Rocksdb 代码学习 写流程1(WriteBatch写,WriterThead调度Writer)




// 就两个成员变量data,size
// (就是用装key和value的值,长度),以及一些处理函数。
class Slice {
  // Create an empty slice.
  Slice() : data_(""), size_(0) { }
  // Create a slice that refers to d[0,n-1].
  Slice(const char* d, size_t n) : data_(d), size_(n) { }
  // Create a slice that refers to the contents of "s"
  /* implicit */
  Slice(const std::string& s) : data_(, size_(s.size()) { }
  // Create a slice that refers to s[0,strlen(s)-1]
  /* implicit */
  Slice(const char* s) : data_(s), size_(strlen(s)) { }
  // Create a single slice from SliceParts using buf as storage.
  // buf must exist as long as the returned Slice exists.
  Slice(const struct SliceParts& parts, std::string* buf);
  // Return a pointer to the beginning of the referenced data
  const char* data() const { return data_; }
  // Return the length (in bytes) of the referenced data
  size_t size() const { return size_; }
  // Return true iff the length of the referenced data is zero
  bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
  // Return the ith byte in the referenced data.
  // REQUIRES: n < size()
  char operator[](size_t n) const {
    assert(n < size());
    return data_[n];
  // Change this slice to refer to an empty array
  void clear() { data_ = ""; size_ = 0; }
  // Drop the first "n" bytes from this slice.
  void remove_prefix(size_t n) {
    assert(n <= size());
    data_ += n;
    size_ -= n;
  // Return a string that contains the copy of the referenced data.
  std::string ToString(bool hex = false) const;
  // Three-way comparison.  Returns value:
  //   <  0 iff "*this" <  "b",
  //   == 0 iff "*this" == "b",
  //   >  0 iff "*this" >  "b"
  int compare(const Slice& b) const;
  // Return true iff "x" is a prefix of "*this"
  bool starts_with(const Slice& x) const {
    return ((size_ >= x.size_) &&
            (memcmp(data_, x.data_, x.size_) == 0));
  // Compare two slices and returns the first byte where they differ
  size_t difference_offset(const Slice& b) const;
 // private: make these public for rocksdbjni access
  const char* data_;
  size_t size_;
  // Intentionally copyable


struct WriteOptions {
  // Default: false
  bool sync; //是否需要同步

  // If true, writes will not first go to the write ahead log,
  // and the write may got lost after a crash.
  bool disableWAL; //是否需要写事务日志

  // The option is deprecated. It's not used anymore.
  uint64_t timeout_hint_us; // 指示了这个写操作完成的时间期限

  // If true and if user is trying to write to column families that don't exist
  // (they were dropped),  ignore the write (don't return an error). If there
  // are multiple writes in a WriteBatch, other writes will succeed.
  // Default: false
  bool ignore_missing_column_families;

      : sync(false),
        ignore_missing_column_families(false) {}


// WriteBatch::rep_ :=
//    sequence: fixed64
//    count: fixed32
//    data: record[count]
// record :=
//    kTypeValue varstring varstring
//    kTypeDeletion varstring
//    kTypeSingleDeletion varstring
//    kTypeMerge varstring varstring
//    kTypeColumnFamilyValue varint32 varstring varstring
//    kTypeColumnFamilyDeletion varint32 varstring varstring
//    kTypeColumnFamilySingleDeletion varint32 varstring varstring
//    kTypeColumnFamilyMerge varint32 varstring varstring
// varstring :=
//    len: varint32
//    data: uint8[len]
//static const size_t KHeader=12
class WriteBatch : public WriteBatchBase {
  explicit WriteBatch(size_t reserved_bytes = 0);

  using WriteBatchBase::Put;
  // Store the mapping "key->value" in the database.
  void Put(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
           const Slice& value) override;
  void Put(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) override {
    Put(nullptr, key, value);

  // Variant of Put() that gathers output like writev(2).  The key and value
  // that will be written to the database are concatentations of arrays of
  // slices.
  void Put(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const SliceParts& key,
           const SliceParts& value) override;
  void Put(const SliceParts& key, const SliceParts& value) override {
    Put(nullptr, key, value);

  using WriteBatchBase::Delete;
  // If the database contains a mapping for "key", erase it.  Else do nothing.
  void Delete(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key) override;
  void Delete(const Slice& key) override { Delete(nullptr, key); }

  // variant that takes SliceParts
  void Delete(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
              const SliceParts& key) override;
  void Delete(const SliceParts& key) override { Delete(nullptr, key); }

  using WriteBatchBase::SingleDelete;
  // If the database contains a mapping for "key", erase it. Expects that the
  // key was not overwritten. Else do nothing.
  void SingleDelete(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
                    const Slice& key) override;
  void SingleDelete(const Slice& key) override { SingleDelete(nullptr, key); }

  // variant that takes SliceParts
  void SingleDelete(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
                    const SliceParts& key) override;
  void SingleDelete(const SliceParts& key) override {
    SingleDelete(nullptr, key);


class WriteBatchInternal {
  // WriteBatch methods with column_family_id instead of ColumnFamilyHandle*
  static void Put(WriteBatch* batch, uint32_t column_family_id,
                  const Slice& key, const Slice& value);

  static void Put(WriteBatch* batch, uint32_t column_family_id,
                  const SliceParts& key, const SliceParts& value);

  static void Delete(WriteBatch* batch, uint32_t column_family_id,
                     const SliceParts& key);

  static void Delete(WriteBatch* batch, uint32_t column_family_id,
                     const Slice& key);

  static void SingleDelete(WriteBatch* batch, uint32_t column_family_id,
                           const SliceParts& key);

  static void SingleDelete(WriteBatch* batch, uint32_t column_family_id,
                           const Slice& key);

  static void Merge(WriteBatch* batch, uint32_t column_family_id,
                    const Slice& key, const Slice& value);

  static void Merge(WriteBatch* batch, uint32_t column_family_id,
                    const SliceParts& key, const SliceParts& value);

  // Return the number of entries in the batch.
  static int Count(const WriteBatch* batch);

  // Set the count for the number of entries in the batch.
  static void SetCount(WriteBatch* batch, int n);

  // Return the seqeunce number for the start of this batch.
  static SequenceNumber Sequence(const WriteBatch* batch);

  // Store the specified number as the seqeunce number for the start of
  // this batch.
  static void SetSequence(WriteBatch* batch, SequenceNumber seq);

  // Returns the offset of the first entry in the batch.
  // This offset is only valid if the batch is not empty.
  static size_t GetFirstOffset(WriteBatch* batch);

  static Slice Contents(const WriteBatch* batch) {
    return Slice(batch->rep_);

  static size_t ByteSize(const WriteBatch* batch) {
    return batch->rep_.size();

  static void SetContents(WriteBatch* batch, const Slice& contents);

  // Inserts batch entries into memtable
  // If dont_filter_deletes is false AND options.filter_deletes is true,
  // then --> Drops deletes in batch if db->KeyMayExist returns false
  // If ignore_missing_column_families == true. WriteBatch referencing
  // non-existing column family should be ignored.
  // However, if ignore_missing_column_families == false, any WriteBatch
  // referencing non-existing column family will return a InvalidArgument()
  // failure.
  // If log_number is non-zero, the memtable will be updated only if
  // memtables->GetLogNumber() >= log_number
  static Status InsertInto(const WriteBatch* batch,
                           ColumnFamilyMemTables* memtables,
                           bool ignore_missing_column_families = false,
                           uint64_t log_number = 0, DB* db = nullptr,
                           const bool dont_filter_deletes = true);

  static void Append(WriteBatch* dst, const WriteBatch* src);


// 这个类将正常的键值对和删除类型的键值对添加进memtable。这个类将作为参数,传入rep_解析函数
class MemTableInserter : public WriteBatch::Handler {
  SequenceNumber sequence_;
  ColumnFamilyMemTables* cf_mems_;
  bool ignore_missing_column_families_;
  uint64_t log_number_;
  DBImpl* db_;
  const bool dont_filter_deletes_;

  MemTableInserter(SequenceNumber sequence, ColumnFamilyMemTables* cf_mems,
                   bool ignore_missing_column_families, uint64_t log_number,
                   DB* db, const bool dont_filter_deletes)
      : sequence_(sequence),
        dont_filter_deletes_(dont_filter_deletes) {
    if (!dont_filter_deletes_) {

  bool SeekToColumnFamily(uint32_t column_family_id, Status* s) {
    // We are only allowed to call this from a single-threaded write thread
    // (or while holding DB mutex)
    bool found = cf_mems_->Seek(column_family_id);
    if (!found) {
      if (ignore_missing_column_families_) {
        *s = Status::OK();
      } else {
        *s = Status::InvalidArgument(
            "Invalid column family specified in write batch");
      return false;
    if (log_number_ != 0 && log_number_ < cf_mems_->GetLogNumber()) {
      // This is true only in recovery environment (log_number_ is always 0 in
      // non-recovery, regular write code-path)
      // * If log_number_ < cf_mems_->GetLogNumber(), this means that column
      // family already contains updates from this log. We can't apply updates
      // twice because of update-in-place or merge workloads -- ignore the
      // update
      *s = Status::OK();
      return false;
    return true;
  virtual Status PutCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key,
                       const Slice& value) override {
    Status seek_status;
    if (!SeekToColumnFamily(column_family_id, &seek_status)) {
      return seek_status;
    MemTable* mem = cf_mems_->GetMemTable();
    auto* moptions = mem->GetMemTableOptions();
    if (!moptions->inplace_update_support) {
      mem->Add(sequence_, kTypeValue, key, value);
    } else if (moptions->inplace_callback == nullptr) {
      mem->Update(sequence_, key, value);
      RecordTick(moptions->statistics, NUMBER_KEYS_UPDATED);
    } else {
      if (mem->UpdateCallback(sequence_, key, value)) {
      } else {
        // key not found in memtable. Do sst get, update, add
        SnapshotImpl read_from_snapshot;
        read_from_snapshot.number_ = sequence_;
        ReadOptions ropts;
        ropts.snapshot = &read_from_snapshot;

        std::string prev_value;
        std::string merged_value;

        auto cf_handle = cf_mems_->GetColumnFamilyHandle();
        if (cf_handle == nullptr) {
          cf_handle = db_->DefaultColumnFamily();
        Status s = db_->Get(ropts, cf_handle, key, &prev_value);

        char* prev_buffer = const_cast<char*>(prev_value.c_str());
        uint32_t prev_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(prev_value.size());
        auto status = moptions->inplace_callback(s.ok() ? prev_buffer : nullptr,
                                                 s.ok() ? &prev_size : nullptr,
                                                 value, &merged_value);
        if (status == UpdateStatus::UPDATED_INPLACE) {
          // prev_value is updated in-place with final value.
          mem->Add(sequence_, kTypeValue, key, Slice(prev_buffer, prev_size));
          RecordTick(moptions->statistics, NUMBER_KEYS_WRITTEN);
        } else if (status == UpdateStatus::UPDATED) {
          // merged_value contains the final value.
          mem->Add(sequence_, kTypeValue, key, Slice(merged_value));
          RecordTick(moptions->statistics, NUMBER_KEYS_WRITTEN);
    // Since all Puts are logged in trasaction logs (if enabled), always bump
    // sequence number. Even if the update eventually fails and does not result
    // in memtable add/update.
    return Status::OK();

  virtual Status DeleteCF(uint32_t column_family_id,
                          const Slice& key) override {
    Status seek_status;
    if (!SeekToColumnFamily(column_family_id, &seek_status)) {
      return seek_status;
    MemTable* mem = cf_mems_->GetMemTable();
    auto* moptions = mem->GetMemTableOptions();
    if (!dont_filter_deletes_ && moptions->filter_deletes) {
      SnapshotImpl read_from_snapshot;
      read_from_snapshot.number_ = sequence_;
      ReadOptions ropts;
      ropts.snapshot = &read_from_snapshot;
      std::string value;
      auto cf_handle = cf_mems_->GetColumnFamilyHandle();
      if (cf_handle == nullptr) {
        cf_handle = db_->DefaultColumnFamily();
      if (!db_->KeyMayExist(ropts, cf_handle, key, &value)) {
        RecordTick(moptions->statistics, NUMBER_FILTERED_DELETES);
        return Status::OK();
    mem->Add(sequence_, kTypeDeletion, key, Slice());
    return Status::OK();

  virtual Status SingleDeleteCF(uint32_t column_family_id,
                                const Slice& key) override {
    Status seek_status;
    if (!SeekToColumnFamily(column_family_id, &seek_status)) {
      return seek_status;
    MemTable* mem = cf_mems_->GetMemTable();
    auto* moptions = mem->GetMemTableOptions();
    if (!dont_filter_deletes_ && moptions->filter_deletes) {
      SnapshotImpl read_from_snapshot;
      read_from_snapshot.number_ = sequence_;
      ReadOptions ropts;
      ropts.snapshot = &read_from_snapshot;
      std::string value;
      auto cf_handle = cf_mems_->GetColumnFamilyHandle();
      if (cf_handle == nullptr) {
        cf_handle = db_->DefaultColumnFamily();
      if (!db_->KeyMayExist(ropts, cf_handle, key, &value)) {
        RecordTick(moptions->statistics, NUMBER_FILTERED_DELETES);
        return Status::OK();
    mem->Add(sequence_, kTypeSingleDeletion, key, Slice());
    return Status::OK();

  virtual Status MergeCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key,
                         const Slice& value) override {
    Status seek_status;
    if (!SeekToColumnFamily(column_family_id, &seek_status)) {
      return seek_status;
    MemTable* mem = cf_mems_->GetMemTable();
    auto* moptions = mem->GetMemTableOptions();
    bool perform_merge = false;

    if (moptions->max_successive_merges > 0 && db_ != nullptr) {
      LookupKey lkey(key, sequence_);

      // Count the number of successive merges at the head
      // of the key in the memtable
      size_t num_merges = mem->CountSuccessiveMergeEntries(lkey);

      if (num_merges >= moptions->max_successive_merges) {
        perform_merge = true;

    if (perform_merge) {
      // 1) Get the existing value
      std::string get_value;

      // Pass in the sequence number so that we also include previous merge
      // operations in the same batch.
      SnapshotImpl read_from_snapshot;
      read_from_snapshot.number_ = sequence_;
      ReadOptions read_options;
      read_options.snapshot = &read_from_snapshot;

      auto cf_handle = cf_mems_->GetColumnFamilyHandle();
      if (cf_handle == nullptr) {
        cf_handle = db_->DefaultColumnFamily();
      db_->Get(read_options, cf_handle, key, &get_value);
      Slice get_value_slice = Slice(get_value);

      // 2) Apply this merge
      auto merge_operator = moptions->merge_operator;

      std::deque<std::string> operands;
      std::string new_value;
      bool merge_success = false;
        StopWatchNano timer(Env::Default(), moptions->statistics != nullptr);
        merge_success = merge_operator->FullMerge(
            key, &get_value_slice, operands, &new_value, moptions->info_log);
        RecordTick(moptions->statistics, MERGE_OPERATION_TOTAL_TIME,

      if (!merge_success) {
          // Failed to merge!
        RecordTick(moptions->statistics, NUMBER_MERGE_FAILURES);

        // Store the delta in memtable
        perform_merge = false;
      } else {
        // 3) Add value to memtable
        mem->Add(sequence_, kTypeValue, key, new_value);

    if (!perform_merge) {
      // Add merge operator to memtable
      mem->Add(sequence_, kTypeMerge, key, value);

    return Status::OK();


rocksdb_put(db, writeoptions, key, strlen(key), value, strlen(value) + 1, &err);
SaveError(errptr, db->rep->Put(options->rep, Slice(key, keylen), Slice(val, vallen)));
db->rep->Put(options->rep, Slice(key, keylen), Slice(val, vallen))
Status DB::Put(const WriteOptions& opt, ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
               const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
  // Pre-allocate size of write batch conservatively.
  // 8 bytes are taken by header, 4 bytes for count, 1 byte for type,
  // and we allocate 11 extra bytes for key length, as well as value length.
  WriteBatch batch(key.size() + value.size() + 24);  //设置Batch
  batch.Put(column_family, key, value);
  return Write(opt, &batch);//写Batch
void WriteBatch::Put(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
                     const Slice& value) {
  WriteBatchInternal::Put(this, GetColumnFamilyID(column_family), key, value);
void WriteBatchInternal::Put(WriteBatch* b, uint32_t column_family_id,
                             const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
  WriteBatchInternal::SetCount(b, WriteBatchInternal::Count(b) + 1);
  if (column_family_id == 0) {
  } else {
    PutVarint32(&b->rep_, column_family_id);
  PutLengthPrefixedSlice(&b->rep_, key);//key的长度和值
  PutLengthPrefixedSlice(&b->rep_, value);//添加value的长度和值
virtual Status Write(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* updates) = 0;
Status DBImpl::Write(const WriteOptions& write_options, WriteBatch* my_batch) {
  return WriteImpl(write_options, my_batch, nullptr);
Status DBImpl::WriteImpl(const WriteOptions& write_options,
                         WriteBatch* my_batch, WriteCallback* callback) {
  if (my_batch == nullptr) {
    return Status::Corruption("Batch is nullptr!");
  if (write_options.timeout_hint_us != 0) {
    return Status::InvalidArgument("timeout_hint_us is deprecated");

  Status status;
  bool callback_failed = false;

  bool xfunc_attempted_write = false;
  XFUNC_TEST("transaction", "transaction_xftest_write_impl",
             xf_transaction_write1, xf_transaction_write, write_options,
             db_options_, my_batch, callback, this, &status,
  if (xfunc_attempted_write) {
    // Test already did the write
    return status;

  WriteThread::Writer w; //建立写操作
  w.batch = my_batch; //要写的数据
  w.sync = write_options.sync; //需不需要对事务日志执行fsync或者fdatasync 操作
  w.disableWAL = write_options.disableWAL;//指示需要不需要写事务日志
  w.in_batch_group = false;
  // 最后,in_batch_group的比较有意思。在RocksDB内部,对写入操作做了优化,尽可能地将用户的写入
  // 批量处理。这其中使用了一个队列,即write_thread_内部的WriteThread::Writer*队列。在准备写队列头
  // 的任务时,会试着用BuildBatchGroup()构建一个批量任务组,将紧跟着队头的其他写操作任务加入
  // 到一个BatchGroup,一次性地写入数据库。
  w.done = false; //写操作完成时设置
  w.has_callback = (callback != nullptr) ? true : false;

  if (!write_options.disableWAL) {
    //记入 the Number of Write calls that request WAL
    RecordTick(stats_, WRITE_WITH_WAL);

  StopWatch write_sw(env_, db_options_.statistics.get(), DB_WRITE);

  // 将当前写入任务@w挂入写队列,并在mutex_上睡眠等待。等待直到:
  // 1) 写操作设置了超时时间,等待超时。或,
  // 2) @w之前的任务都已完成,@w已处于队列头部。或,
  // 3) @w这个写任务被别的写线程完成了。
  // 第3个条件,任务被别的写线程完成,实际上是被之前的写任务合并进一个
  // WriteBatchGroup中去了。此时的@w会被标记成in_batch_group。有意思的是,在JoinBatchGroup()
  // 里面,如果因为超时唤醒了,发现当前任务in_batch_group为true,则会继续等待,
  // 因为它已经被别的线程加入BatchGroup准备写入数据库了。

  if (w.done) {
    // write was done by someone else, no need to grab mutex
    RecordTick(stats_, WRITE_DONE_BY_OTHER);
    return w.status;
  // else we are the leader of the write batch group

  WriteContext context;

  if (!write_options.disableWAL) {
    default_cf_internal_stats_->AddDBStats(InternalStats::WRITE_WITH_WAL, 1);

  RecordTick(stats_, WRITE_DONE_BY_SELF);
  default_cf_internal_stats_->AddDBStats(InternalStats::WRITE_DONE_BY_SELF, 1);

  // Once reaches this point, the current writer "w" will try to do its write
  // job.  It may also pick up some of the remaining writers in the "writers_"
  // when it finds suitable, and finish them in the same write batch.
  // This is how a write job could be done by the other writer.
  assert(!single_column_family_mode_ ||
         versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()->NumberOfColumnFamilies() == 1);

  uint64_t max_total_wal_size = (db_options_.max_total_wal_size == 0)
                                    ? 4 * max_total_in_memory_state_
                                    : db_options_.max_total_wal_size;

  if (UNLIKELY(!single_column_family_mode_) &&
      alive_log_files_.begin()->getting_flushed == false &&
      total_log_size_ > max_total_wal_size) {
    // 如果column family有多个,最早的活跃的事务日志对应的memtable还没有被写入磁盘,
    // 而且当前日志总大小超过了设定的最大值,那么就需要分配新的memtable,将老的
    // immutable memtable内容写入磁盘。
    uint64_t flush_column_family_if_log_file = alive_log_files_.begin()->number; //当前活跃事务的日志对应的num
    alive_log_files_.begin()->getting_flushed = true;
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Flushing all column families with data in WAL number %" PRIu64
        ". Total log size is %" PRIu64 " while max_total_wal_size is %" PRIu64,
        flush_column_family_if_log_file, total_log_size_, max_total_wal_size);
    // no need to refcount because drop is happening in write thread, so can't
    // happen while we're in the write thread
    for (auto cfd : *versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()) {
      if (cfd->IsDropped()) {
      //小等于当前活跃事务日志的num的colum family都应该切换新的memtable
      if (cfd->GetLogNumber() <= flush_column_family_if_log_file) {
        //为Column family分配新的memtable
        status = SwitchMemtable(cfd, &context);
        if (!status.ok()) {

      /*判断需要flush   */
  else if (UNLIKELY(write_buffer_.ShouldFlush())) {
    Log(InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL, db_options_.info_log,
        "Flushing all column families. Write buffer is using %" PRIu64
        " bytes out of a total of %" PRIu64 ".",
        write_buffer_.memory_usage(), write_buffer_.buffer_size());
    // no need to refcount because drop is happening in write thread, so can't
    // happen while we're in the write thread
    for (auto cfd : *versions_->GetColumnFamilySet()) {
      if (cfd->IsDropped()) {
      if (!cfd->mem()->IsEmpty()) {
        status = SwitchMemtable(cfd, &context);
        if (!status.ok()) {

  if (UNLIKELY(status.ok() && !bg_error_.ok())) {
    status = bg_error_;
  if (UNLIKELY(status.ok() && !flush_scheduler_.Empty())) {
    status = ScheduleFlushes(&context);

  if (UNLIKELY(status.ok()) &&
      (write_controller_.IsStopped() || write_controller_.NeedsDelay())) {
    // We don't know size of curent batch so that we always use the size
    // for previous one. It might create a fairness issue that expiration
    // might happen for smaller writes but larger writes can go through.
    // Can optimize it if it is an issue.
    status = DelayWrite(last_batch_group_size_);

  uint64_t last_sequence = versions_->LastSequence();
  WriteThread::Writer* last_writer = &w;
  autovector<WriteBatch*> write_batch_group;
  bool need_log_sync = !write_options.disableWAL && write_options.sync;
  bool need_log_dir_sync = need_log_sync && !log_dir_synced_;

  if (status.ok()) {
    last_batch_group_size_ = write_thread_.EnterAsBatchGroupLeader(
        &w, &last_writer, &write_batch_group);

    if (need_log_sync) {
      while (logs_.front().getting_synced) {
      for (auto& log : logs_) {
        log.getting_synced = true;

    // Add to log and apply to memtable.  We can release the lock
    // during this phase since &w is currently responsible for logging
    // and protects against concurrent loggers and concurrent writes
    // into memtables


    if (callback != nullptr) {
      // If this write has a validation callback, check to see if this write
      // is able to be written.  Must be called on the write thread.
      status = callback->Callback(this);
      callback_failed = true;
  } else {

  // At this point the mutex is unlocked

  if (status.ok()) {
      WriteBatch* updates = nullptr;
      if (write_batch_group.size() == 1) {
        updates = write_batch_group[0];
      } else {
        updates = &tmp_batch_;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < write_batch_group.size(); ++i) {

          WriteBatchInternal::Append(updates, write_batch_group[i]);
      const SequenceNumber current_sequence = last_sequence + 1;
      WriteBatchInternal::SetSequence(updates, current_sequence);
      int my_batch_count = WriteBatchInternal::Count(updates);
      last_sequence += my_batch_count;
      const uint64_t batch_size = WriteBatchInternal::ByteSize(updates);
      // Record statistics
      RecordTick(stats_, NUMBER_KEYS_WRITTEN, my_batch_count);
      RecordTick(stats_, BYTES_WRITTEN, batch_size);
      if (write_options.disableWAL) {
        flush_on_destroy_ = true;

      uint64_t log_size = 0;
      if (!write_options.disableWAL) {
        Slice log_entry = WriteBatchInternal::Contents(updates);
        status = logs_.back().writer->AddRecord(log_entry);
        total_log_size_ += log_entry.size();
        log_empty_ = false;
        log_size = log_entry.size();
        RecordTick(stats_, WAL_FILE_BYTES, log_size);

        if (status.ok() && need_log_sync) {
          RecordTick(stats_, WAL_FILE_SYNCED);
          StopWatch sw(env_, stats_, WAL_FILE_SYNC_MICROS);
          // It's safe to access logs_ with unlocked mutex_ here because:
          //  - we've set getting_synced=true for all logs,
          //    so other threads won't pop from logs_ while we're here,
          //  - only writer thread can push to logs_, and we're in
          //    writer thread, so no one will push to logs_,
          //  - as long as other threads don't modify it, it's safe to read
          //    from std::deque from multiple threads concurrently.
          for (auto& log : logs_) {
            status = log.writer->file()->Sync(db_options_.use_fsync);
            if (!status.ok()) {
          if (status.ok() && need_log_dir_sync) {
            // We only sync WAL directory the first time WAL syncing is
            // requested, so that in case users never turn on WAL sync,
            // we can avoid the disk I/O in the write code path.
            status = directories_.GetWalDir()->Fsync();

      if (status.ok()) {

        status = WriteBatchInternal::InsertInto(
            updates, column_family_memtables_.get(),
            write_options.ignore_missing_column_families, 0, this, false);
        // A non-OK status here indicates iteration failure (either in-memory
        // writebatch corruption (very bad), or the client specified invalid
        // column family).  This will later on trigger bg_error_.
        // Note that existing logic was not sound. Any partial failure writing
        // into the memtable would result in a state that some write ops might
        // have succeeded in memtable but Status reports error for all writes.

        SetTickerCount(stats_, SEQUENCE_NUMBER, last_sequence);

      if (updates == &tmp_batch_) {

      // internal stats
          InternalStats::BYTES_WRITTEN, batch_size);
      if (!write_options.disableWAL) {
        if (write_options.sync) {
            InternalStats::WAL_FILE_BYTES, log_size);
      if (status.ok()) {
  } else {
    // Operation failed.  Make sure sure mutex is held for cleanup code below.

  if (db_options_.paranoid_checks && !status.ok() && !callback_failed &&
      !status.IsBusy() && bg_error_.ok()) {
    bg_error_ = status; // stop compaction & fail any further writes


  if (need_log_sync) {
    MarkLogsSynced(logfile_number_, need_log_dir_sync, status);

  uint64_t writes_for_other = write_batch_group.size() - 1;
  if (writes_for_other > 0) {
    if (!write_options.disableWAL) {


  write_thread_.ExitAsBatchGroupLeader(&w, last_writer, status);

  return status;



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