Matplotlib - 更改线条上方/下方的线条颜色


I have a line plot and 2 hlines, all using different colors, and I'm filling the areas where the main line crosses the hlines with the color of the hline. In addition to that, I'd like to use the same color for the main line in those areas. In a nutshell, current output: enter image description here

Desired output: enter image description here


lower, upper = 20, 80

self.indicatorPlot.axhline(lower, color="red")
self.indicatorPlot.axhline(upper, color="green")

self.indicatorPlot.plot(self.chartTimes, self.indicatorData, color="blue")

self.indicatorPlot.fill_between(self.chartTimes, self.indicatorData, lower, where=(self.indicatorData <= lower), facecolor="red", interpolate=True)
self.indicatorPlot.fill_between(self.chartTimes, self.indicatorData, upper, where=(self.indicatorData >= upper), facecolor="green", interpolate=True)


  • Python:如果超出特定范围,是否可以更改图中的线条颜色?
  • 情节:颜色都大于不同的颜色



import numpy as np; np.random.seed(43)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = np.linspace(0,100,301)
x = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(len(t)))

lower,upper = 0,8

fig, ax=plt.subplots()

ax.axhline(lower, color="crimson")
ax.axhline(upper, color="limegreen")

def insertzeros(t, x, zero=0):
    ta = []
    positive = (x-zero) > 0
    ti = np.where(np.bitwise_xor(positive[1:], positive[:-1]))[0]
    for i in ti:
        y_ = np.sort(x[i:i+2])
        z_ = t[i:i+2][np.argsort(x[i:i+2])]
        t_ = np.interp(zero, y_, z_)
        ta.append( t_ )
    tnew = np.append( t, np.array(ta) )
    xnew = np.append( x, np.ones(len(ta))*zero )
    xnew = xnew[tnew.argsort()]
    tnew = np.sort(tnew)
    return tnew, xnew

t1,x1 = insertzeros(t,x, zero=lower)
t1,x1 = insertzeros(t1,x1, zero=upper)

xm = np.copy(x1)
xm[(x1 < lower) | (x1 > upper)] = np.nan        
ax.plot(t1,xm, color="C0")

xl = np.copy(x1)
xl[(x1 > lower)] = np.nan        
ax.plot(t1,xl, color="crimson")
xu = np.copy(x1)
xu[(xu < upper)] = np.nan        
ax.plot(t1,xu, color="limegreen")

ax.fill_between(t, x, lower, where=(x <= lower), facecolor="crimson", interpolate=True, alpha=0.5)
ax.fill_between(t, x, upper, where=(x >= upper), facecolor="limegreen", interpolate=True, alpha=0.5)

enter image description here


Matplotlib - 更改线条上方/下方的线条颜色 的相关文章
