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        body, html {
            position: absolute;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            overflow: hidden;

        canvas {
            position: absolute;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            cursor: pointer;

    "use strict";
    const theLastExperience = noWorkers => {
        "use strict";
        // ---- 机器人结构 ----
        const struct = {
            points: [
                    x: 0,
                    y: -4,
                    f(s, d) {
                        this.y -= 0.01 * s * ts;
                    x: 0,
                    y: -16,
                    f(s, d) {
                        this.y -= 0.02 * s * d * ts;
                    x: 0,
                    y: 12,
                    f(s, d) {
                        this.y += 0.02 * s * d * ts;
                { x: -12, y: 0 },
                { x: 12, y: 0 },
                    x: -3,
                    y: 34,
                    f(s, d) {
                        if (d > 0) {
                            this.x += 0.01 * s * ts;
                            this.y -= 0.015 * s * ts;
                        } else {
                            this.y += 0.02 * s * ts;
                    x: 3,
                    y: 34,
                    f(s, d) {
                        if (d > 0) {
                            this.y += 0.02 * s * ts;
                        } else {
                            this.x -= 0.01 * s * ts;
                            this.y -= 0.015 * s * ts;
                    x: -28,
                    y: 0,
                    f(s, d) {
                        this.x += this.vx * 0.025 * ts;
                        this.y -= 0.001 * s * ts;
                    x: 28,
                    y: 0,
                    f(s, d) {
                        this.x += this.vx * 0.025 * ts;
                        this.y -= 0.001 * s * ts;
                    x: -3,
                    y: 64,
                    f(s, d) {
                        this.y += 0.015 * s * ts;
                        if (d > 0) {
                            this.y -= 0.01 * s * ts;
                        } else {
                            this.y += 0.05 * s * ts;
                    x: 3,
                    y: 64,
                    f(s, d) {
                        this.y += 0.015 * s * ts;
                        if (d > 0) {
                            this.y += 0.05 * s * ts;
                        } else {
                            this.y -= 0.01 * s * ts;
            links: [
                { p0: 3, p1: 7, size: 12, lum: 0.5 },
                { p0: 1, p1: 3, size: 24, lum: 0.5 },
                { p0: 1, p1: 0, size: 60, lum: 0.5, disk: 1 },
                { p0: 5, p1: 9, size: 16, lum: 0.5 },
                { p0: 2, p1: 5, size: 32, lum: 0.5 },
                { p0: 1, p1: 2, size: 50, lum: 1 },
                { p0: 6, p1: 10, size: 16, lum: 1.5 },
                { p0: 2, p1: 6, size: 32, lum: 1.5 },
                { p0: 4, p1: 8, size: 12, lum: 1.5 },
                { p0: 1, p1: 4, size: 24, lum: 1.5 }
        class Robot {
            constructor(color, light, size, x, y, struct) {
                this.x = x;
                this.points = [];
                this.links = [];
                this.frame = 0;
                this.dir = 1;
                this.size = size;
                this.color = Math.round(color);
                this.light = light;
                // ---- 创建点 ----
                for (const p of struct.points) {
                    this.points.push(new Robot.Point(size * p.x + x, size * p.y + y, p.f));
                // ---- 创建链接 ----
                for (const link of struct.links) {
                    const p0 = this.points[link.p0];
                    const p1 = this.points[link.p1];
                    const dx = p0.x - p1.x;
                    const dy = p0.y - p1.y;
                        new Robot.Link(
                            Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy),
                            link.size * size / 3,
            update() {
                if (++this.frame % Math.round(20 / ts) === 0) this.dir = -this.dir;
                if (this === pointer.dancerDrag && this.size < 16 && this.frame > 600) {
                    pointer.dancerDrag = null;
                        new Robot(
                            this.color + 90,
                            this.light * 1.25,
                            this.size * 2,
                            pointer.y - 100 * this.size * 2,
                    dancers.sort(function(d0, d1) {
                        return d0.size - d1.size;
                // ---- 更新链接 ----
                for (const link of this.links) link.update();
                // ---- 更新点----
                for (const point of this.points) point.update(this);
                for (const link of this.links) {
                    const p1 = link.p1;
                    if (p1.y > canvas.height * ground - link.size * 0.5) {
                        p1.y = canvas.height * ground - link.size * 0.5;
                        p1.x -= p1.vx;
                        p1.vx = 0;
                        p1.vy = 0;
                // ---- 中心位置 ----
                this.points[3].x += (this.x - this.points[3].x) * 0.001;
            draw() {
                for (const link of this.links) {
                    if (link.size) {
                        const dx = link.p1.x - link.p0.x;
                        const dy = link.p1.y - link.p0.y;
                        const a = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
                        // ---- 阴影 ----
                        ctx.translate(link.p0.x + link.size * 0.25, link.p0.y + link.size * 0.25);
                            -link.size * 0.5,
                            -link.size * 0.5
                        ctx.translate(link.p0.x, link.p0.y);
                            -link.size * 0.5,
                            -link.size * 0.5
        Robot.Link = class Link {
            constructor(parent, p0, p1, dist, size, light, force, disk) {
                this.p0 = p0;
                this.p1 = p1;
                this.distance = dist;
                this.size = size;
                this.light = light || 1.0;
                this.force = force || 0.5;
                this.image = this.stroke(
                    "hsl(" + parent.color + " ,30%, " + parent.light * this.light + "%)",
                    true, disk, dist, size
                this.shadow = this.stroke("rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", false, disk, dist, size);
            update() {
                const p0 = this.p0;
                const p1 = this.p1;
                const dx = p1.x - p0.x;
                const dy = p1.y - p0.y;
                const dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                if (dist > 0.0) {
                    const tw = p0.w + p1.w;
                    const r1 = p1.w / tw;
                    const r0 = p0.w / tw;
                    const dz = (this.distance - dist) * this.force;
                    const sx = dx / dist * dz;
                    const sy = dy / dist * dz;
                    p1.x += sx * r0;
                    p1.y += sy * r0;
                    p0.x -= sx * r1;
                    p0.y -= sy * r1;
            stroke(color, axis, disk, dist, size) {
                let image;
                if (noWorkers) {
                    image = document.createElement("canvas");
                    image.width = dist + size;
                    image.height = size;
                } else {
                    image = new OffscreenCanvas(dist + size, size);
                const ict = image.getContext("2d");
                ict.lineCap = "round";
                ict.lineWidth = size;
                ict.strokeStyle = color;
                if (disk) {
                    ict.arc(size * 0.5 + dist, size * 0.5, size * 0.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
                    ict.fillStyle = color;
                } else {
                    ict.moveTo(size * 0.5, size * 0.5);
                    ict.lineTo(size * 0.5 + dist, size * 0.5);
                if (axis) {
                    const s = size / 10;
                    ict.fillStyle = "#000";
                    ict.fillRect(size * 0.5 - s, size * 0.5 - s, s * 2, s * 2);
                    ict.fillRect(size * 0.5 - s + dist, size * 0.5 - s, s * 2, s * 2);
                return image;
        Robot.Point = class Point {
            constructor(x, y, fn, w) {
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                this.w = w || 0.5;
                this.fn = fn || null;
                this.px = x;
                this.py = y;
                this.vx = 0.0;
                this.vy = 0.0;
            update(robot) {
                // ---- 拖拉 ----
                if (robot === pointer.dancerDrag && this === pointer.pointDrag) {
                    this.x += (pointer.x - this.x) * 0.1;
                    this.y += (pointer.y - this.y) * 0.1;
                // ---- 跳舞 ----
                if (robot !== pointer.dancerDrag) {
                    this.fn && this.fn(16 * Math.sqrt(robot.size), robot.dir);
                this.vx = this.x - this.px;
                this.vy = this.y - this.py;
                this.px = this.x;
                this.py = this.y;
                this.vx *= 0.995;
                this.vy *= 0.995;
                this.x += this.vx;
                this.y += this.vy + 0.01 * ts;
        // ---- 初始化 ----
        const dancers = [];
        let ground = 1.0;
        let canvas = { width: 0, height: 0, resize: true };
        let ctx = null;
        let pointer = { x: 0, y: 0, dancerDrag: null, pointDrag: null };
        let ts = 1;
        let lastTime = 0;
        // ---- 来自主线程的消息 ----
        const message = e => {
            switch (e.data.msg) {
                case "start":
                    canvas.elem = e.data.elem;
                    canvas.width = canvas.elem.width;
                    canvas.height = canvas.elem.height;
                    ctx = canvas.elem.getContext("2d");
                case "resize":
                    canvas.width = e.data.width;
                    canvas.height = e.data.height;
                    canvas.resize = true;
                case "pointerMove":
                    pointer.x = e.data.x;
                    pointer.y = e.data.y;
                case "pointerDown":
                    pointer.x = e.data.x;
                    pointer.y = e.data.y;
                    for (const dancer of dancers) {
                        for (const point of dancer.points) {
                            const dx = pointer.x - point.x;
                            const dy = pointer.y - point.y;
                            const d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                            if (d < 60) {
                                pointer.dancerDrag = dancer;
                                pointer.pointDrag = point;
                                dancer.frame = 0;
                case "pointerUp":
                    pointer.dancerDrag = null;
        // ----调整屏幕大小----
        const resize = () => {
            canvas.elem.width = canvas.width;
            canvas.elem.height = canvas.height;
            canvas.resize = false;
            ground = canvas.height > 500 ? 0.85 : 1.0;
            for (let i = 0; i < dancers.length; i++) {
                dancers[i].x = (i + 2) * canvas.width / 9;
        // ---- 主回路 ----
        const run = (time) => {
            if (canvas.resize === true) resize();
            // ----根据屏幕频率调整速度 ----
            if (lastTime !== 0) {
                const t = (time - lastTime) / 16;
                ts += (t - ts) * 0.1;
                if (ts > 1) ts = 1;
            lastTime = time;
            // ---- 清除屏幕 ----
            ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            ctx.fillStyle = "#222";
            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height * 0.15);
            ctx.fillRect(0, canvas.height * 0.85, canvas.width, canvas.height * 0.15);
            // ---- 动画机器人----
            for (const dancer of dancers) {
        const initRobots = () => {
            // ---- 启动机器人 ----
            ground = canvas.height > 500 ? 0.85 : 1.0;
            for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                    new Robot(
                        i * 360 / 7,
                        Math.sqrt(Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height)) / 6,
                        (i + 2) * canvas.width / 9,
                        canvas.height * 0.5 - 100,
        // ---- 主线程与工作线程
        if (noWorkers) {
            // ---- 模拟postMessage接口 ----
            return {
                postMessage(data) {
                    message({ data: data });
        } else {
            onmessage = message;
    / 主线程代码 ///
    let worker = null;
    const createWorker = fn => {
        const URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
        return new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(["(" + fn + ")()"])));
    // ---- 初始化画布 ----
    const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
    canvas.width = canvas.offsetWidth;
    canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight;
    // ---- 实例化工作者 ----
    if (window.Worker && window.OffscreenCanvas) {
        // 从函数中实例化后台工作程序
        worker = createWorker(theLastExperience);
        const offscreen = canvas.transferControlToOffscreen();
        // 发送数据
        worker.postMessage({ msg: "start", elem: offscreen }, [offscreen]);
    } else {
        // 回退执行到主线程
        worker = theLastExperience(true);
        worker.postMessage({ msg: "start", elem: canvas });
    // ---- 调整大小事件 ----
        () => {
                msg: "resize",
                width: canvas.offsetWidth,
                height: canvas.offsetHeight
    // ----指针事件 ----
    const pointer = {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        down(e) {
                msg: "pointerDown",
                x: this.x,
                y: this.y
        up(e) {
                msg: "pointerUp"
        move(e) {
            if (e.targetTouches) {
                this.x = e.targetTouches[0].clientX;
                this.y = e.targetTouches[0].clientY;
            } else {
                this.x = e.clientX;
                this.y = e.clientY;
                msg: "pointerMove",
                x: this.x,
                y: this.y
    window.addEventListener("mousemove", e => pointer.move(e), false);
    canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", e => pointer.move(e), false);
    window.addEventListener("mousedown", e => pointer.down(e), false);
    window.addEventListener("touchstart", e => pointer.down(e), false);
    window.addEventListener("mouseup", e => pointer.up(e), false);
    window.addEventListener("touchend", e => pointer.up(e), false);


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