使用 PHP 解析 XML


我正在尝试使用 PHP 的 SimpleXML 解析职位提要。我以前只使用过 JSON,但在让解析器工作时遇到问题。这是一些示例数据:

    <rq url="http://api.simplyhired.com/a/jobs-api/xml_v2/q-comission">
        <t>Comission Jobs</t>
        <em url=""/>
            <kw pos="1"/>
            <jt>Virtual Recruiter (IT) - Comission ...</jt>
            <cn url="">Remedy Intelligent Staffing</cn>
            <src url="http://api.simplyhired.com/a/job-details/view/jobkey-monster91949932/cjp-0/hits-192?aff_id=28700">Monster</src>
            <loc cty="Buffalo" st="NY" postal="14211" county="" region="" country="US">Buffalo, NY</loc>
    Seeking a candidate with previous recruiting experience to work as a Virtual Recruiter for a large client in the IT industry.a Responsibilities: Will recruit, screen, interview, and place candidates for many openings throughout the US Will...
            <jt>Virtual Loan Officer (Mortgage) draw vs comission</jt>
            <cn url="">Netbranchology.com</cn>
            <src url="http://api.simplyhired.com/a/job-details/view/jobkey-7114.353281/cjp-2/hits-192?aff_id=28700">netbranchology.com</src>
            <loc cty="Denver" st="CO" postal="80218" county="" region="" country="US">Denver, CO</loc>
    Minimize your overhead by becoming a virtual loan officer... Our client, a Texas-based mortgage banker, has just launched an innovative new program that lets you work from anywhere to originate residential mortgage loans. No office is...


我想将标签中的元数据检索到变量中,然后循环遍历每个作业结果来处理它。我怎样才能用 PHP 做到这一点? (到目前为止我一直在使用 SimpleXML 函数)

节点作为对象属性进行访问,属性使用数组表示法。foreach让您可以迭代节点。您可以通过将节点转换为字符串来获取节点的内容。 (所以如果你使用echo这是暗示的)

$shrs = simplexml_load_string($xml);

foreach ($shrs->rs->r as $r)
    $jobTitle = $r->jt;
    $city = $r->loc['cty'];

    echo "There's an offer for $jobTitle in $city<br />\n";

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