





int main(int argc, char** argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "laserMapping");
  ros::NodeHandle nh;

  ros::Subscriber subLaserCloudCornerLast = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>
                                            ("/laser_cloud_corner_last", 2, laserCloudCornerLastHandler);

  ros::Subscriber subLaserCloudSurfLast = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>
                                          ("/laser_cloud_surf_last", 2, laserCloudSurfLastHandler);

  ros::Subscriber subLaserOdometry = nh.subscribe<nav_msgs::Odometry> 
                                     ("/laser_odom_to_init", 5, laserOdometryHandler);

  ros::Subscriber subLaserCloudFullRes = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> 
                                         ("/velodyne_cloud_3", 2, laserCloudFullResHandler);

  ros::Subscriber subImu = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::Imu> ("/imu/data", 50, imuHandler);

  ros::Publisher pubLaserCloudSurround = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> 
                                         ("/laser_cloud_surround", 1);

  ros::Publisher pubLaserCloudFullRes = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> 
                                        ("/velodyne_cloud_registered", 2);

  ros::Publisher pubOdomAftMapped = nh.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry> ("/aft_mapped_to_init", 5);
  nav_msgs::Odometry odomAftMapped;
  odomAftMapped.header.frame_id = "/camera_init";
  odomAftMapped.child_frame_id = "/aft_mapped";

  tf::TransformBroadcaster tfBroadcaster;
  tf::StampedTransform aftMappedTrans;
  aftMappedTrans.frame_id_ = "/camera_init";
  aftMappedTrans.child_frame_id_ = "/aft_mapped";


while (status) {

    if (newLaserCloudCornerLast && newLaserCloudSurfLast && newLaserCloudFullRes && newLaserOdometry &&
        fabs(timeLaserCloudCornerLast - timeLaserOdometry) < 0.005 &&
        fabs(timeLaserCloudSurfLast - timeLaserOdometry) < 0.005 &&
        fabs(timeLaserCloudFullRes - timeLaserOdometry) < 0.005) {
      newLaserCloudCornerLast = false;
      newLaserCloudSurfLast = false;
      newLaserCloudFullRes = false;
      newLaserOdometry = false;

      if (frameCount >= stackFrameNum) {
        // 将坐标转移到世界坐标系下->得到可用于建图的Lidar坐标,即修改了transformTobeMapped的值

        // 将上一时刻所有角特征转到世界坐标系下
        int laserCloudCornerLastNum = laserCloudCornerLast->points.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudCornerLastNum; i++) {
          pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudCornerLast->points[i], &pointSel);
        // 将上一时刻所有边特征转到世界坐标系下
        int laserCloudSurfLastNum = laserCloudSurfLast->points.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurfLastNum; i++) {
          pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudSurfLast->points[i], &pointSel);


To find correspondences for the feature points, we store the point cloud on the map, Q_{k-1} , in 10m cubic areas. The points in the cubes that intersect with \bar{Q}_{k} are extracted and stored in a 3D KD-tree in {W}. We find the points in Q_{k-1} within a certain region (10cm × 10cm × 10cm) around the feature points.

就是说:将地图 Q_{k-1} 保存在一个10m的立方体中,若cube中的点与当前帧中的点云 \bar{Q}_{k}有重叠部分就把他们提取出来保存在KD树中。我们找地图 Q_{k-1} 中的点时,要在特征点附近宽为10cm的立方体邻域内搜索

      if (frameCount >= stackFrameNum) {
        frameCount = 0;
        PointType pointOnYAxis;
        pointOnYAxis.x = 0.0;
        pointOnYAxis.y = 10.0;
        pointOnYAxis.z = 0.0;
        pointAssociateToMap(&pointOnYAxis, &pointOnYAxis);

        int centerCubeI = int((transformTobeMapped[3] + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenWidth;
        int centerCubeJ = int((transformTobeMapped[4] + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenHeight;
        int centerCubeK = int((transformTobeMapped[5] + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenDepth;

        if (transformTobeMapped[3] + 25.0 < 0) centerCubeI--;
        if (transformTobeMapped[4] + 25.0 < 0) centerCubeJ--;
        if (transformTobeMapped[5] + 25.0 < 0) centerCubeK--;


        while (centerCubeI < 3) {
          for (int j = 0; j < laserCloudHeight; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < laserCloudDepth; k++) {
              int i = laserCloudWidth - 1;
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer =
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer =
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              for (; i >= 1; i--) {
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudCornerArray[i - 1 + laserCloudWidth*j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudSurfArray[i - 1 + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 


        while (centerCubeI >= laserCloudWidth - 3) {
          for (int j = 0; j < laserCloudHeight; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < laserCloudDepth; k++) {
              int i = 0;
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer =
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer =
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              for (; i < laserCloudWidth - 1; i++) {
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + 1 + laserCloudWidth*j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + 1 + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 


        while (centerCubeJ < 3) {
          for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudWidth; i++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < laserCloudDepth; k++) {
              int j = laserCloudHeight - 1;
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer =
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer =
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              for (; j >= 1; j--) {
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth*(j - 1) + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight*k];
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * (j - 1) + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight*k];
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 

        while (centerCubeJ >= laserCloudHeight - 3) {
          for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudWidth; i++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < laserCloudDepth; k++) {
              int j = 0;
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer =
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer =
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              for (; j < laserCloudHeight - 1; j++) {
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth*(j + 1) + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight*k];
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * (j + 1) + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight*k];
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 


        while (centerCubeK < 3) {
          for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudWidth; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < laserCloudHeight; j++) {
              int k = laserCloudDepth - 1;
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer =
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer =
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              for (; k >= 1; k--) {
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth*j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight*(k - 1)];
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight*(k - 1)];
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 

        while (centerCubeK >= laserCloudDepth - 3) {
          for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudWidth; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < laserCloudHeight; j++) {
              int k = 0;
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer =
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer =
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k];
              for (; k < laserCloudDepth - 1; k++) {
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth*j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight*(k + 1)];
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] =
                laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight*(k + 1)];
              laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 
              laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = 



        int laserCloudValidNum = 0;
        int laserCloudSurroundNum = 0;
        for (int i = centerCubeI - 2; i <= centerCubeI + 2; i++) {
          for (int j = centerCubeJ - 2; j <= centerCubeJ + 2; j++) {
            for (int k = centerCubeK - 2; k <= centerCubeK + 2; k++) {
              if (i >= 0 && i < laserCloudWidth && 
                  j >= 0 && j < laserCloudHeight && 
                  k >= 0 && k < laserCloudDepth) {

                //int centerCubeI = int((transformTobeMapped[3] + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenWidth;
                //int centerCubeJ = int((transformTobeMapped[4] + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenHeight;
                //int centerCubeK = int((transformTobeMapped[5] + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenDepth;
                //centerX,Y,Z = transformTobeMapped[3,4,5]+25
                float centerX = 50.0 * (i - laserCloudCenWidth);
                float centerY = 50.0 * (j - laserCloudCenHeight);
                float centerZ = 50.0 * (k - laserCloudCenDepth);

                bool isInLaserFOV = false;
                for (int ii = -1; ii <= 1; ii += 2) {
                  for (int jj = -1; jj <= 1; jj += 2) {
                    for (int kk = -1; kk <= 1; kk += 2) {
                      float cornerX = centerX + 25.0 * ii;
                      float cornerY = centerY + 25.0 * jj;
                      float cornerZ = centerZ + 25.0 * kk;

                      float squaredSide1 = (transformTobeMapped[3] - cornerX) 
                                         * (transformTobeMapped[3] - cornerX) 
                                         + (transformTobeMapped[4] - cornerY) 
                                         * (transformTobeMapped[4] - cornerY)
                                         + (transformTobeMapped[5] - cornerZ) 
                                         * (transformTobeMapped[5] - cornerZ);

                      float squaredSide2 = (pointOnYAxis.x - cornerX) * (pointOnYAxis.x - cornerX) 
                                         + (pointOnYAxis.y - cornerY) * (pointOnYAxis.y - cornerY)
                                         + (pointOnYAxis.z - cornerZ) * (pointOnYAxis.z - cornerZ);
                      // 根据余弦定理进行判断
                      float check1 = 100.0 + squaredSide1 - squaredSide2
                                   - 10.0 * sqrt(3.0) * sqrt(squaredSide1);

                      float check2 = 100.0 + squaredSide1 - squaredSide2
                                   + 10.0 * sqrt(3.0) * sqrt(squaredSide1);
                      if (check1 < 0 && check2 > 0) {
                        isInLaserFOV = true;
                if (isInLaserFOV) {
                  laserCloudValidInd[laserCloudValidNum] = i + laserCloudWidth * j 
                                                       + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k;
                laserCloudSurroundInd[laserCloudSurroundNum] = i + laserCloudWidth * j 
                                                             + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k;


        for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudValidNum; i++) {
          *laserCloudCornerFromMap += *laserCloudCornerArray[laserCloudValidInd[i]];
          *laserCloudSurfFromMap += *laserCloudSurfArray[laserCloudValidInd[i]];
        int laserCloudCornerFromMapNum = laserCloudCornerFromMap->points.size();
        int laserCloudSurfFromMapNum = laserCloudSurfFromMap->points.size();
        int laserCloudCornerStackNum2 = laserCloudCornerStack2->points.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudCornerStackNum2; i++) {
          pointAssociateTobeMapped(&laserCloudCornerStack2->points[i], &laserCloudCornerStack2->points[i]);

        int laserCloudSurfStackNum2 = laserCloudSurfStack2->points.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurfStackNum2; i++) {
          pointAssociateTobeMapped(&laserCloudSurfStack2->points[i], &laserCloudSurfStack2->points[i]);
        int laserCloudCornerStackNum = laserCloudCornerStack->points.size();

        int laserCloudSurfStackNum = laserCloudSurfStack->points.size();



if (laserCloudCornerFromMapNum > 10 && laserCloudSurfFromMapNum > 100) {//数量足够多才进行处理

          for (int iterCount = 0; iterCount < 10; iterCount++) {

            for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudCornerStackNum; i++) {
              pointOri = laserCloudCornerStack->points[i];
              pointAssociateToMap(&pointOri, &pointSel);
              kdtreeCornerFromMap->nearestKSearch(pointSel, 5, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis);
              if (pointSearchSqDis[4] < 1.0) {
                float cx = 0;
                float cy = 0; 
                float cz = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                  cx += laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x;
                  cy += laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y;
                  cz += laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z;
                cx /= 5;
                cy /= 5; 
                cz /= 5;

                float a11 = 0;
                float a12 = 0; 
                float a13 = 0;
                float a22 = 0;
                float a23 = 0; 
                float a33 = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                  float ax = laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x - cx;
                  float ay = laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y - cy;
                  float az = laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z - cz;
                  a11 += ax * ax;
                  a12 += ax * ay;
                  a13 += ax * az;
                  a22 += ay * ay;
                  a23 += ay * az;
                  a33 += az * az;
                a11 /= 5;
                a12 /= 5; 
                a13 /= 5;
                a22 /= 5;
                a23 /= 5; 
                a33 /= 5;
                matA1.at<float>(0, 0) = a11;
                matA1.at<float>(0, 1) = a12;
                matA1.at<float>(0, 2) = a13;
                matA1.at<float>(1, 0) = a12;
                matA1.at<float>(1, 1) = a22;
                matA1.at<float>(1, 2) = a23;
                matA1.at<float>(2, 0) = a13;
                matA1.at<float>(2, 1) = a23;
                matA1.at<float>(2, 2) = a33;

                cv::eigen(matA1, matD1, matV1);



for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudCornerStackNum; i++) {
          pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudCornerStack->points[i], &pointSel);

          int cubeI = int((pointSel.x + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenWidth;
          int cubeJ = int((pointSel.y + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenHeight;
          int cubeK = int((pointSel.z + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenDepth;

          if (pointSel.x + 25.0 < 0) cubeI--;
          if (pointSel.y + 25.0 < 0) cubeJ--;
          if (pointSel.z + 25.0 < 0) cubeK--;

          if (cubeI >= 0 && cubeI < laserCloudWidth && 
              cubeJ >= 0 && cubeJ < laserCloudHeight && 
              cubeK >= 0 && cubeK < laserCloudDepth) {
            int cubeInd = cubeI + laserCloudWidth * cubeJ + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * cubeK;

        for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurfStackNum; i++) {
          pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudSurfStack->points[i], &pointSel);

          int cubeI = int((pointSel.x + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenWidth;
          int cubeJ = int((pointSel.y + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenHeight;
          int cubeK = int((pointSel.z + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenDepth;

          if (pointSel.x + 25.0 < 0) cubeI--;
          if (pointSel.y + 25.0 < 0) cubeJ--;
          if (pointSel.z + 25.0 < 0) cubeK--;

          if (cubeI >= 0 && cubeI < laserCloudWidth && 
              cubeJ >= 0 && cubeJ < laserCloudHeight && 
              cubeK >= 0 && cubeK < laserCloudDepth) {
            int cubeInd = cubeI + laserCloudWidth * cubeJ + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * cubeK;


        if (mapFrameCount >= mapFrameNum) {
          mapFrameCount = 0;

          for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurroundNum; i++) {
            int ind = laserCloudSurroundInd[i];
            *laserCloudSurround2 += *laserCloudCornerArray[ind];
            *laserCloudSurround2 += *laserCloudSurfArray[ind];


          sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudSurround3;
          pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudSurround, laserCloudSurround3);
          laserCloudSurround3.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry);
          laserCloudSurround3.header.frame_id = "/camera_init";

        int laserCloudFullResNum = laserCloudFullRes->points.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudFullResNum; i++) {
          pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudFullRes->points[i], &laserCloudFullRes->points[i]);

        sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudFullRes3;
        pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudFullRes, laserCloudFullRes3);
        laserCloudFullRes3.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry);
        laserCloudFullRes3.header.frame_id = "/camera_init";

        geometry_msgs::Quaternion geoQuat = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromRollPitchYaw
                                  (transformAftMapped[2], -transformAftMapped[0], -transformAftMapped[1]);

        odomAftMapped.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry);
        odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.x = -geoQuat.y;
        odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.y = -geoQuat.z;
        odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.z = geoQuat.x;
        odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.w = geoQuat.w;
        odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.x = transformAftMapped[3];
        odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.y = transformAftMapped[4];
        odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.z = transformAftMapped[5];
        odomAftMapped.twist.twist.angular.x = transformBefMapped[0];
        odomAftMapped.twist.twist.angular.y = transformBefMapped[1];
        odomAftMapped.twist.twist.angular.z = transformBefMapped[2];
        odomAftMapped.twist.twist.linear.x = transformBefMapped[3];
        odomAftMapped.twist.twist.linear.y = transformBefMapped[4];
        odomAftMapped.twist.twist.linear.z = transformBefMapped[5];

        aftMappedTrans.stamp_ = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry);
        aftMappedTrans.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(-geoQuat.y, -geoQuat.z, geoQuat.x, geoQuat.w));
                                             transformAftMapped[4], transformAftMapped[5]));


    status = ros::ok();



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    目录 ORB SLAM2 基于可识别特征的自主导航与地图构建 简介 地图 A 地图特征点或3D ORB B 关键帧 C 可视化图像 位置识别 A 图像识别数据库 B 高效优化的ORB匹配 C 视觉一致性 自主导航追踪 A ORB特征获取 B
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