

随着时代的高速发展, Web3.0时代也即将到来,海量数据的产生是必然的,如何确保数据有足够的存储空间,保证数据的安全,这就是未来需要攻克的难点,那么 IPFS网络去中心化存储、信息加密保护、信息不能篡改等技术是现阶段发展所需的技术。

With the rapid development of the times, Web3.0 era is coming soon, and the generation of massive data is inevitable. How to ensure that there is enough storage space for data and ensure the security of data is the difficulty to be overcome in the future. The technologies such as decentralized storage of IPFS network, information encryption and protection, and information cannot be tampered with are the technologies needed for development at this stage.



Nowadays, both commercial and personal storage are based on central servers and storage devices. Due to the increase of central data, the load of deposition storage is getting heavier and the cost is getting higher and higher, so the call for decentralization is increasing, and distributed storage is also an inevitable trend in the future. Filecoin provides a very fair and competitive storage environment, and the profit of miners is determined by the storage size and effective computing power of each server. However, because the storage also needs a certain cost, Filecoin provides a sustainable economic model, which aims to keep the data of archives longer and more authentic.

星际文件系统IPFS就是一个点对点的分布式版本文件系统,它是互联网的HTTP的补充。IPFS 是一种技术,一个协议,它不是一条链,也不是币。IPFS目标是打造一个更加开放、快速、安全的互联网,利用分布式哈希表解决数据的传输和定位问题,把点对点的单点传输改变成P2P的传输。

IPFS is a peer-to-peer distributed version file system, which is a supplement to HTTP of the Internet. IPFS is a technology, a protocol, it is not a chain, nor a currency. The goal of IPFS is to build a more open, fast and secure Internet, solve the problem of data transmission and location by using DHT, and change point-to-point single-point transmission into P2P transmission.

IPFS 的想法,就是让文件分布式存储和读取。现在网上的所有信息,都是存在服务器里。为了防止信息丢失,IPFS 技术就把文件打碎,分散地存储在不同的硬盘里,下载的时候,再从这些散落在全球各地的硬盘里读取。 这也算是类似BT 下载的一种升级。如果每个人都能贡献出自己闲置的存储空间,那么云存储的安全性将得到提升,存储的成本和价格也会相应的降低。

The idea of IPFS is to store and read files distributed. Now all the information on the Internet is stored in the server. In order to prevent information loss, IPFS technology breaks files and stores them in different hard disks. When downloading, they are read from these hard disks scattered all over the world. This is an upgrade similar to BT download. If everyone can contribute their spare storage space, the security of cloud storage will be improved, and the cost and price of storage will be reduced accordingly.

七号矿场基于对分布式系统、区块链共识机制、数据存储等技术的深厚积累和对IPFS超过3年的研究、测试、改进,七号矿场具备了Filecoin 节点设计、搭建、管理及集群化运作的全栈服务能力。凭借着在Filecoin测试网中保持名列前茅的运行成绩,七号矿场将为用户提供全球领先的Filecoin一揽子解决方案。

Based on the deep accumulation of distributed systems, blockchain consensus mechanism, data storage and other technologies and the research, testing and improvement of IPFS for more than 3 years, Mine No.7 has the full-stack service capability of designing, building, managing and clustering the Filecoin node. With the best performance in the Filecoin test network, No.7 Mine will provide users with the world's leading Filecoin package solution.


No.7 Mine-a firm builder of distributed storage ecology, building a new ecology of data value circulation, allowing everyone to fully control their identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automated. Committed to promoting IPFS to accelerate global consensus and make FIL more valuable.


矿场无盘服务器,七号矿场引领传输新时代 的相关文章

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