note: Please avoid using redirects for hosting the API spec and any API endpoints, as it is not guaranteed that redirects will always be followed.


All traffic with the plugin (e.g., fetching the ai-plugin.json file, the OpenAPI spec, API calls) must use TLS 1.2 or later on port 443 with a valid public certificate.
与插件的所有流量(例如,获取 ai-plugin.json 文件、OpenAPI规范、API调用)必须在端口443上使用TLS 1.2或更高版本,并具有有效的公共证书。

IP egress ranges IP出口范围

ChatGPT will call your plugin from an IP address in the CIDR block You may wish to explicitly allowlist these IP addresses.
ChatGPT将从CIDR块中的IP地址调用插件 。您可能希望明确允许列出这些IP地址。

Separately, OpenAI’s web browsing plugin accesses websites from a different IP address block:

FAQ 问答

How is plugin data used? 如何使用插件数据?

Plugins connect ChatGPT to external apps. If a user enables a plugin, ChatGPT may send parts of their conversation and their country or state to your plugin.

What happens if a request to my API fails? 如果对我的API的请求失败,会发生什么?

If an API request fails, the model might retry the request up to 10 times before letting the user know it cannot get a response from that plugin.

Can I invite people to try my plugin? 我可以邀请别人试用我的插件吗?

Yes, all unverified plugins can be installed by up to 15 users. At launch, only other developers with access will be able to install the plugin. We plan to expand access over time and will eventually roll out a process to submit your plugin for review before being made available to all users.

Can I charge people money for my plugin? 我可以为我的插件向人们收取费用吗?

Yes, we encourage you to consider a limited number of free API calls but understand that it requires resources to run your plugin.


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    Plugins in production 插件部署上生产 前言 Rate limits 速率限制 Updating your plugin 更新您的插件 Plugin terms Domain verification and secur