Jira 用于错误跟踪和客户支持?


我们正在考虑使用 Jira 进行错误跟踪,并将其与 Git 集成,以将错误修复与版本处理联系起来。

您是否也推荐 Jira 来提供客户支持,还是我们应该寻找其他系统(例如 Zendesk)来实现此目的?我知道可以通过某种方式将 Hipchat 与 Jira 集成,以启用与客户的聊天功能,但 Jira 是否太复杂,客户服务无法处理?你的经验是什么?

我们使用 Jira 进行客户支持,但我们发现 Jira 缺少许多为此所需的必备功能。这就是我们做出许多改变的原因。

总而言之,我们对自己的选择非常满意,并且通过使用 Jira 而不是其他解决方案,我们节省了大量资金。

以下是我们所做的主要更改,这将向您展示缺少的内容,而另一方面向您展示,只需一点点编程,Jira 就可以做任何事情:)

注意:下面编写的脚本应附加到工作流程转换。脚本是使用编写的Jython http://www.jython.org/,所以需要安装才能使用。


Jira 仅向 Jira 用户发送电子邮件。由于我们不想为每个提供支持的人创建一个用户,因此我们使用匿名用户,并使用脚本向他们发送电子邮件。

首先,将 Jira 设置为从电子邮件创建问题 https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Creating+Issues+and+Comments+from+Email。比,使用脚本运行器插件 https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.onresolve.jira.groovy.groovyrunner将客户的电子邮件和姓名保存到自定义字段。 。代码:

from com.atlassian.jira import ComponentManager
import re
cfm = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCustomFieldManager()

# read issue description
description = issue.getDescription()
if (description is not None) and ('Created via e-mail received from' in description):
    # extract email and name:
    if ('<' in description) and ('>' in description):
        # pattern [Created via e-mail received from: name <[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection>]
        # split it to a list
        description_list = re.split('<|>|:',description)
        list_length = len(description_list)
        for index in range(list_length-1, -1, -1):
            if '@' in description_list[index]:
                customer_email = description_list[index]
                customer_name = description_list[index - 1]
        # pattern [Created via e-mail received from: [email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection]
        customer_name = "Sir or Madam"
        # split it to a list  
        description_list = re.split(': |]',description)
        list_length = len(description_list)
        for index in range(list_length-1, -1, -1):
            if '@' in description_list[index]:
                customer_email = description_list[index]

    # if the name isn't in the right form, switch it's places:
    if (customer_name[0] == '"') and (customer_name[-1] == '"') and (',' in customer_name):
        customer_name = customer_name[1:-1]
        i =  customer_name.index(',')
        customer_name = customer_name[i+2:]+" "+customer_name[:i]

    # insert data to issue fields

送客户issue created通知


import smtplib,email
from smtplib import SMTP 
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email import Encoders
import os
import re
from com.atlassian.jira import ComponentManager

customFieldManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCustomFieldManager()
cfm = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCustomFieldManager()

# read needed fields from the issue
key = issue.getKey()
#status = issue.getStatusObject().name
summary = issue.getSummary()
project = issue.getProjectObject().name

# read customer email address
toAddr = issue.getCustomFieldValue(cfm.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_10401"))
# send mail only if a valid email was entered
if (toAddr is not None) and (re.match('[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,4}',toAddr)):
    # read customer name
    customerName = issue.getCustomFieldValue(cfm.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_10108"))
    # read template from the disk
    template_file = 'new_case.template'
    f = open(template_file, 'r')
    htmlBody = ""
    for line in f:
        line = line.replace('$$CUSTOMER_NAME',customerName)
        line = line.replace('$$KEY',key)
        line = line.replace('$$PROJECT',project)
        line = line.replace('$$SUMMARY',summary)
        htmlBody += line + '<BR>'

    smtpserver = 'smtpserver.com'
    to = [toAddr]
    fromAddr = '[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection'
    subject = "["+key+"] Thank You for Contacting Support team"
    mail_user = '[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection'
    mail_password = 'password'

    # create html email
    html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" '
    html +='"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'
    html +='<body style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana">'
    html +='<p align="center"><img src="http://path/to/company_logo.jpg" alt="logo"></p> '
    html +='<p>'+htmlBody+'</p>'
    html +='</body></html>'

    emailMsg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative')
    emailMsg['Subject'] = subject
    emailMsg['From'] = fromAddr
    emailMsg['To'] = ', '.join(to)

    # Send the email
    s = SMTP(smtpserver) # ip or domain name of smtp server
    s.login(mail_user, mail_password)   
    s.sendmail(fromAddr, [to], emailMsg.as_string())

    # add sent mail to comments
    cm = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCommentManager()
    email_body = htmlBody.replace('<BR>','\n')
    cm.create(issue,'anonymous','Email was sent to the customer ; Subject: '+subject+'\n'+email_body,False)



Thank you for contacting support team.

We will address your case as soon as possible and respond with a solution very quickly.

Issue key $$KEY has been created as a reference for future correspondence.

If you need urgent support please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page at http://www.example.com/faq.

Thank you,

Support Team

Issue key: $$KEY
Issue subject: $$PROJECT
Issue summary: $$SUMMARY


  • 创建了一个名为“打开时间”的自定义字段 - 一个“日期时间”字段,用于保存问题打开的时间。
  • 创建了一个名为“通知”的自定义字段 - 一个只读文本字段。
  • 使用脚本运行器插件 https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.onresolve.jira.groovy.groovyrunner,我创建了一个后置函数并将其放置在每次进入“打开”状态的转换上。这是为了保持问题开放时间。


from com.atlassian.jira import ComponentManager
from datetime import datetime

opend_since_field = "customfield_10001"

# get opened since custom field:
cfm = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCustomFieldManager()
# get current time
currentTime = datetime.today()
# save current time
  • 我创建了一个新的过滤器来获取开放时间超过 24 小时的问题列表:


project = XXX AND status= Open ORDER BY updated ASC, key DESC
  • 最后 - 我用过Jira远程API https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/JIRA+Remote+API+Reference - the XML-RPC https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/JIRA+XML-RPC+Overview方法编写一个Python脚本,计划每5分钟运行一次。剧本 读取过滤器中发出的所有邮件,提取所有超过 24 小时/36 小时/48 小时处于“打开”状态的邮件,发送提醒电子邮件,并将其标记为已通知,因此每种类型只会发送一个提醒。



# Refer to the XML-RPC Javadoc to see what calls are available:
# http://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/rpc-jira-plugin/latest/com/atlassian/jira/rpc/xmlrpc/XmlRpcService.html
# /home/issues_reminder.py

import xmlrpclib
import time
from time import mktime
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import smtplib,email
from smtplib import SMTP 
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email import Encoders

# Jira connction info
server = 'https://your.jira.com/rpc/xmlrpc'
user = 'user'
password = 'password'
filter = '10302' # Filter ID
# Email definitions 
smtpserver = 'mail.server.com'
fromAddr = '[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection'
mail_user = '[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection'
mail_password = 'password'
toAddr = '[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection'
mysubject = "hrs Issue notification!!!"
opend_since_field = "customfield_10101"

def email_issue(issue,esc_time):
    # create html email
    subject = '['+issue+'] '+esc_time+mysubject
    html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" '
    html +='"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'
    html +='<body style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana">'
    html +='<p align="center"><img src="your_logo.jpg" alt="logo" height="43" width="198"></p> '
    html +='<p> The issue ['+issue+'] is open for over '+esc_time+' hours.</p>'
    html +='<p> A link to view the issue: https://your.jira.com/browse/'+issue+'.</p>'
    html +='<BR><p> This is an automated email sent from Jira.</p>'
    html +='</body></html>'
    emailMsg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative')
    emailMsg['Subject'] = subject
    emailMsg['From'] = fromAddr
    emailMsg['To'] = toAddr
    emailMsg.attach(MIMEText(html, 'html'))
    # Send the email
    emailserver = SMTP(smtpserver) # ip or domain name of smtp server
    emailserver.login(mail_user, mail_password)
    emailserver.sendmail(fromAddr, [toAddr], emailMsg.as_string())

s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server)
auth = s.jira1.login(user, password)

esc12List = []
esc24List = []
esc48List = []

issues = s.jira1.getIssuesFromFilter(auth, filter)
print "Modifying issue..."
for issue in issues:
        creation = 0;
        # get open since time
        for customFields in issue['customFieldValues']:
                if customFields['customfieldId'] == opend_since_field :
                        print "found field!"+  customFields['values']
                        creation = customFields['values']
        if (creation == 0):
                creation = issue['created']
                print "field not found"
    creationTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time.strptime(creation, '%d/%b/%y %I:%M %p')))
    currentTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time.gmtime()))
    delta = currentTime - creationTime
    esc12 = timedelta(hours=12)
    esc24 = timedelta(hours=24)
    esc48 = timedelta(hours=48)
    print "\nchecking issue "+issue['key']
    if (delta < esc12):
        print "less than 12 hours"
        print "not updating"
    if (delta < esc24):
        print "less than 24 hours"
        for customFields in issue['customFieldValues']:
            if customFields['customfieldId'] == 'customfield_10412':
                if customFields['values'] == '12h':
                    print "not updating"
                    print "updating !!!"
                    s.jira1.updateIssue(auth, issue['key'], {"customfield_10412": ["12h"]})
    if (delta < esc48):
        print "less than 48 hours"
        for customFields in issue['customFieldValues']:
            if customFields['customfieldId'] == 'customfield_10412':
                if customFields['values'] == '24h':
                    print "not updating"
                    print "updating !!!"
                    s.jira1.updateIssue(auth, issue['key'], {"customfield_10412": ["24h"]})
    print "more than 48 hours"
    for customFields in issue['customFieldValues']:
        if customFields['customfieldId'] == 'customfield_10412':
            if customFields['values'] == '48h':
                print "not updating"
                print "updating !!!"
                s.jira1.updateIssue(auth, issue['key'], {"customfield_10412": ["48h"]})

for key in esc12List:
for key in esc24List:
for key in esc48List:



创建一个新的过渡 -Escalate。这将为开发团队创建一个问题,并将新问题链接到支持问题。添加以下post函数:

from com.atlassian.jira.util import ImportUtils
from com.atlassian.jira import ManagerFactory
from com.atlassian.jira.issue import MutableIssue
from com.atlassian.jira import ComponentManager
from com.atlassian.jira.issue.link import DefaultIssueLinkManager
from org.ofbiz.core.entity import GenericValue;

# get issue objects
issueManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getIssueManager()
issueFactory = ComponentManager.getInstance().getIssueFactory()
authenticationContext = ComponentManager.getInstance().getJiraAuthenticationContext()
issueLinkManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getIssueLinkManager()
customFieldManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCustomFieldManager()
userUtil = ComponentManager.getInstance().getUserUtil()
projectMgr = ComponentManager.getInstance().getProjectManager()
customer_name = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Customer Name")
customer_email = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Customer Email")
escalate = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Escalate to Development")

if issue.getCustomFieldValue(escalate) is not None:
    # define issue
    issueObject = issueFactory.getIssue()
    issueObject.setIssueTypeId("1") # bug
    # set subtask attributes
    issueObject.setSummary("[Escalated from support] "+issue.getSummary())
    issueObject.setCustomFieldValue(customer_name, issue.getCustomFieldValue(customer_name)+" "+issue.getCustomFieldValue(customer_email))
    # Create subtask 
    subTask = issueManager.createIssue(authenticationContext.getUser(), issueObject)
    # Link parent issue to subtask
    # Update search indexes


创建一个新的过渡 -Move to sales。许多支持电话最终都会变成销售电话,这会将问题转移给销售团队。添加以下post函数:

from com.atlassian.jira.util import ImportUtils
from com.atlassian.jira.issue import MutableIssue
from com.atlassian.jira import ComponentManager

customFieldManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCustomFieldManager()
userUtil = ComponentManager.getInstance().getUserUtil()

issue.setSummary("[Moved from support] "+issue.getSummary())

# add to comments
from time import gmtime, strftime
time = strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
cm = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCommentManager()
currentUser = ComponentManager.getInstance().getJiraAuthenticationContext().getUser().toString()
cm.create(issue,currentUser,'Email was moved to Sales at '+time,False)

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