aerospike init



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aerospike init(1) aerospike manual aerospike init(1)

aerospike init - initialize aerospike home directory(初始化Aerospike home目录)

aerospike init [OPTIONS]

Initialize the home directory for aerospike. This will populate(填充) the directory with default configurations, files and directories.

–home PATH

          The directory to initialize as the aerospike home directory.

   --user UID

          The user that will own the home directory and be used for running asd.

   --group GID

          The group that will own the home directory and be used for running asd.

   --instance INT

          Each instance of asd on a machine must have a unique instance id. Values can be between 0 and 15.

   --service-addr,-h IPADDR

          The address asd will bind to. If not specified, then it will default to ’any’.

   --service-port,-p INT

          The port asd will bind to.  If not specified, then it will default to the 3000.

aerospike init(1) aerospike manual aerospike init(1)

aerospike init - initialize aerospike home directory

aerospike init [OPTIONS]

Initialize the home directory for aerospike. This will populate the directory with default configurations, files and directories.

–home PATH

          The directory to initialize as the aerospike home directory.

   --user UID

          The user that will own the home directory and be used for running asd.

   --group GID

          The group that will own the home directory and be used for running asd.

   --instance INT

          Each instance of asd on a machine must have a unique instance id. Values can be between 0 and 15.

   --service-addr,-h IPADDR

          The address asd will bind to. If not specified, then it will default to ’any’.

   --service-port,-p INT

          The port asd will bind to.  If not specified, then it will default to the 3000.

aerospike init(1) aerospike manual aerospike init(1)

aerospike init - initialize aerospike home directory

aerospike init [OPTIONS]

Initialize the home directory for aerospike. This will populate the directory with default configurations, files and directories.

–home PATH

          The directory to initialize as the aerospike home directory.

   --user UID

          The user that will own the home directory and be used for running asd.

   --group GID

          The group that will own the home directory and be used for running asd.

   --instance INT

          Each instance of asd on a machine must have a unique instance id. Values can be between 0 and 15.

   --service-addr,-h IPADDR

          The address asd will bind to. If not specified, then it will default to ’any’.

   --service-port,-p INT

          The port asd will bind to.  If not specified, then it will default to the 3000.

   --multicast-addr IPADDR

          The address asd will use for communicating heartbeat (status) with other nodes in a cluster.

   --multicast-port INT

          The port asd will use for communicating heartbeat (status) with other nodes in a cluster.

   --fabric-port INT

          The port asd will use for communicating with other nodes in a cluster. If not specified, then it will default to the ‘service-port + 1‘.

   --info-port INT

          The port asd will use for servicing info requests. If not specified, then it will default to the ‘service-port + 3‘.

To initialize the current directory:

          aerospike init

   To initialize a different directory, such as ’/usr/share/aerospike’:

          aerospike init --home /usr/share/aerospike

   To initialize two instances, you need to assign each a unique instance identifier and port number:

          aerospike init --home ~/aerospike1 --instance 1 -p 3000

          aerospike init --home ~/aerospike2 --instance 2 -p 3010

aerospike init 1 APRIL 2014 aerospike init(1)


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