


1.在每个“val_id”循环中,如果“product”==“CL”,则“val_against”和“our_val_amt”的最小值,例如min( val_against (134), our_val_amt (424)) 因此 'NEW FIELD' = 134。此外,如果 new_field 的总和超过“our_val_amt”,则从“our_val_amt”中减去它。例如对于 val_id“xx4”,(200 + 300 + 50) = 550 超过 our_val_amt = 510,因此 NEW FILED = 510 - 500(即此总和超过 our_val_amt 后的 200 + 300)= 10。

2.如果产品!='CL'并且位于同一'val_id'组中。从“our_val_amt”中减去的余数将插入“new_field”中。例如“our_val_amt”(424) - 来自步骤 1 (134) = 290。这插入到“新字段”上方。

如果 [product] 没有“CL”,则只需在每个 [val_id] 之间传播 [our_val_amt]。例如 val_id = 'xx7' our_val_amt =700 这分布在插入的第一行 (650) 中,然后将剩下的 700 - 650 = 50 插入到下一行中,根据示例,以下为 0。

3. 对 val_id xx2 重复步骤。 CL = 104 和 XL = 472 - 104 = 368 的新字段计算。

目前,'name' - compx(row 0 - 9) 的输出可以正常工作,并且开始无法正确计算。我也不确定这段代码是如何工作的,因为我是 Pandas 的新手,并且很感激是否有人可以解释程序如何思考定义的函数。

df = pd.DataFrame(data=[["compx","xx1","yy1",424,418,"XL"],["compx","xx1","yy2",424,134,"CL"],["compx","xx2","yy3",472,60,"DL"],["compx","xx2","yy4",472,104,"CL"], ["compx", "xx3", "yy5", 490, 50, "XL"], ["compx", "xx3", "yy6", 490, 500, "CL"], ["compx", "xx3", "yy7", 490, 200, "DL"], ["compx", "xx4", "yy8", 510, 200, "CL"], ["compx", "xx4", "yy9", 510, 300, "CL"], ["compx", "xx4", "yy10", 510, 50, "CL"], ["compy", "xx5", "yy11", 510, 200, "CL"], ["compy", "xx5", "yy12", 510, 300, "CL"], ["compy", "xx5", "yy12", 510, 50, "CL"], ["compy", "xx5", "yy13", 510, 30, "DL"], ["compz", "xx6", "yy14", 350, 200, "CL"], ["compz", "xx6", "yy15", 350, 100, "CL"], ["compz", "xx6", "yy16", 350, 50, "XL"], ["compz", "xx6", "yy17", 350, 50, "DL"], ["compz", "xx7", "yy18", 700, 650, "DL"], ["compz", "xx7", "yy19", 700, 200, "DL"], ["compz", "xx7", "yy20", 700, 400, "XL"] ], columns=["name","val_id","fac_id","our_val_amt","val_against","product"])

# Compute tuple of "our_val_amt", "val_against" and "product" for easy processing as one column. It is hard to process multiple columns with "transform()".
df["the_tuple"] = df[["our_val_amt", "val_against", "product"]].apply(tuple, axis=1)

def compute_new_field_for_cl(g):
  # df_g is a tuple ("our_val_amt", "val_against", "product") indexed as (0, 1, 2).
  df_g = g.apply(pd.Series)
  df_g["new_field"] = df_g.apply(lambda row: min(row[0], row[1]) if row[2] == "CL" else 0, axis=1)
  df_g["cumsum"] = df_g["new_field"].cumsum()
  df_g["new_field"] = df_g.apply(lambda row: 0 if row["cumsum"] > row[0] else row["new_field"], axis=1)
  df_g["max_cumsum"] = df_g["new_field"].cumsum()
  df_g["new_field"] = df_g.apply(lambda row: row[0] - row["max_cumsum"] if row["cumsum"] > row[0] else row["new_field"], axis=1)
  return df_g["new_field"]

# Apply above function and compute new field values for "CL".
df["new_field"] = df.groupby("val_id")[["the_tuple"]].transform(compute_new_field_for_cl)

# Re-compute tuple of "our_val_amt", "new_field" and "product".
df["the_tuple"] = df[["our_val_amt", "new_field", "product"]].apply(tuple, axis=1)

def compute_new_field_for_not_cl(g):
  # df_g is a tuple ("our_val_amt", "new_field", "product") indexed as (0, 1, 2).
  df_g = g.apply(pd.Series)
  result_sr = df_g.where(df_g[2] != "CL")[0] - df_g[df_g[2] == "CL"][1].sum()
  result_sr = result_sr.fillna(0) + df_g[1]
  return result_sr

# Apply above function and compute new field values for "CL".
df["new_field"] = df.groupby("val_id")[["the_tuple"]].transform(compute_new_field_for_not_cl)

df = df.drop("the_tuple", axis=1)


name    |val_id |fac_id     |   our_val_amt |   val_against |   product |   new_field
compx   |   xx1 |   yy1     |   424         |   418         |   XL      |   290
compx   |   xx1 |   yy2     |   424         |   134         |   CL      |   134
compx   |   xx2 |   yy3     |   472         |   60          |   DL      |   368
compx   |   xx2 |   yy4     |   472         |   104         |   CL      |   104
compx   |   xx3 |   yy5     |   490         |   50          |   XL      |   0
compx   |   xx3 |   yy6     |   490         |   500         |   CL      |   490
compx   |   xx3 |   yy7     |   490         |   200         |   DL      |   0
compx   |   xx4 |   yy8     |   510         |   200         |   CL      |   200
compx   |   xx4 |   yy9     |   510         |   300         |   CL      |   300
compx   |   xx4 |   yy10    |   510         |   50          |   CL      |   10
compy   |   xx5 |   yy11    |   510         |   200         |   CL      |   200
compy   |   xx5 |   yy12    |   510         |   300         |   CL      |   300
compy   |   xx5 |   yy12    |   510         |   50          |   CL      |   10
compy   |   xx5 |   yy13    |   510         |   30          |   DL      |   0
compz   |   xx6 |   yy14    |   350         |   200         |   CL      |   200
compz   |   xx6 |   yy15    |   350         |   100         |   CL      |   100
compz   |   xx6 |   yy16    |   350         |   50          |   XL      |   50
compz   |   xx6 |   yy17    |   350         |   50          |   DL      |   0
compz   |   xx7 |   yy18    |   700         |   650         |   DL      |   650
compz   |   xx7 |   yy19    |   700         |   200         |   DL      |   50
compz   |   xx7 |   yy20    |   700         |   400         |   XL      |   0

我当前获得的数据集和 new_field 输出

name    |val_id |fac_id     |   our_val_amt |   val_against |   product |   new_field
compx   |   xx1 |   yy1     |   424         |   418         |   XL      |   290
compx   |   xx1 |   yy2     |   424         |   134         |   CL      |   134
compx   |   xx2 |   yy3     |   472         |   60          |   DL      |   368
compx   |   xx2 |   yy4     |   472         |   104         |   CL      |   104
compx   |   xx3 |   yy5     |   490         |   50          |   XL      |   0
compx   |   xx3 |   yy6     |   490         |   500         |   CL      |   490
compx   |   xx3 |   yy7     |   490         |   200         |   DL      |   0
compx   |   xx4 |   yy8     |   510         |   200         |   CL      |   200
compx   |   xx4 |   yy9     |   510         |   300         |   CL      |   300
compx   |   xx4 |   yy10    |   510         |   50          |   CL      |   10
compy   |   xx5 |   yy11    |   510         |   200         |   CL      |   200
compy   |   xx5 |   yy12    |   510         |   300         |   CL      |   300
compy   |   xx5 |   yy12    |   510         |   50          |   CL      |   10
compy   |   xx5 |   yy13    |   510         |   30          |   DL      |   10
compz   |   xx6 |   yy14    |   350         |   200         |   CL      |   200
compz   |   xx6 |   yy15    |   350         |   100         |   CL      |   100
compz   |   xx6 |   yy16    |   350         |   50          |   XL      |   50
compz   |   xx6 |   yy17    |   350         |   50          |   DL      |   50
compz   |   xx7 |   yy18    |   700         |   650         |   DL      |   700
compz   |   xx7 |   yy19    |   700         |   200         |   DL      |   700
compz   |   xx7 |   yy20    |   700         |   400         |   XL      |   700

该代码在存在多个非 CL 产品并且our_val_amt必须进行传播,以便最后几种产品可以得到0价值。我在上一个/上一个问题中询问了这个用例;但没有得到答复。您可能会遇到一些像这样的极端情况,需要执行全面的测试。


df = pd.DataFrame(data=[["compx","xx1","yy2",424,134,"CL",134],["compx","xx1","yy1",424,418,"XL",290],["compx","xx2","yy4",472,104,"CL",104],["compx","xx2","yy3",472,60,"DL",368],["compx","xx3","yy6",490,500,"CL",490],["compx","xx3","yy5",490,50,"XL",0],["compx","xx3","yy7",490,200,"DL",0],["compx","xx4","yy8",510,200,"CL",200],["compx","xx4","yy9",510,300,"CL",300],["compx","xx4","yy10",510,50,"CL",10],["compy","xx5","yy11",510,200,"CL",200],["compy","xx5","yy12",510,300,"CL",300],["compy","xx5","yy12",510,50,"CL",10],["compy","xx5","yy13",510,30,"DL",0],["compz","xx6","yy14",350,200,"CL",200],["compz","xx6","yy15",350,100,"CL",100],["compz","xx6","yy16",350,50,"XL",50],["compz","xx6","yy17",350,50,"DL",0],["compz","xx7","yy18",700,650,"DL",650],["compz","xx7","yy19",700,200,"DL",50],["compz","xx7","yy20",700,400,"XL",0]], columns=["name","val_id","fac_id","our_val_amt","val_against","product","new_field_expected"])

# Compute tuple of "our_val_amt", "val_against" and "product" for easy processing as one column. It is hard to process multiple columns with "transform()".
df["the_tuple"] = df[["our_val_amt", "val_against", "product"]].apply(tuple, axis=1)

def compute_new_field_for_cl(g):
  # df_g is a tuple ("our_val_amt", "val_against", "product") indexed as (0, 1, 2).
  df_g = g.apply(pd.Series)
  df_g["new_field"] = df_g.apply(lambda row: min(row[0], row[1]) if row[2] == "CL" else 0, axis=1)
  # Cumulative sum for comparison
  df_g["cumsum"] = df_g["new_field"].cumsum()
  # Previous row's sum for comparison
  df_g["cumsum_prev"] = df_g["cumsum"].shift(periods=1)
  # if our_val_amt >= sum then use min(our_val_amt, val_against)
  # else if our_val_amt < sum then take partial of first record such that our_val_amt == sum else take `0` for the rest records
  df_g["new_field"] = df_g.apply(lambda row: 0 if row["cumsum_prev"] > row[0] else row[0] - row["cumsum_prev"] if row["cumsum"] > row[0] else row["new_field"], axis=1)
  return df_g["new_field"]

# Apply above function and compute new field values for "CL".
df["new_field"] = df.groupby("val_id")[["the_tuple"]].transform(compute_new_field_for_cl)

# Re-compute tuple of "our_val_amt", "val_against", "new_field" and "product".
df["the_tuple"] = df[["our_val_amt", "val_against", "new_field", "product"]].apply(tuple, axis=1)

def compute_new_field_for_not_cl(g):
  # df_g is a tuple ("our_val_amt", "val_against", "new_field", "product") indexed as (0, 1, 2, 3).
  df_g = g.apply(pd.Series)
  # print(df_g)
  cl_sum = df_g[df_g[3] == "CL"][2].sum()
  if cl_sum > 0:
    df_g["new_field"] = df_g.where(df_g[3] != "CL")[0] - df_g[df_g[3] == "CL"][2].sum()
    df_g["new_field"] = df_g["new_field"].fillna(df_g[2])
    # Cumulative sum for comparison
    df_g["cumsum"] = df_g["new_field"].cumsum()
    # if our_val_amt < sum then take diff (our_val_amt - sum) else take `0` for the rest records
    df_g["new_field"] = df_g.apply(lambda row: 0 if row["cumsum"] > row[0] else row["new_field"], axis=1)
    df_g["new_field"] = df_g.apply(lambda row: min(row[0], row[1]) if row[3] != "CL" else row[2], axis=1)
    # Cumulative sum for comparison
    df_g["cumsum"] = df_g["new_field"].cumsum()
    # Previous row's sum for comparison
    df_g["cumsum_prev"] = df_g["cumsum"].shift(periods=1)
    # if our_val_amt >= sum then use min(our_val_amt, val_against)
    # else if our_val_amt < sum then take partial of first record such that our_val_amt == sum else take `0` for the rest records
    df_g["new_field"] = df_g.apply(lambda row: 0 if row["cumsum_prev"] > row[0] else row[0] - row["cumsum_prev"] if row["cumsum"] > row[0] else row["new_field"], axis=1)

  return df_g["new_field"]

# Apply above function and compute new field values for "CL".
df["new_field"] = df.groupby("val_id")[["the_tuple"]].transform(compute_new_field_for_not_cl)

df = df.drop("the_tuple", axis=1)



     name val_id fac_id  our_val_amt  val_against product  new_field_expected  new_field
0   compx    xx1    yy2          424          134      CL                 134     134.00
1   compx    xx1    yy1          424          418      XL                 290     290.00
2   compx    xx2    yy4          472          104      CL                 104     104.00
3   compx    xx2    yy3          472           60      DL                 368     368.00
4   compx    xx3    yy6          490          500      CL                 490     490.00
5   compx    xx3    yy5          490           50      XL                   0       0.00
6   compx    xx3    yy7          490          200      DL                   0       0.00
7   compx    xx4    yy8          510          200      CL                 200     200.00
8   compx    xx4    yy9          510          300      CL                 300     300.00
9   compx    xx4   yy10          510           50      CL                  10      10.00
10  compy    xx5   yy11          510          200      CL                 200     200.00
11  compy    xx5   yy12          510          300      CL                 300     300.00
12  compy    xx5   yy12          510           50      CL                  10      10.00
13  compy    xx5   yy13          510           30      DL                   0       0.00
14  compz    xx6   yy14          350          200      CL                 200     200.00
15  compz    xx6   yy15          350          100      CL                 100     100.00
16  compz    xx6   yy16          350           50      XL                  50      50.00
17  compz    xx6   yy17          350           50      DL                   0       0.00
18  compz    xx7   yy18          700          650      DL                 650     650.00
19  compz    xx7   yy19          700          200      DL                  50      50.00
20  compz    xx7   yy20          700          400      XL                   0       0.00

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  • DotNet 核心设置失败

    在我的 Windows 10 笔记本电脑上安装 DotNet Core 时 DotNetCore 1 0 0 RC2 VS2015Tools Preview1 运行时包安装失败 我从安装日志文件中发现了一些错误信息 网络开发工具信息 037
  • 为什么kafka集群中的单节点多broker不是首选?

    我正在尝试将卡夫卡实施到生产中 想知道为什么单节点 多代理的 kafka 实例不是首选 很少有人建议 如果在单个节点上使用多个代理 则应该为它们分配单独的磁盘空间 但这样做的原因尚不清楚 有人可以解释一下单个代理与多个代理 kafka 实例
  • libjpeg 和 .Net jpeg 编解码器在单色数据上真的有很大差异吗?

    我处理大量单色图像数据 今天早上我注意到 libjpeg 和 Net jpeg 编解码器处理单色数据的方式似乎存在显着差异 看起来使用 libjpeg 以任何质量设置保存并使用默认 Net jpeg 编解码器打开的单色图像实际上仅加载 16
  • 两个相同的字符串可以是 C# 中的两个单独的实例吗?

    在 C 中 字符串是驻留的 也就是说 如果我创建字符串foobar当第二次使用它时 C 在内存中只会有一个字符串实例 虽然我有两个引用 但它们都将指向同一个字符串实例 这就是 C 中字符串必须不可变的原因之一 现在 我的问题是 是否有可能以
  • 是否有与 System.Windows.Forms.Screen 等效的 WPF?

    我正在尝试创建一个包含整个桌面工作区域的 WPF 窗口 在 WinForms 中 我将通过获取所有边界的并集来做到这一点System Windows Forms Screen AllScreens 是否有等效类型或其他机制来获取 WPF 中
  • 如何立即取消卷曲操作?

    我在用着libcurl http curl haxx se libcurl 在 C 中 我正在调用curl easy perform在与我的用户界面分开的线程中使用增强线程 http www boost org doc libs 1 43
  • 如何打印矩阵的所有列

    我有一个Matrix总共包含 5 列 我想要做的是打印所有列Matrix不仅仅是前 2 个 如下所示 val V Matrix svd V The V factor is a local dense matrix println V 给出以
  • iOS 为什么将工具栏间隙移至键盘

    我想出了如何使用出现的键盘移动带有按钮和文本字段的工具栏 void liftMainViewWhenKeybordAppears NSNotification aNotification NSDictionary userInfo aNot
  • 分布式源代码控制 - 推送单个变更集

    正在解决一个棘手的问题 希望得到社区的一些帮助 基本上 我们的开发团队分为两个团队 比如说 红色 和 蓝色 3 repos 1 大师2 红色 gt gt 大师的克隆3 蓝色 gt gt 大师的克隆 每个开发人员都在他们工作的本地计算机上克隆
  • 获取 GNU makefile 中最后一个单词之前的单词

    我需要从最后一个之前提取单词 MAKEFILE LIST 到目前为止 我想不出比这种怪物更好的东西了 LIST a b c LAST WORD INDEX words LIST BEFORE LAST word shell echo LAS
  • 删除部分文本文件 C++

    我有一个名为 copynumbers txt 的文本文件 我需要在使用时删除数字后面的一些数字示例将是一个包含以下内容的文本文件 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 每个整数应占用 4 个字节空间 我想删
  • 如何修改定义的函数来计算想要的输出(Pandas)

    我试图通过在以下条件下对 name val id 和 fac id 列进行三重循环来计算以下 new field 列 1 在每个 val id 循环中 如果 product CL 则 val against 和 our val amt 的最