


#用 pandas 库读取“pollution_us_5city_2006_2010_SO2.csv”文件,查看前五行、后两行。
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
   ID  State Code  County Code  Site Num                      Address  \
0   1           6           37      1103  1630 N MAIN ST, LOS ANGELES   
1   2           6           37      1103  1630 N MAIN ST, LOS ANGELES   
2   3           6           37      1103  1630 N MAIN ST, LOS ANGELES   
3   4           6           37      1103  1630 N MAIN ST, LOS ANGELES   
4   5           6           37      1103  1630 N MAIN ST, LOS ANGELES   

        State       County         City Date Local          SO2 Units  \
0  California  Los Angeles  Los Angeles   2006/1/1  Parts per billion   
1  California  Los Angeles  Los Angeles   2006/1/1  Parts per billion   
2  California  Los Angeles  Los Angeles   2006/1/1  Parts per billion   
3  California  Los Angeles  Los Angeles   2006/1/1  Parts per billion   
4  California  Los Angeles  Los Angeles   2006/1/2  Parts per billion   

   SO2 Mean  SO2 1st Max Value  SO2 1st Max Hour  SO2 AQI  
0  2.043478                3.0                 5      4.0  
1  2.043478                3.0                 5      4.0  
2  2.000000                2.0                 2      NaN  
3  2.000000                2.0                 2      NaN  
4  2.000000                2.0                 0      3.0  
          ID  State Code  County Code  Site Num  \
53218  53219          36           81       124   
53219  53220          36           81       124   

                                                 Address     State  County  \
53218  Queens College   65-30 Kissena Blvd  Parking L...  New York  Queens   
53219  Queens College   65-30 Kissena Blvd  Parking L...  New York  Queens   

           City  Date Local          SO2 Units  SO2 Mean  SO2 1st Max Value  \
53218  New York  2010/12/31  Parts per billion   14.8875               16.9   
53219  New York  2010/12/31  Parts per billion   14.8875               16.9   

       SO2 1st Max Hour  SO2 AQI  
53218                 5      NaN  
53219                 5      NaN  

用 pandas 数据预处理模块将缺失值填充为该列的平均值,删除列 StateCode、County Code、Site Num、Address,并将剩余列导出到 Excel 文件

mean_cols=test['SO2 AQI'].mean()
test['SO2 AQI'] = test['SO2 AQI'].fillna(mean_cols)
test1=test.drop(['State Code','County Code','Site Num','Address'],axis=1)

City==“New York”的所有数据集,导出为文本文件“pollution_us_NewYork_2006_2010_SO2.txt”,要求数据之间用空格分隔,

test2=test.loc[test['City']=="New York"]

Date Local 位于[2007/1/1, 2009/12/31] 区间的所有数据集转存到 CSV 文件

test['Date Local'] = pd.to_datetime(test['Date Local'])
test = test.set_index('Date Local') # 将date设置为index

读取 CSV 文件“pollution_us_NewYork_2007_2009_SO2.csv”,计算同一个
城市(字段 City)的 SO2 Mean、SO2 1st Max Hour、SO2 AQI 的月均值,
并利用 matplotlib 库可视化显示,要求包括图例、图标题,x 轴刻度以年显
示,y 轴显示刻度值,曲线颜色为红色

Date Local ID State County City SO2 Units SO2 Mean SO2 1st Max Value SO2 1st Max Hour SO2 AQI
0 2007-01-01 15225 New York Bronx New York Parts per billion 6.583333 20.0 16 29.000000
1 2007-01-01 15226 New York Bronx New York Parts per billion 6.583333 20.0 16 29.000000
2 2007-01-01 15227 New York Bronx New York Parts per billion 6.562500 13.3 20 10.957132
3 2007-01-01 15228 New York Bronx New York Parts per billion 6.562500 13.3 20 10.957132
4 2007-01-02 15229 New York Bronx New York Parts per billion 7.909091 19.0 20 27.000000
test['Date Local'] = test['Date Local'].apply(lambda x: pd.Timestamp(x))
# 年份
test['年']=test['Date Local'].apply(lambda x: x.year)
# 月份
test['月']=test['Date Local'].apply(lambda x: x.month)
test=test.drop(['ID','SO2 1st Max Value'],axis=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 36 entries, 0 to 35
Data columns (total 5 columns):
年                   36 non-null int64
月                   36 non-null int64
SO2 Mean            36 non-null float64
SO2 1st Max Hour    36 non-null float64
SO2 AQI             36 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(2)
memory usage: 1.7 KB
Index(['年', '月', 'SO2 Mean', 'SO2 1st Max Hour', 'SO2 AQI', 'all'], dtype='object')
y=test_num['SO2 Mean']
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] #用来正常显示中文标签
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
plt.plot(x,y, 'r', label='SO2 Mean')
plt.ylabel('label value')
Text(0,0.5,'label value')


y=test_num['SO2 1st Max Hour']
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] #用来正常显示中文标签
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
plt.plot(x,y, 'r', label='SO2 Mean')
plt.ylabel('label value')
Text(0,0.5,'label value')


y=test_num['SO2 AQI']
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] #用来正常显示中文标签
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
plt.plot(x,y, 'r', label='SO2 Mean')
plt.ylabel('label value')
Text(0,0.5,'label value')



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