第十三章 opengl之模型(导入3D模型)




class Model 
        /*  函数   */
        Model(char *path)
        void Draw(Shader shader);   
        /*  模型数据  */
        vector<Mesh> meshes;
        string directory;
        /*  函数   */
        void loadModel(string path);
        void processNode(aiNode *node, const aiScene *scene);
        Mesh processMesh(aiMesh *mesh, const aiScene *scene);
        vector<Texture> loadMaterialTextures(aiMaterial *mat, aiTextureType type, 
                                             string typeName);

构造器通过loadModel来加载文件。私有函数将会处理Assimp导入过程中的一部分,私有函数还存储了 文件路径的目录,加载纹理时会用到。
Draw函数的作用:遍历所有网格,调用网格 各自的Draw函数:

void Draw(Shader shader)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++)



#include <assimp/Importer.hpp>
#include <assimp/scene.h>
#include <assimp/postprocess.h>


Assimp::Importer importer;
const aiScene *scene = importer.ReadFile(path, aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_FlipUVs);

通过设定aiProcess_Triangulate ,能告诉Assimp,如果模型不是全部由三角形组成,那么需要将模型的所有图元转换成三角形。

  1. aiProcess_GenNormals:如果模型不包含法向量的话,就为每个顶点创建法线。
  2. aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes:将比较大的网格分割成更小的子网格,如果你的渲染有最大顶点数限制,只能渲染较小的网格,那么它会非常有用。
  3. aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes:和上个选项相反,它会将多个小网格拼接为一个大的网格,减少绘制调用从而进行优化。


void loadModel(string path)
    Assimp::Importer import;
    const aiScene *scene = import.ReadFile(path, aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_FlipUVs);    

    if(!scene || scene->mFlags & AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE || !scene->mRootNode) 
        cout << "ERROR::ASSIMP::" << import.GetErrorString() << endl;
    directory = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of('/'));

    processNode(scene->mRootNode, scene);

如果什么错误都没有发生,我们希望处理场景中的所有节点,所以我们将第一个节点(根节点)传入了递归的processNode函数。因为每个节点(可能)包含有多个子节点,我们希望首先处理参数中的节点,再继续处理该节点所有的子节点,以此类推。这正符合一个递归结构,所以我们将定义一个递归函数。递归函数在做一些处理之后,使用不同的参数递归调用这个函数自身,直到某个条件被满足停止递归。在我们的例子中退出条件(Exit Condition)是所有的节点都被处理完毕


void processNode(aiNode *node, const aiScene *scene)
    // 处理节点所有的网格(如果有的话)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumMeshes; i++)
        aiMesh *mesh = scene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[i]]; 
        meshes.push_back(processMesh(mesh, scene));         
    // 接下来对它的子节点重复这一过程
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++)
        processNode(node->mChildren[i], scene);




Mesh processMesh(aiMesh *mesh, const aiScene *scene)
    vector<Vertex> vertices;
    vector<unsigned int> indices;
    vector<Texture> textures;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; i++)
        Vertex vertex;
        // 处理顶点位置、法线和纹理坐标
    // 处理索引
    // 处理材质
    if(mesh->mMaterialIndex >= 0)

    return Mesh(vertices, indices, textures);


glm::vec3 vector; 
vector.x = mesh->mVertices[i].x;
vector.y = mesh->mVertices[i].y;
vector.z = mesh->mVertices[i].z; 
vertex.Position = vector;


vector.x = mesh->mNormals[i].x;
vector.y = mesh->mNormals[i].y;
vector.z = mesh->mNormals[i].z;
vertex.Normal = vector;


if(mesh->mTextureCoords[0]) // 网格是否有纹理坐标?
    glm::vec2 vec;
    vec.x = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].x; 
    vec.y = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].y;
    vertex.TexCoords = vec;
    vertex.TexCoords = glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);



for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumFaces; i++)
    aiFace face = mesh->mFaces[i];
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices; j++)


if(mesh->mMaterialIndex >= 0)
    aiMaterial *material = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex];
    vector<Texture> diffuseMaps = loadMaterialTextures(material, 
                                        aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, "texture_diffuse");
    textures.insert(textures.end(), diffuseMaps.begin(), diffuseMaps.end());
    vector<Texture> specularMaps = loadMaterialTextures(material, 
                                        aiTextureType_SPECULAR, "texture_specular");
    textures.insert(textures.end(), specularMaps.begin(), specularMaps.end());



vector<Texture> loadMaterialTextures(aiMaterial *mat, aiTextureType type, string typeName)
    vector<Texture> textures;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mat->GetTextureCount(type); i++)
        aiString str;
        mat->GetTexture(type, i, &str);
        Texture texture;
        texture.id = TextureFromFile(str.C_Str(), directory);
        texture.type = typeName;
        texture.path = str;
    return textures;






大多数场景都会在多个网络中 重用部分纹理。比如:一个纹理不仅可以用到人身上,也能用到物体身上。当然就是用同一个纹理进行加载。但是同样的纹理已经被加载过了很多遍,对每个网格仍会加载并生成一个新的纹理。很快就会变成模型加载实现的性能瓶颈。

struct Texture {
    unsigned int id;
    string type;
    aiString path;  // 我们储存纹理的路径用于与其它纹理进行比较


vector<Texture> textures_loaded;


vector<Texture> loadMaterialTextures(aiMaterial *mat, aiTextureType type, string typeName)
    vector<Texture> textures;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mat->GetTextureCount(type); i++)
        aiString str;
        mat->GetTexture(type, i, &str);
        bool skip = false;
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < textures_loaded.size(); j++)
            if(std::strcmp(textures_loaded[j].path.data(), str.C_Str()) == 0)
                skip = true; 
        {   // 如果纹理还没有被加载,则加载它
            Texture texture;
            texture.id = TextureFromFile(str.C_Str(), directory);
            texture.type = typeName;
            texture.path = str.C_Str();
            textures_loaded.push_back(texture); // 添加到已加载的纹理中
    return textures;



#ifndef MODEL_H
#define MODEL_H

#include <glad/glad.h> 

#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
#include <stb_image.h>
#include <assimp/Importer.hpp>
#include <assimp/scene.h>
#include <assimp/postprocess.h>

#include <learnopengl/mesh.h>
#include <learnopengl/shader.h>

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

unsigned int TextureFromFile(const char *path, const string &directory, bool gamma = false);

class Model 
    // model data 
    vector<Texture> textures_loaded;	// stores all the textures loaded so far, optimization to make sure textures aren't loaded more than once.
    vector<Mesh>    meshes;
    string directory;
    bool gammaCorrection;

    // constructor, expects a filepath to a 3D model.
    Model(string const &path, bool gamma = false) : gammaCorrection(gamma)

    // draws the model, and thus all its meshes
    void Draw(Shader &shader)
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++)
    // loads a model with supported ASSIMP extensions from file and stores the resulting meshes in the meshes vector.
    void loadModel(string const &path)
        // read file via ASSIMP
        Assimp::Importer importer;
        const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(path, aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals | aiProcess_FlipUVs | aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace);
        // check for errors
        if(!scene || scene->mFlags & AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE || !scene->mRootNode) // if is Not Zero
            cout << "ERROR::ASSIMP:: " << importer.GetErrorString() << endl;
        // retrieve the directory path of the filepath
        directory = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of('/'));

        // process ASSIMP's root node recursively
        processNode(scene->mRootNode, scene);

    // processes a node in a recursive fashion. Processes each individual mesh located at the node and repeats this process on its children nodes (if any).
    void processNode(aiNode *node, const aiScene *scene)
        // process each mesh located at the current node
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumMeshes; i++)
            // the node object only contains indices to index the actual objects in the scene. 
            // the scene contains all the data, node is just to keep stuff organized (like relations between nodes).
            aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[i]];
            meshes.push_back(processMesh(mesh, scene));
        // after we've processed all of the meshes (if any) we then recursively process each of the children nodes
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++)
            processNode(node->mChildren[i], scene);


    Mesh processMesh(aiMesh *mesh, const aiScene *scene)
        // data to fill
        vector<Vertex> vertices;
        vector<unsigned int> indices;
        vector<Texture> textures;

        // walk through each of the mesh's vertices
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; i++)
            Vertex vertex;
            glm::vec3 vector; // we declare a placeholder vector since assimp uses its own vector class that doesn't directly convert to glm's vec3 class so we transfer the data to this placeholder glm::vec3 first.
            // positions
            vector.x = mesh->mVertices[i].x;
            vector.y = mesh->mVertices[i].y;
            vector.z = mesh->mVertices[i].z;
            vertex.Position = vector;
            // normals
            if (mesh->HasNormals())
                vector.x = mesh->mNormals[i].x;
                vector.y = mesh->mNormals[i].y;
                vector.z = mesh->mNormals[i].z;
                vertex.Normal = vector;
            // texture coordinates
            if(mesh->mTextureCoords[0]) // does the mesh contain texture coordinates?
                glm::vec2 vec;
                // a vertex can contain up to 8 different texture coordinates. We thus make the assumption that we won't 
                // use models where a vertex can have multiple texture coordinates so we always take the first set (0).
                vec.x = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].x; 
                vec.y = mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].y;
                vertex.TexCoords = vec;
                // tangent
                vector.x = mesh->mTangents[i].x;
                vector.y = mesh->mTangents[i].y;
                vector.z = mesh->mTangents[i].z;
                vertex.Tangent = vector;
                // bitangent
                vector.x = mesh->mBitangents[i].x;
                vector.y = mesh->mBitangents[i].y;
                vector.z = mesh->mBitangents[i].z;
                vertex.Bitangent = vector;
                vertex.TexCoords = glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);

        // now wak through each of the mesh's faces (a face is a mesh its triangle) and retrieve the corresponding vertex indices.
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumFaces; i++)
            aiFace face = mesh->mFaces[i];
            // retrieve all indices of the face and store them in the indices vector
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j < face.mNumIndices; j++)
        // process materials
        aiMaterial* material = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex];    
        // we assume a convention for sampler names in the shaders. Each diffuse texture should be named
        // as 'texture_diffuseN' where N is a sequential number ranging from 1 to MAX_SAMPLER_NUMBER. 
        // Same applies to other texture as the following list summarizes:
        // diffuse: texture_diffuseN
        // specular: texture_specularN
        // normal: texture_normalN

        // 1. diffuse maps
        vector<Texture> diffuseMaps = loadMaterialTextures(material, aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, "texture_diffuse");
        textures.insert(textures.end(), diffuseMaps.begin(), diffuseMaps.end());
        // 2. specular maps
        vector<Texture> specularMaps = loadMaterialTextures(material, aiTextureType_SPECULAR, "texture_specular");
        textures.insert(textures.end(), specularMaps.begin(), specularMaps.end());
        // 3. normal maps
        std::vector<Texture> normalMaps = loadMaterialTextures(material, aiTextureType_HEIGHT, "texture_normal");
        textures.insert(textures.end(), normalMaps.begin(), normalMaps.end());
        // 4. height maps
        std::vector<Texture> heightMaps = loadMaterialTextures(material, aiTextureType_AMBIENT, "texture_height");
        textures.insert(textures.end(), heightMaps.begin(), heightMaps.end());
        // return a mesh object created from the extracted mesh data
        return Mesh(vertices, indices, textures);

    // checks all material textures of a given type and loads the textures if they're not loaded yet.
    // the required info is returned as a Texture struct.
    vector<Texture> loadMaterialTextures(aiMaterial *mat, aiTextureType type, string typeName)
        vector<Texture> textures;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mat->GetTextureCount(type); i++)
            aiString str;
            mat->GetTexture(type, i, &str);
            // check if texture was loaded before and if so, continue to next iteration: skip loading a new texture
            bool skip = false;
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j < textures_loaded.size(); j++)
                if(std::strcmp(textures_loaded[j].path.data(), str.C_Str()) == 0)
                    skip = true; // a texture with the same filepath has already been loaded, continue to next one. (optimization)
            {   // if texture hasn't been loaded already, load it
                Texture texture;
                texture.id = TextureFromFile(str.C_Str(), this->directory);
                texture.type = typeName;
                texture.path = str.C_Str();
                textures_loaded.push_back(texture);  // store it as texture loaded for entire model, to ensure we won't unnecessary load duplicate textures.
        return textures;

unsigned int TextureFromFile(const char *path, const string &directory, bool gamma)
    string filename = string(path);
    filename = directory + '/' + filename;

    unsigned int textureID;
    glGenTextures(1, &textureID);

    int width, height, nrComponents;
    unsigned char *data = stbi_load(filename.c_str(), &width, &height, &nrComponents, 0);
    if (data)
        GLenum format;
        if (nrComponents == 1)
            format = GL_RED;
        else if (nrComponents == 3)
            format = GL_RGB;
        else if (nrComponents == 4)
            format = GL_RGBA;

        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
        glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, width, height, 0, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);

        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);

        std::cout << "Texture failed to load at path: " << path << std::endl;

    return textureID;




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    在使用Kali操作系统是应注意即使更新源 就像平时及时更新手机APP更新命令如下 apt get update 只更新软件包的索引源 作用 同步源的软件包的索引信息 从而进行软件更新 Apt get upgrade 升级系统上安装的所有软件
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    文章目录 目录 文章目录 前言 一 打印金字塔 等腰三角形 1 图案 2 代码 二 打印菱形 两个三角形拼在一起 1 图案 2 代码 三 打印V形 1 图案 2 代码 四 打印 倒着的 V 1 图案 2 代码 总结 前言 使用C语言打印图形
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    CPU的三级调度 1 高级调度 Long term 作业调度 从外存进内存 2 低级调度 Short term 进程调度 分配处理机 3 中级调度 Medium term 对换 通过多道程序设计得到CPU的最高使用率 CPU IO脉冲周期
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    一 Vue打包 1 配置vue config js文件 将publicPath改为 否则会出现静态文件找不到 从而使index html文件打开空白页的问题 2 创建config js文件 并引入index html中 创建该文件主要使为了
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