河内塔 - 用 Python 解决中途算法



我知道有现成的递归算法,但这不是我正在寻找的。 我正在寻找可以从用户已经解决的地方接管,然后从那里继续解决的算法。 有任何想法吗?


以下是到目前为止我的代码(我已排除 stack.py 代码):

def solveHalfway(n, start, end, middle, count):
    gameInstance.stackA = [3,2]
    gameInstance.stackB = []
    gameInstance.stackC = [1]
    loopCounter = 0 # initialise loopCounter as 0
    moveCounter = 0 # initialise the move index the user is stuck at
    indicator = 0 # to indicate whether the user's config equals the solution's config
    while loopCounter < arrayOfStacks.size(): # while loopCounter size has not reached the end of arrayOfStacks
        if loopCounter != 0 and loopCounter % 3 == 0:  # if 3 stacks have been dequeued
            moveCounter += 1
            if gameInstance.getUserConfig() == tempStack.data:  #check whether user's config is equal to the solution's config
                indicator += 1
                print "User is stuck at move: ", moveCounter  #this will be the current move the user is at
                while arrayOfStacks.size() != 0: # while not the end of arrayOfStacks
                    correctMovesStack.push(arrayOfStacks.dequeue())  # add the moves to correctMovesStack
                    if correctMovesStack.size() == 3: # if 3 stacks have been dequeued
                        print "Step:", moveCounter , correctMovesStack.data # display the step number plus the correct move to take
                        moveCounter+=1 # increase move by 1
                        while correctMovesStack.size() != 0: # if correct moves stack isn't empty
                            correctMovesStack.pop() # empty the stack
                while tempStack.size() != 0: # check if tempStack is empty
                    tempStack.pop()  # empty tempStack so that it can be used for the next loop
            tempStack.push(arrayOfStacks.dequeue()) #dequeue from arrayOfStacks for a total of 3 times and push it to tempStack
            tempStack.push(arrayOfStacks.dequeue()) #dequeue from arrayOfStacks for a total of 3 times and push it to tempStack
        loopCounter +=1 # increase loop counter by 1
    if indicator == 0:
        moveWith3Towers(noOfDisks, stackA, stackC, stackB, count)
    print indicator



编写一个递归过程moveDisks(最大大小,targetPeg)移动所有大小 maxSize到挂钩目标挂钩, 像这样:

  1. 找到最大的磁盘m这样m.size and m is not on 目标挂钩。如果没有这样的磁盘,则返回,因为所有大小maxSize已经在正确的地方了。

  2. Let 来源挂钩成为钉子m目前是,并且让otherPeg成为那个不是的钉子来源挂钩 or 目标挂钩.

  3. Call moveDisks(m.size-1, otherPeg)递归地将较小的磁盘移开。

  4. Move m from 来源挂钩 to 目标挂钩.

  5. Call moveDisks(m.size-1, targetPeg)递归地将较小的磁盘放在它们所属的位置。


# Solve Towers of Hanoi from arbitrary position
# diskPostions -- the current peg for each disk (0, 1, or 2) in decreasing
#                 order of size.  This will be modified
# largestToMove -- move this one and all smaller disks
# targetPeg -- target peg for disks to move
def moveDisks(diskPositions, largestToMove, targetPeg):
    for badDisk in range(largestToMove, len(diskPositions)):

        currentPeg = diskPositions[badDisk]         
        if currentPeg != targetPeg:
            #found the largest disk on the wrong peg

            #sum of the peg numbers is 3, so to find the other one...
            otherPeg = 3 - targetPeg - currentPeg

            #before we can move badDisk, we have get the smaller ones out of the way
            moveDisks(diskPositions, badDisk+1, otherPeg)

            print "Move ", badDisk, " from ", currentPeg, " to ", targetPeg

            #now we can put the smaller ones in the right place
            moveDisks(diskPositions, badDisk+1, targetPeg)



> moveDisks([2,1,0,2], 0, 2)
Move  3  from  2  to  0
Move  1  from  1  to  2
Move  3  from  0  to  1
Move  2  from  0  to  2
Move  3  from  1  to  2

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