使用 PHP substr() 和 strip_tags(),同时保留格式且不破坏 HTML


我有各种 HTML 字符串可以剪切为 100 个字符(被剥离的内容,而不是原始内容),而无需剥离标签,也不会破坏 HTML。

原始 HTML 字符串(288 个字符):

$content = "<div>With a <span class='spanClass'>span over here</span> and a
<div class='divClass'>nested div over <div class='nestedDivClass'>there</div>
</div> and a lot of other nested <strong><em>texts</em> and tags in the air
<span>everywhere</span>, it's a HTML taggy kind of day.</strong></div>";

标准装饰:修剪至 100 个字符并进行 HTML 中断,剥离的内容约为 40 个字符:

$content = substr($content, 0, 100)."..."; /* output:
<div>With a <span class='spanClass'>span over here</span> and a
<div class='divClass'>nested div ove... */

剥离的 HTML:输出正确的字符数,但明显丢失格式:

$content = substr(strip_tags($content)), 0, 100)."..."; /* output:
With a span over here and a nested div over there and a lot of other nested
texts and tags in the ai... */

部分解决方案:使用 HTML Tidy 或 purifier 关闭标签会输出干净的 HTML,但有 100 个字符的 HTML 未显示内容。

$content = substr($content, 0, 100)."...";
$tidy = new tidy; $tidy->parseString($content); $tidy->cleanRepair(); /* output:
<div>With a <span class='spanClass'>span over here</span> and a
<div class='divClass'>nested div ove</div></div>... */

挑战:输出干净的 HTML 和n字符数(不包括 HTML 元素的字符数):

$content = cutHTML($content, 100); /* output:
<div>With a <span class='spanClass'>span over here</span> and a
<div class='divClass'>nested div over <div class='nestedDivClass'>there</div>
</div> and a lot of other nested <strong><em>texts</em> and tags in the


  • 如何在不破坏标签的情况下剪辑 HTML 片段
  • 剪切 HTML 字符串而不破坏 HTML 标签


function html_cut($text, $max_length)
    $tags   = array();
    $result = "";

    $is_open   = false;
    $grab_open = false;
    $is_close  = false;
    $in_double_quotes = false;
    $in_single_quotes = false;
    $tag = "";

    $i = 0;
    $stripped = 0;

    $stripped_text = strip_tags($text);

    while ($i < strlen($text) && $stripped < strlen($stripped_text) && $stripped < $max_length)
        $symbol  = $text{$i};
        $result .= $symbol;

        switch ($symbol)
           case '<':
                $is_open   = true;
                $grab_open = true;

           case '"':
               if ($in_double_quotes)
                   $in_double_quotes = false;
                   $in_double_quotes = true;


            case "'":
              if ($in_single_quotes)
                  $in_single_quotes = false;
                  $in_single_quotes = true;


            case '/':
                if ($is_open && !$in_double_quotes && !$in_single_quotes)
                    $is_close  = true;
                    $is_open   = false;
                    $grab_open = false;


            case ' ':
                if ($is_open)
                    $grab_open = false;


            case '>':
                if ($is_open)
                    $is_open   = false;
                    $grab_open = false;
                    array_push($tags, $tag);
                    $tag = "";
                else if ($is_close)
                    $is_close = false;
                    $tag = "";


                if ($grab_open || $is_close)
                    $tag .= $symbol;

                if (!$is_open && !$is_close)


    while ($tags)
        $result .= "</".array_pop($tags).">";

    return $result;


$content = html_cut($content, 100);

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