如何在不使用 GlobalKey.currentState 的情况下平滑更新 Flutter AnimatedList?


我发现的将项目插入 Flutter AnimatedList 的所有示例都利用 GlobalKey.currentState 告诉 AnimatedList 小部件已插入项目。从列表中删除也是如此。

众所周知,在 Flutter 中 GlobalKey 的 currentState 可能为 null。

就我而言,我正在等待 Firebase 消息的发送。当消息看起来被插入到 AnimatedList 的列表数据中时,如果遵循 AnimatedList 所示的流行示例,则将使用分配的 GlobalKey.currentState 告诉 AnimatedList 新项目插入的位置。

但是,就我而言,当我尝试使用它时,GlobalKey.currentState 为空。

否则我还能用什么?我知道我可以使用 setState,但这会导致完整的小部件刷新,在这种情况下,它显示为屏幕上的闪烁,而不是所需的 AnimatedList 插入,这是很好且平滑的。

许多人都避免使用 InheritedWidget,但我无法理解如果这是正确的技术,在这种情况下将如何实现它。

// NOTE:  This is close to real code, but consider it pseudocode since it is a cut and paste from the real code less quite a bit of extra  stuff I have in there.  It certainly will not compile but it is representative of the issue.

class Conversation extends StatefulWidget {
  Conversation({Key key, @required this.cid, this.notificationsHub}) : super(key: key);

  // A bit of a hack here, but my Firebase cloud messages come through this object
  MyNotificationsHub notificationsHub;

  // a conversation id 
  final int cid;

  ConversationState createState() => ConversationState(cid: this.cid, notificationsHub: notificationsHub);


class ConversationState extends State<Conversation> 
    with MyNotificationsListener {
       ConversationState({Key key, @required this.cid, this.notificationsHub}); // : super(key: key);

MyNotificationsHub notificationsHub;

List<ConversationFeed> feed = List();

// The GlobalKey keeps track of the visible state of the list items
// while they are being animated.
final GlobalKey<AnimatedListState> _listKey = GlobalKey();


initState() {

// This is where the issue occurs, when a Firebase message comes in and I attempt to use the GlobalKey the currentState component is null
void receiveAlert ( MyNotificationItem alert ){
  int insertIndex=0;

  feed.insert(insertIndex, new ConversationFeed( alert ) );

  //******* Issue below, null currentState *******
  //******* Issue above, null currentState *******


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("Conversation")),

          new AnimatedList(

            // Give the Animated list the global key
            key: _listKey,

            initialItemCount: feed.length,

            itemBuilder: (context, index, animation) {
            return ListTile(
                title: Text ( feed[index].getMessageContentsString() );


/// 更新:

我尝试使用 AnimatedList.of(context) 方法和 Builder 来解决这个问题。我按照以下方式尝试过:

// Declared an instance variable of BuildContext in my class definition

BuildContext acontext;

// in the Builder call I assigned it in the following manner:

body: Builder(
            builder: (BuildContext zcontext) { 
              acontext = zcontext ;
              return ( AnimatedList (....) ); }

// & inside my receiveAlert method I used it in the following manner:

void receiveAlert ( MyNotificationItem alert ){


使用不包含 AnimatedList.of() 的上下文调用 动画列表。

我确信 Flutter 团队已经提供了一种触发 Widget 树外部更新的方法,我只是不确定如何实现它。也许我的技术不正确。


if(animatedListKey.currentState != null)


您可以在此处查看我的教程中的代码:https://github.com/Morthor/flutter_todo_app_talk/blob/youtube_animatedList/lib/main.dart https://github.com/Morthor/flutter_todo_app_talk/blob/youtube_animatedList/lib/main.dart


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