

我正在使用 OpenNETCF 中的签名控件。它非常适合我需要的大多数东西。







2 bytes to show Width  
2 bytes to show Height  
  -- This next part repeats till the end of the array  
  2 bytes to show How many points are in the next line  
    -- This next part repeats as many times as the previous line indicated  
    1 byte for the x coordinate of the point  
    1 byte for the y coordinate of the point  
    2 bytes for the width of the pen (I am not 100% sure on this one)    


后期注意: 好吧,经过大量的工作,我发现使用内置的东西翻转视图是多么容易(感谢 MusiGenesis)。对我来说,这个过程似乎不太容易出错。

Just in case someone else wants it, here is my unfinished code. (I was close but the stuff to advance to the next "line" does not work quite right.) (EDIT: I decided that I liked the way this worked a bit more. I have updated the code below. It will work as long as the width or height of the Signature control is not greater than 256. (See ctacke's answer below).)

但首先,非常感谢 MusiGenesis 帮助我解决了这一切。您非常有帮助,我非常感谢您的努力!


private void InvertSignature(ref byte[] original)
    int currentIndex = 0;
    short width = BitConverter.ToInt16(original, 0);
    short height = BitConverter.ToInt16(original, 2);
    while (currentIndex < original.Length - 4)
        // Move past the last iteration (or the width and hight for the first time through).
        currentIndex += 4;
        // Find the length of the next segment.
        short nextGroup = BitConverter.ToInt16(original, currentIndex);
        //Advance one so we get past the 2 byte group
        currentIndex += 2;
        // Find the actual index of the last set of coordinates for this segment.
        int nextNumberOfItems = ((nextGroup) * 4) + currentIndex;
        // Invert the coordinates
        for (int i = currentIndex; i < (nextNumberOfItems - 1); i += 4)
            currentIndex = i;

            //Invert Horizontal
            int newHorzPoint = width - original[i] - 1;
            if (newHorzPoint <= 0)
                newHorzPoint = 0;
            else if (newHorzPoint >= width - 1)
                newHorzPoint = width - 1;
            original[i] = (byte)newHorzPoint;

            // Invert Vertical
            int newVertPoint = height - original[i + 1] - 1;
            if (newVertPoint <= 0)
                newVertPoint = 0;
            else if (newVertPoint >= height - 1)
                newVertPoint = height - 1;
            original[i + 1] = (byte)newVertPoint;


  • 前 2 个字节是宽度。
  • 接下来的 2 个字节是高度。
  • 其余数据是 X、Y 坐标,但存储格式具有欺骗性并且可以更改。如果维度(x 或 y)

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