类型提示和@singledispatch:如何以可扩展的方式包含 `Union[...]`?


我正在重构一个转换各种日期格式的函数(即 ISO 8601 字符串,datetime.date, datetime.datetime等)转换为 Unix 时间戳。



import datetime
from typing import Union

MyDateTimeType = Union[int, str, datetime.datetime, datetime.date, None]

# How do I retain this functionality with @singledispatch?
#                    ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
def to_unix_ts(date: MyDateTimeType = None) -> Union[int, None]:
    """Convert various date formats to Unix timestamp..."""
    if type(date) is int or date is None:
        return date

    if type(date) is str:
        # Handle string argument...

    elif type(date) is datetime.datetime:
        # Handle datetime argument...

    elif type(date) is datetime.date:
        # Handle date argument...


import datetime
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Union

def to_unix_ts(date) -> Union[int, None]:
    """Handle generic case (probably string type)..."""

def _(date: int) -> int:
    return date

def _(date: None) -> None:
    return date

def _(date: datetime.datetime) -> int:
    return int(date.replace(microsecond=0).timestamp())

# etc...


supported_types = [type for type in to_unix_ts.registry.keys()]
MyDateTimeType = Union(supported_types)  # Example, doesn't work

...这样它就可以通过未来的 @singledispatch 注册进行扩展,但我无法让它工作。


我想这就是你要找的。注意singledispatch需要register(type(None))代替register(None)。不支持register(Union[a, b]),但您可以应用多个register函数的装饰器...

import datetime
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Union

MyDateTimeType = Union[

def to_unix_ts(date: MyDateTimeType) -> Union[int, None]:
    raise NotImplementedError

def _(date: Union[int, None]) -> Union[int, None]:
    return date

def _(date: str):
    # Handle string argument...

def _(date: datetime.datetime):
    # Handle datetime argument...

def _(date: datetime.date):
    # Handle date argument...

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